RAIDS or other content like PVP?

I’ve been on the Diablo forums for years. Diablo 3 forums were where people would talk about Diablo before the D4 forums.

From my experience, I cannot remember posts about “RAID” content being popular at all. Nor many ever being posted. I’m talking like years go by and you might see 1 or 2 and they would be inundated with replies saying “my one wish is that I can play all of D4 solo”.

So why is Blizzard now talking about this?

If I were given the job of relaying feedback to Blizzard the last thing I would think about is “RAID” content or forced group pve.

I think a lot of people are excited about Diablo because they have left mmos behind, given up the addiction or perhaps like myself, don’t enjoy the guild and group aspects of taking on high level content. Mainly because I find mythic raiding guilds in wow to be toxic and cringe, racist, misogynistic, bullies, exploiting every broken class or system they can and having zero respect for new players they think are below them and couldn’t possibly keep up with their skill level. Now in Diablo I have a chance to prove myself to be at the highest level of play, without having to rely on or socialise with others. I will admit I’m not the best at socialising either but this is often why I am treated badly by others in group situations.

The other things that surprises me about devs talking about “RAIDS” is one of the few times I’ve heard it brought up was the recent beta with media influencers. So does any and all feedback from streamers go straight on to the drawing board?

If it were my job to relay feedback from the forums to Blizzard this wouldn’t even be a bullet point at the bottom of my list.

Harder dungeons/mobs/bosses, class balance, 6 skill slots not being enough, better skill tree with more puzzles to solve, and pvp is what I hope the devs would talk about.

People have been asking for decent pvp for years. Recently Rod Ferguson shut down a question about esports saying they have no plans for it. This was kind of discouraging he didn’t at least say what most devs do which is “you never know what players will do with the game”.

There is a dedicated and passionate pvp community in wow that have played for decades like Stoopzz and Xaryu. And there was a push to try and make wow pvp an esport. People really care about pvp.

Stoopzz is already making D4 content :+1:

DI was a mobile port and a bad game without all the controversy imo. Not deserving of being in the Diablo franchise as I think Diablo should be a ground breaking game like we are seeing now. But one of the main pieces of good feedback from this game is a lot of people liked the pvp if it wasn’t for the whales.

So why are Blizzard coming at us with “we might add forced group pve and copy Lost Ark mmo style and make RAIDS”.

Please talk about pvp instead. Maybe an Invasion mode for 1v1s 2v2s 3v3s etc which we don’t get in fields of hatred really. Or Arena? Or Battlegrounds? Or more extraction type game modes? And ways of keeping these modes fair with balance and not having rmt or p2w in the game like being able to trade gold.

I just really don’t understand talking about RAIDS before the myriad of other issues and content people want.

If I’m being honest the map seems a bit small to me when you consider what we explored was 1/5 of the total map. If you compare this to wow vanilla, wow was way bigger and felt like a real world. Although I will say the artwork we saw for the final map which is much larger than what we’ll get to explore when the game launches, does look very satisfying size if they end up extending the map out that far and adding new areas.

But yeah basically I would rather so many other things were being talked about by devs and added to the game over something I’ve seen outright asked not to be put in the game for many years.

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Raids are cool. Optional content for those with a multiplayer focus. They will be a long time coming, I assume, since no work has been done on them yet.

PvP has its own area - which is cool. You want a battle arena like WOW? I guess but I don’t think its a top priority… I’d rather them focus on fleshing out the game systems we currently have and balancing first.

The map seems fine - it’s huge. Way bigger than Diablo’s of old. Plus dungeons? Plus a rumored Hell map underneath? I’m thinking I’ll get my monies worth and be satisfied just with what I’ve glimpsed at in the beta so far. Anything more is a cherry on top paid for by the suckers who buy cosmetics.

Raids are the last thing Diablo needs over so many other things.

How about Battlegrounds which people have asked for for years instead of forced group pve.

Or arena.

