Apprentice Track not Progressing, NO It's not a Visual Bug

30.2 Known Issues thread notes that reports indicate that the quest/xp progression bug is just a visual bug. However for me and many other players who have just started playing hearthstone and are on the apprentice track experience a different bug. I have won more than 5 matches with the starter mage deck in standard mode but I still haven’t even got the second reward on the apprentice track. I have restarted the game many times. Logged out and logged back in. Reinstalled the game. Installed the game on a new PC. Installed the game on a mobile device. Nothing changed, still can’t progress the track.

It seems that not only can I not gain experience on apprentince track but I also gain no experience to level up my classes. I have won multiple games with starter hunter deck but it gained no experience. On the mage class the XP bar is full and it has number 3 on it. But after winning 5 matches nothing changed.


I’m experiencing the exact same issue with Hearthstone’s progression system as described. I’m currently on the Apprentice track, and despite winning more than 5 matches with the starter mage deck in standard mode, I haven’t progressed past the first reward. Additionally, I’m not gaining any XP for my classes; I’ve tried with the starter hunter deck as well, but my XP bar remains unchanged.

I’ve tried a range of troubleshooting steps, including restarting the game, logging in and out, reinstalling on multiple devices, and even switching to a new PC and mobile device. None of these steps have resolved the issue, and my XP bar still shows that it’s full but hasn’t updated after multiple victories.

Given the persistence of this problem despite extensive troubleshooting, I’m reaching out for urgent assistance. Could you please investigate and resolve this as soon as possible? Any guidance or solution you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Same here the only difference is that for Europe region there is not bugged for me, only in the American region it’s frozen and I cannot progress…Haven’t checked Asia yet.

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The bug is now added to the known issues thread and as far as I know it is currently is being worked on by blizzard devs. I hope it makes it to next patch.


i am in asia not working


As a new f2p player this bug has been crippling…i am having all same issues and have also tried all mentioned fixes.

I was really wxcitrd about being able to get sone progress done this evening as wife and kiddos were preoccupied. This bug has derailed that.

Happy to hear they are at least working on it!

The same problem in the Russian region.

Hopefully this will be fixed soon:


This patch didn’t fix anything !
Same problem here… I win matches but no xp… It is unreal…


This problem was not part of the last patch. Hopefully it will be fixed with the next one.

Same problem here, do we know when next patch will come ?

Having the exact issue, GB EU servers

This might have already been mentioned, but the part of the apprenticeship progression that is messed up for me is the All in Quest. I’ve completed it multiple times with Shaman and Hunter, but it won’t mark as complete so I can continue. Can provide screen shot if necessary.

A patch will release today which will fix this problem.

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Nice today, its hilarious that i cant progress the game for more than a week which i started to play.