30.2 Known Issues

30.2 is now live, with Battlegrounds Season 8: Trinkets & Travels! We hope you find
the perfect knick-knacks to remember your stay here.

Here are some bugs we’re tracking with this patch:

  • [Resolved] [Progression] All players who were unable to claim their free Golden Pack from the shop should now received their pack.

  • [Resolved] [Arena] Arena has been temporarily shut down as we work on resolving a bug with card generation pools. Arena is now open again (you may need to logout and log back in to get access).

  • [Resolved] [Battlegrounds] The team is working on a bug fix to an issue where all players can sometimes have a turn skipped and their Trinket for the turn auto-selected.

  • [Battlegrounds] When tripling an “All” type minion with Elemental of Surprise, the Golden version loses its “All” type and becomes just an elemental.

  • [Battlegrounds] Colorful compass can offer a version for a minion type not in the game if it’s your most common type (because of “All” minions).

  • [Resolved] [Battlegrounds] Twin Sky Lanterns doesn’t work the first turn you have it.

  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating a report that Sandbox Scoundrel returned to your hand and replayed may not always generate the Mini Sandbox Scoundrel. This bug may also be causing an issue where Forging a card from Spirit of the Badland’s Mirage makes it lose the Mirage effect.

  • [Resolved] [Progression] The team is looking into reports of quests not progressing properly. Player reports indicate this is a visual-only bug that is resolved by logging out and logging back in.

  • [Resolved] [Progression] The next freebie gift is now live in the shop! You have one week to claim it. Similar to the previous issue, players are reporting they aren’t seeing it after claiming it. The team is investigating, but it seems that restarting the client resolves this issue.

  • [Resolved] [Battlegrounds] Nether Pendants aren’t stacking (so only one effect applies if you have two). Conversely, Peacebloom candles are stacking when they shouldn’t (meaning they progress at the same time and you, again, only get one activation).

  • [Added 8/21] [Battlegrounds] The team is investigating various visual issues with the teammate view in Duos, like issues during Trinket selection and Discover options.

  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] The Miniaturize bug above also means that returning The Replicator-inator to your deck causes it to not give the Miniaturized or Gigantified versions.

  • [Resolved] [Heroic Tavern Brawl] A small number of players (72 total worldwide) faced a player in the Heroic Tavern Brawl who started games with a hero card as their hero. That player was quickly found and banned. Players who faced this player have now received a 1000 Gold refund for that run–just in time to get another run in before the Heroic Tavern Brawl is gone.

  • [Added 8/29] [Hearthstone] Magister’s Apprentice got caught up in the Sorcerer’s Apprentice changes and now also can’t go below 1. The team is looking into getting her a better mentor.

  • [Resolved] [Progression] Speaking of issues with apprenticeships, the team is investigating reports that some players are unable to progress the apprentice track.

  • [Added 9/3] [Progression] The text of the “Spectate a Game or Bounty” was not updated to reflect that it no longer completes from spectating a Bounty.

  • [Added 9/3] [Battlegrounds] The teams is looking into “All” type minions sometimes not triggering effects based on playing a minion of a particular type, like Recycling Wraith.

  • [Added 9/3] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that Mirage (Spirit of the Badlands) and Fortune (Narain Soothfancy) sometimes generate cards that can’t be played. Some reports are indicating that this problem may be tied to when they transform into a card that generates another card.

Battlegrounds Pool Updates (Updated 9/5)

  • The pool is nice and warm.

Other Actions

  • [Added 8/21] Players who improperly got Demolition Renovator in their end-of-season rewards last season have now been granted 400 Dust to make up for that missing Epic reward.

Watch this post for more updates throughout the patch.


In duos you can’t see you partner’s discover options through the portal.
You can’t see your partner’s gold through the portal.

The trinket that gives a minion of a particular type is displayed wrong for your partner.

Souvenir Stand trinket simply doesn’t work, we only played duos so maybe it’s duos specific but idk.


I just updated the app on Android. In my first game after updating (standard match), I noticed that “Sprit of the Badlands” (Paladin) was giving me a Mirage (as it should).

However, the Mirage (which is supposed to be permanent in my hand) was not remaining in my hand when I played minions via the Mirage card(s).


So will there be any compensation for lost games while arena was bugged?


Even after the hotfix, Runes of Darkness is not giving any cards to discover in arena


I played 2 games in a row and those didn’t give me any exp points
Actualization: They appear after restarting the game

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When picking Souvenir Stand as the lesser trinket in battlegrounds, when you pick Glowing Gauntlet, it becomes a copy but it doesn’t apply the +7/+7 for the copy.

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My daily and weekly quests aren’t updating unless I restart the game every time.


Exact same thing than the last post : after hearthstone classic standard games, the quests are not updating ! It’s like I haven’t played a game at all !


