RAIDS or other content like PVP?

I think you’ll be very disappointed in what PVP is like at launch. Now, this is one of those things that may improve in time. If PVP is generating enough in game interest to where they think they can profit off of throwing dev resources that way, then that’s what they’ll do. That really goes for all of the activities.

They should be expecting a big interest in PVP with all the posts about it.

I am very glad they put it in the game.

I still remember this video from 2 years ago. Probably the most we heard about PVP to this day.

This got me so excited about D4. I knew if they developed this well Diablo 4 could become my perfect game.

Like all the pve players I love every other aspect of the game. Solo play and dungeons. Gearing up. A rich open world you can kinda rp in. But it never feels complete to me without a robust pvp system.

I might play a few times. But it’s not something I’ll sink thousands of hours into. I feel like I’ll be waiting another 10-20 years for another game to come close to this…

Blizzard are the only company that ever did this well with wow pvp. I really hope they can bring that magic here too as no other game has come along in decades to provide this experience.

I know it’s not easy but I pray Blizzard try. Like they said in the video, some people love it and some people hate it. This has always gone against pvp. We have a lot of “haters”.

That’s why I’ve always felt you have to be vocal about it and keep reminding Blizz pvp is something a lot of players love. With millions coming to play D4 the pvp community is going to be bigger than ever.

I really hope Blizz set some resources aside for pvp players. We’ve waited a really long time. There’s been a lot of good pve games over the years but not so much pve/pvp. Nothing that I’ve ever played and really enjoyed like vanilla wow pvp server days. I miss it so very much :heart: