30.2 Known Issues

When is the hearthstone client gonna stop freezing in the middle of battleground games? Freezes, skips the fight and reconnects you 15 seconds later or so. Truly anoying

I claimed the free golden pack but it never appeared for me to open

Spirit of the Badlands is bugged. The permanent mirage card you are supposed to get vanishes from hand after the first minion is played from it.


The client has become unstable with multiple crashes.

Minion-counting quests like ‘Play N murlocs’ aren’t progressing at all even after client restart. However, ‘Play N spells’ are progressing.

That’s even weirder.

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I have 3 quests, one of them “Draw 30 cards” daily quest, “Play 1 game” event quest, and “Play 10 Hearthstone ranked games” weekly quest. None of them progressed after playing 2 DK in ranked.


Just had a 4 second turn in battlegrounds after having to sit there and watch a Monstrous Macaw / gold baron / and leap frog animation. please do anything about any or all of the above mentioned cards.

After the phantom pack, the gold pack never arrived
It will be known when it will come as today is the last day of nerfs, exactly 2 weeks have passed.

I just lost my Mirage from Spirit of the Badlands when playing a copy of Living Horizon…


I have seen issues watching a couple Arena streams that when a Miniaturize or Gigantify card is returned to hand and played again (With effects like Youthful Brewmaster, or even Kologarn) it is not creating a new giant or mini when being played the second time.

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A experiência adquirida após finalizar uma partida não está mais aparecendo.

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yeah but you have to restart the client every time you’d like to see how much you’ve progressed quests or xp you’ve gotten. it’s really annoying. one restart doesn’t resolve it. it’s every time you want progress to show up.


Still no recognition of the issue with the shop forcing a disconnect for me and several other users. It may be useful to know that all the users I know of who encounter this issue are using Hearthstone Access. I also tried accessing the shop from EU but that did not work either so it’s obviously some client problem. I also tried accessing the shop after doing a full scan and repair of the client without Hearthstone Access, and it had the same issue. I am out of ideas now, but this is a serious issue.

received golden pack. Yesterday claimed new paradise pack as free and it disappeared.

That’s what happens when you are so greedy while we get dusts and buggy pack and China will receive all cards golden and legendary bundles in next month.


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Golden Pack still not working for me. Also not showing up in the shop to reclaim again.

The quest progression bug is still happening.
Quests appear to have counted correctly when I quit/return, but I cannot confirm that I received the XP from my completed daily.


Slamma Sticker (Greater Trinket) doesn’t work for consecutive summons when you have Feral Talisman (Greater Trinket) in play as well, or might just be bugged even without the latter one. For example: If you have Manasaber (Tier 1) and you summon the 2 units from the deathrattle, it only buffs the first minion correctly, but is way off for the second one; seems to negate other buffs and just double the Feral Talisman’s buff. Minions in play: Macaw, Goldrinn, Savior, reborned Manasaber, Titus. (in order)

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i just now faced this issue as well… very confusing and annoying

I am also having the issue of quests not updating until I log out and back in.

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[Mercenaries Mode] latest patch broke rewards from completing bounties. When a bounty is finished the animation plays but no coins/rewards from the chest appear and tasks do not progress.

On game close and reopen they then all appear on the entry screen, and the bug persists for the next bounty