The victory counter for the hero does not increase until you restart the game.

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Hello , i can’t open the shop since 3 extensions and i have all do for try to clear the problem ( redownload the game , restart my phone … ). Also , i can only to play in arena but no buy a pack , miniset or cosmetique ( i don’t know why ? ) . Finally , i have only one phone to play and don’t have a computer , i’m on android

Can you help me please ?
Thank for your future answer

I have the same problem. My daily and weekly quests don’t progress, except if I quit the game and restart it. I have to restart the game after each game, and the progression appears only after restarting the game, it’s quite annoying. Could Blizzard developpers solve this problem, please ? It’s quite annoying…


I also am having a problem accessing the shop. When I open it, it tells me that I have been disconnected but I can still work offline. All other parts of Hearthstone work as expected. I tried reinstalling battle.net, scanning and repair Hearthstone, logging out and back, and restarting and updating my pc but nothing changed. The error log for the shop from hearthstone.log is below:

I 10:29:34.0267737 [GameNetLogger] ReconnectMgr.IsReconnectAllowed() - Checking Fatal Error Reason: BNET_NETWORK_SPAM
W 10:29:34.0684235 [Downloader] GameDownloadManager: GetModuleState is accessed when module states is not initialized!
W 10:29:34.0684235 [Downloader] GameDownloadManager: GetModuleState is accessed when module states is not initialized!
E 10:29:59.8760772 [BattleNet] [Network] Network.OnFatalBnetError() - error=[event=Games_OnClientRequest error=3014 ERROR_RPC_QUOTA_EXCEEDED]
E 10:29:59.8760772 [GameNetLogger] Network.OnFatalBnetError() - error=[event=Games_OnClientRequest error=3014 ERROR_RPC_QUOTA_EXCEEDED]
E 10:29:59.8760772 Error.AddFatal() - message=You were disconnected from the Blizzard service for sending too many requests too quickly. Please relaunch Hearthstone to reconnect.
I 10:29:59.8760772 [GameNetLogger] ReconnectMgr.IsReconnectAllowed() - Checking Fatal Error Reason: BNET_NETWORK_SPAM
I 10:29:59.8760772 Hiding notification HelpTooltip_Tutorial because something else is being shown.
W 10:30:00.3307237 CardBackManager SetDeckCardBack(): cardBack is null!
W 10:30:00.7131254 [Downloader] GameDownloadManager: GetModuleState is accessed when module states is not initialized!
W 10:30:00.7131254 [Downloader] GameDownloadManager: GetModuleState is accessed when module states is not initialized!
E 10:30:01.2811300 [BattleNet] [Network] Network.OnFatalBnetError() - error=[event=Games_OnClientRequest error=3014 ERROR_RPC_QUOTA_EXCEEDED]
E 10:30:01.2811300 [GameNetLogger] Network.OnFatalBnetError() - error=[event=Games_OnClientRequest error=3014 ERROR_RPC_QUOTA_EXCEEDED]
E 10:30:01.2811300 Error.AddFatal() - message=You were disconnected from the Blizzard service for sending too many requests too quickly. Please relaunch Hearthstone to reconnect.

My daily and weekly quests aren’t progressing after my games since the patch.

I have two of the quest that are “play 3 games as x, x, or x” both of them have Rouge as one of the options and I played 2 Rogue games in a row and neither of those quests progressed at all. Can this be fixed? I don’t like getting those quests in the first place I feel like they’re dumb compared to the more generic missions, but then for them to not even work either like wtf
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my quests are not updating or completing

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Blood Golem Sticker:
There is no consistency in how the golems are spawning.
I’ve had Quillboars with gems on them not spawn a golem even (and especially) when they were the first ones to die that fight. I can’t recall perfectly if that was always the case when the bug happened, but it might have to do with the board being full when the Quill dies, and the trinket trying to spawn it before the Quill frees a spot?

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Blood Golem Sticker:

My experience with this trinket’s bugs are:

  1. The trinket effect is “Whenever” so the golem tries to summon as the creature is dying, which requires an empty board space to summon. If the golem doesn’t summon, a charge is still expended
  2. The summoned golem always has the stats of the first-to-die blood gem stats (may or may not be a quilboar, did not have an opportunity to test)
  3. The golem seemed to summon when any minion died after the initial quilboar died,

E.g. A Bristling Buffoon died with 28/48 in blood gems and a 28/48 golem was summoned into the 7th minion slot before the Bristling Buffoon cleared the board. Then a Prophet of the Boar (no minion type) with no blood gems died and summoned a blood golem with 28/48 stats. If the board is full, no golem is summoned and one of the 3 uses per combat is expended.

Narain Soothfancy is not counting as a legendary for the first part of the ‘Fortune Favors the Gold’ achievement.