I think it would be really cool idea to do a sort of FFA style dungeon and I think Diablo 4 would be a great opportunity to implement this idea.
It would be much the same as any other dungeon except that it would also include other teams that are against you, and will in fact be able to kill you. There are numerous ways to accomplish this - a race to boss/chest, an elimination where the last person/group left standing gets the chest, possible prisoner’s dilemma-like scenarios against an uber boss that isn’t possible as a single person/group but killing opponents means more rewards for you.
Ideally it would a World Event, similar to a World Boss as it would allow for prepping of the instances that would be created. Not necessary, but I think it would be easier. Also, I would like these to be higher risk, higher reward scenarios that wouldn’t be chain-fired by heavy grinders. It would devalue the event in general.
Hardcore: I realize that hardcore wouldn’t really work with this type of scenario, but I don’t think PvP is hardcore’s main attraction anyway. Still, maybe people incapacitated instead of dead? I dunno, just throwing out ideas.
I just want a 1v1v1v1 scenario that has some loot/stuff at the end and I would be pretty happy. I think the Diablo 4 landscape of half ARPG/half MMO lends itself very well to this style of content.
Isn’t this very easy to rectify if you have people start in different locations? I have no idea what game Aion is, but it sounds like it was just in the open world. I mentioned that the spawn for the location to get to the dungeon would be open world, but the actual design of the dungeon itself would be up to the D4 team. If the groups are split and only meet at certain intersections, I don’t see how this would be possible.
But I do agree, having someone kill you from behind would be kind of dumb.
Only if there’s an opt in feature. I’ll just opt out until the server dies. No way do I want to be distracted by other players when I’m hunting for loot.
As others have said: players will be greedy and simply wait in the shadows to ambush you when you are occupied doing something else. It is what happens in ALL other pvp events, games, and places. People are ugly that way.
The PvPvE was both an open world section AND an instance.
In this instance two groups of opposing players started at different locations and had to compete to earn the most points. They earned points by killing mobs and killing the players on the opposing team. Since players would have to wait to be respawned AND would have travel time to get back, gibbing the opposing team when they engaged an elite pack of mobs ensured a sure victory which would then allow the team to kill the mobs themselves with impunity. This was the only viable way to play the instance.
I think a lot of people are not understanding that this is instanced content meaning it would be you and whomever else spawns in with you. To my knowledge, each Dungeon you enter in D4 is specifically for you and your party. This would include other people in it as well.
As others have mentioned, it would be opt in only content. Not every dungeon, and probably even most dungeons. Personally I would rather it was one or two specific Dungeons that were called out specifically like a World Boss. Where entering the Dungeon at that time would put you into a specific instance of the dungeon with other players for loot. I think this pretty important for dungeon design as that is a massive factor on how players will likely meet other players and thus kill eachother. This does not lend itself well to all dungeons, but rather very carefully crafted ones.