Eyebeam cost not correct?

Image here:
https ://imgur.com/a/S3axRjm
Obviously in an outcast position, but only reduced to 1?

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You’re right, Surg: Extra Mana Cost (DUE TO NERF!)

Guess I wasn’t keeping track of patch notes. It’s kind of confusing when they want to instantly balance without changing card text?

Well also the giant pop-up at log in that happens to let you know… but maybe you played through the update and didn’t get it until the next sign in.

I was playing before they did the data update, it was only a server side update first, so all card text + the pop up was not in the game yet. Meanwhile, in game the mana costs were changed

I encountered the eyebeam cost bug / oversight and it actually cost me the game cause I wasn’t expecting it lol.

There is no way this is intended. If you draw eye-beam with skull of Guldan you want to make sure you DON’T play it as an outcast or it will cost 1 instead of zero. There is nothing intuitive or sensible about that. I’ll be really surprised if this isn’t fixed.

outcast changes the cost of eye beam. 3->1, or in your situation 0->1


its so funny when all cards with text “costs (1)” act one way, but eyebeam act super different. and blizzard dont even bother to rewrite text. pitiful game design