Hey everyone,
Over the next couple of weeks, we’ll be keeping an eye on the power level of Demon Hunter. Our goal is to make changes when necessary in order to get Demon Hunter to where we believe it should be. Today, we’ll be applying the following balance updates to a few Demon Hunter cards in a server-side patch (meaning you won’t have to download anything):
- Skull of Gul’dan – Mana cost increased from 5 to 6.
- Imprisoned Antaen – Mana cost increased from 5 to 6.
- Eye Beam – Outcast Mana cost increased from 0 to 1.
- Aldrachi Warblades – Durability decreased from 3 to 2.
We wanted to get these changes out the door today, and in doing so you will only see the new stats for these cards—displayed in both red and green—in matches, not in your Collection. The red and green numbers will return to white and the cards will be updated in your Collection with a data-only patch that we’re expecting to deploy before the end of the day tomorrow.
For Arena, we’re making changes today that will see Demon Hunter class card offering rates decreased until we’re able to properly address the class with more accurate micro-adjustments in a future patch. The following cards have had their offering rates reduced in Arena:
- Chaos Nova
- Coilfang Warlord
- Command the Illidari
- Flamereaper
- Furious Felfin
- Glaivebound Adept
- Illidari Felblade
- Immolation Aura
- Metamorphosis
- Netherwalker
- Nethrandamus
- Priestess of Fury
- Skull of Gul’dan
- Twin Slice
- Umberwing
4/8 Update: A full Arcane Dust refund will be issued for both regular (100 Dust) and golden (800 Dust) copies of Skull of Gul’dan and Imprisoned Antaen, as well as golden Eye Beam (1600 Dust).
Could you sticky those please? The info on the stats only being reflected in game will be hard to find otherwise.
Hahaha, finally! 20 characters. Not enough. but a start
Wtf why would you butcher aldrachi warblades??? There was no reason to put it on the chopping block.
Okay this is good news. It’s a start. I still believe it will dominate…
Now players will feel okay to play other classes. Get more value for their money and time spent on this game.
We are beta testers.
Priestess is still way too good, for one.
Definetly not enough… but it’s a start.
Let’s aim for “a nerf a day to keep the DH away!”
Demon Hunter has killed my desire to test against it, out of the box was unplayable against. Break in standard for me until Bilzzard figures out a balanced game.
Also coilfang warlord not even being considered for nerf? 8 mana 9/5 rush leaving 5/9 taunt?
LOL you sould have never released the class to begin with but the fast action is apreciated
Not enough, gonna need another round.
Because the amount of healing DH gets out of Aldrachi Warblades is obscenely good.
Any ETA on when its coming out tonight? I’d like to squeeze out as many easy wins on DH as possible, working towards portrait 
So… if we crafted these in Golden would we get refunds… 
Ok but that’s the point of the weapon, it helps you trade into stuff without taking much damage. I hardly see heal for 6 with 2/3 weapon as problematic. Reducing the durability is just a bad nerf. Id rather it take a hit to its cost by 1 mana than nerf durability.
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Do the teams design every card in a vacuum? With no context? Are the testers really unskilled at the game and unable to catch OP mechanics during months of creation? I don’t get it
youre missing out on the 1 mana minions and definitely priestess for now
maybe a change to skull mana cost decrease instead but maybe this will help