Like honestly screw raids I don’t want to play with other people really the best experience I had during beta was solo. Then your build actually felt like you had to use it. The balance of the mobs and how they attacked all made sense. All that game design made sense. Instead of being in a group and constantly trying to chase down any mob I can hit before it dies. Group is so much fun…

Like people complain about the difficulty for certain classes. But the game has a built in feature that allows you to dominate the content if you’re having trouble. 2 under geared any class can absolutely destroy content in D4 why are classes being buffed instead of nerfed? It’s not like Barb and Druid couldn’t get through the content they absolutely could. This is a great encouragement to group up! Sorcs and Necros should be nerfed not Barbs and Druids buffed.

Pretty sure the comment in question was whether people could form a clan raid for world bosses. I don’t think we’ll ever get something like Lost Ark which I am thankful for.

Honestly, some 8 or 12 man content would be sorta cool. If it could be PUG’d. I wouldn’t say the LAST thing Diablo needs.

I’m not hugely focused on PVP for D4, I’ll give it a go, though I’m not as young as used to be and my hands can’t take hardcore stuff any more so that content is less important to me these days.

Necro easy mode for me!

Personally I’d put raid content before battlegrounds or arenas since there is a PVP zone already in the game.

Obviously this is why you say focus on raid then. Why gatekeep content from people that are capable of it? Do we not exist?

Raid content is completely against everything Diablo and ARPGs have been for years.

Pvp is completely in line with what Diablo has been about especially if you’re trying to return to the dark roots of Diablo 2.

Pvp is far more important.

There is a PVP zone. In the game. Already. Right?

That seems to be a good start.

I used to be hardcore PVP so I would def try out an Arena or Battlegrounds if its added but it doesn’t seem like the type of content the game is focused on. Technically there is already “raid” content in the game too, the world bosses. It just isn’t supported by the game system to group that many people together.

So if it is just a matter of adding a game UI system to make larger groups for a world boss, that seems like easy content to add. Low hanging fruit sort of thing.

This is just a fraction of posts I can find about PVP when you search “PVP” on the D4 forums. Go ahead and search “RAIDS”. Posts with RAID in the titles stop about 5 or so posts down. The argument that RAIDs are more important to D4 players than PVP is absurd.

No forced group content.

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They haven’t talked about “raid content.” What they talked about is allowing clans to be able to do the already existing world bosses together and things like that.

Diablo doesnt revolve around just you. Yes, many people would like PVP content. Just like many people would like raid content.

The world is never going to be as big as WoW. WoW is an MMO from the ground up. Diablo is an aRPG with some MMO features from the ground up. Mostly those MMO features are just a slightly shared world, trading, and some small world bosses.

This is an oxymoron.

How so? Would you like me to broaden the statement?

Your post is basically “I dont like raids so don’t add it” “There are people like me that like PVP so add that.” There are also people that would like raids.

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So how am I talking about something that revolves around just me when there are tons of people that want pvp?

Your own statement contradicts itself.

Go ahead and search RAID on the forums you can see it’s a far, far less popular topic than pvp.

The evidence speaks for itself.

Im not going to argue about this all day with you. The fact is that the developers haven’t talked about adding raids. Your post is nothing more than “I dont like raids so don’t add them.”
There are people that like PVP and would like to see that. It exists in game. There are also people that would like raids. They kind of do exist in game in the form of world bosses. There just currently isnt a way for more than 4 of a clan to do them together which is all that was really discussed.


Lol. 20 charactersss

only its not. you need to look up the definition of “you” “many” and “oxymoron”


Yeah Dusty, this is abit of an L on your half. I understand what youre saying. But you sound like a spoiled kid not getting what he wants. “I DONT WANT RAIDS”. ITS ALREADY IN THE GAME. the only thing missing is an increased party size. which takes ZERO balancing and effort to achieve. PvP isnt being worked on (as much as we want it to) BECAUSE ITS HARD. Its the hardest thing they will face in this game. having to figure out a whole separate balancing system when they already have a shiiiiiiiit ton of pve balancing to do, is gonna take quite a long time of collecting data from players come release

PVP is more important that raid content. I just want the devs to realise this. And hope they see posts like this.

youre the only one freaking out about raids lmfao

60 likes literally at the top of the forums right now OP was 2 days ago lol sure thing bud