Demon Hunter Obnoxiously Overtuned

Respectfully disagree here. Playing DH forced me to manage my cards better. So many combo variables. The fun will last until next monthly patch, I suppose.

Oh what? You actually preordered the packs? On what ground did you think you would get the game you wanted from preordering without knowing how the experience would turn? Or did you fall for the free legend, and 90 packs, and other perks that came with it?

You made the bet and seems like you think you’ve lost. There’s no going back now.

The priestess of pain or whatever, that deals 6 damage at the end of the turn, is busted. The interaction with Kael’thas Sunstrider and the zero cost cards. Is also unacceptable. Give me a break hearthstone. Give us all a break.

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Since this new rotation, the game feels more akin to classic roll out in terms of balance. Post Classic, the game has been plagued with imbalance in card design, mechanic, and expansion interactions.

Demon Hunter is new. It’ll take time to get use to the class. After playing several matches against them (lost more then I won), I’d say that the class has:

  1. Better play flow;
  2. Better card draw;
  3. and in terms of the premade that I have and played against, designed for for burst damage and zoo

It’s nothing new. Some cards are strong/OP, but if Blizzard gave away a free DH deck with some legendaries, don’t complain about them if you have access to them. Take time to breath and adapt to the changing game play. When the next expansion comes out, there’ll be complaints about that too.

Sure, they charged you for a broken experience, but in a few months you can pay them again for another busted experience. I don’t get why people are upset.

Blizz needs to make the mighty $$$, what do you expect?

If DH was weak, peeps would hate the class and not bother with it.


I’m not playing ranked games anymore until they tune the DH to be a little more balanced. It’s so OP right now that every noob in the world is playing that class and killing.

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Well now you can play the over tuned class lol , I hope they introduce 5 more classes equal to this one and overall that will make things more balanced and fun for everyone , whether they pay or not. Plus the ability to loan our deck to our friends who do not have the coin.

It would be a nice gesture during this whole quarantine COVID-19 Pandemic. People over all just want a place to go to release stress and have fun and its hard for me to believe for one instant that the staff and admins of this game are not aware of that. Perhaps we should give them a little more credit and hope … me included. js

Be careful when using that legendary that summons the triple 1/3 minions. An opponent tried playing that when I had five minions already. The legendary was stuck at 2/3, and I was laughing.

Blizzard what is this?? I play demon hunter and my guldan in collection cost 5 mana but in game 6 mana… no patches note nothing… how you can change card and not inform anyone about the changes??? it is totally not professional… as I lost ranked games as I did not know that you change it cards so thiese games should be roll back and I should get back my ranking.

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They released patch notes in the forum of the smash changes they made. Pretty abrupt, but with some players having golden DH (think about that: 500 wins) in less than 48 of being live, it was out of control.

to all you cry-babies - create a paladin libram deck. it will cut thru the DH like it is not even there…

For the people who are gonna fall victim to this, he’s trolling. Pure Paladin has the lowest winrate of all against DH.

I must be special then?

I’m convinced the paladin decks have been refined enough yet, but I think libram paladin is very slow at what it does. You have to wait for the creature to die to pass on the +1/+1, you have to discount the mana through playing an understated minion to do that, you have to hope its not silenced.

The game lacks enough resources in other classes to make this at all interesting or
fair. 15/16 games vs Demon Hunter. Every card full of synergy and obvious superiority. What did they do to the other classes to off set or balance this?
Your crappy guy gets 1/1 and you can give another crappy guy 1/1 again. Or if you want to play a card that is good, make your deck full of bad cards so that you can get a handful of more unplayable unrelated garbage to fight the incoming crap that is not only bigger than yours deals 4 damage on hitting the table. Its totally
the worst balance i have ever seen in any card game and I personally wont
play this crap long.

Had I preordered anything I would be pretty frustrated. luckily I haven’t and it will be easier to walk away. Ladder and Casual is ruined and you want 25 bucks to have a fair chance in Battlegrounds, well done. Take care.

I have to add my opinion on demon hunter in the hopes that they get nerfed again. Even after one nerf they still have the current highest win-rate decks and quite frankly every time I lose to a demon hunter it feels terrible as it feels like there is no counter play.
In my opinion these 3 cards need some attention; Twin slice, Metamorphosis and Skull of Gul’dan.
The problem with twin slice is the generation of “second slice” which offers too much value for a 0 cost card, it is effective removal early game, a strong combo with Warglaives of Azzinoth and a great activator for Battlefiend, Satyr Overseer, Altruis the Outcast and Glaivebound Adept.
Metamorphosis is deemed to be balanced because it costs 5 mana to play and you can’t play both the hero powers on the same turn. My problem with this card is because of demon hunter’s powerful early game which may see you below 20 HP on turn 3, this card will then add 10 points of unavoidable damage for a total of 7 mana.
In my opinion Skull of Gul’dan is too impactful because of its 3 mana reduction effect. In my games demon hunters play most of their hand and then refill it with one card. The 3 mana reduction means they don’t lose tempo and they gain value because of having 3 more cards drawn. The fact that the card has outcast seems to have relatively little effect and does not balance it in my opinion.
If any one of these cards needs to be nerfed it is probably Twin Slice, I say this because of its very high mulligan (62.4%), drawn (60.1%) and played (62.1%) winrate which suggests that the card is too strong. This data is from the Tempo Demon Hunter from Hsreplay .net, this seems to be the most popular demon hunter.

It just got nerfed again.