Thorns will be too OP in PvP - serious issue, need balacning

There has to be some high penalty for thorns damage in PvP if the scaling on higher levels stays even remotely close to what it is now, otherwise it will be the only playable PvP build. It’s ridiculous how much damage it does for a completely passive ability.

With my barb, I have just two items giving me thorns and maxed the passives, and I am doing like 2 times more damage from one thorn hit than from my basic attack (lunging strike). With challenging shout, it goes up to 4-5 times more damage.

Given that most character abilities are consisted of multiple smaller hits, you will get far more damage returned than what your abilities hit for. That’s totally broken for PvP unless its damage is reduced to like 10% of what it does to monsters, like it was done with thorns and iron maiden in D2.

none of us have tried pvp. some stats in the stat page say they are reduced in pvp. if it is op I’m sure they will nerf it. no game nails balancing perfectly out of the gate.

we can’t really give feedback if it’s op. we haven’t tried it. or anything pvp related

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I agree, but this thing is very obvious IMO. If all damage in PvP will be scaled down, the ratio between thorns damage / ability damage will remain. For example the limit of critical damage to 100% for PvP even plays in favor of the thorns, as those cannot crit anyway afaik.

And from what I have tested, getting hit multiple time from one single attack will also proc the thorns multiple times.

Imagine for example the sorcerer basic attack ‘spark’, doing 8% damage multiple times, each proccing thorns that are doing more than 100% damage for each hit even with my sub-optimal setup. And it’s the same with most other abilities, they hit multiple times for smaller amounts of damage.

Make thorns do 1% of their damage in PVP.

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Don’t start this ****. Blizzard shouldn’t balance ANY skills around PvE unless they can do it separately from PvE.


Did I say anything about changing it in PvE ? Learn to read.
What am I proposing is to reduce it’s damage for PvP, like for example the critical damage is limited here to +100%. There is already mechanic making stats work differently for PvP and thorns needs to be included in that, by reducing the damage to like 10% (and will be still pretty strong at 10%)

It doesn’t matter what you say, it matters what they do.

I might be wrong but id imagine it would be countered via armour. I.e. thorns may give 100% damage in the form of physical damage. However your armour reduces physical damage by 75% plus any other passive skills/legendaries or other skill items etc.

Until we all get to do PvP its all theory and we dont know how thorns will work and what it will get mitigated by until we do.

Please dont ask for a nerf until we can test everything first and see how things perform and if its broken after people have tested it etc then ask for it to be reduced.

ARPG PvP has never even risen to a high enough level to be considered a meme. You should expect absolutely nothing from it.

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I have 14k+. I was curious how it would work in pvp. Going to check it out now. Helltide isn’t too bad.

You have 1 post and you chose to necro a thread from March. Good job.

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That’s an easy fix, just tone it down for PvP with an asterisk in the skill tree telling the player this.

Or if damage in a general needs a nerf then leave thorns alone for now and see how it performs with the lowered PvP damage numbers 1st.

Nerf everyone, everything lol. After thorn, it’s Rogue poison DoT, druid perma unstoppable, sorc infinite freeze. Nerf them all.

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noone cares about pvp, so what i have to say is that thorns needs to be increased. i cannot fast run nm100 compared to other classes with thorns, so needs to be buffed by 40-50% i would say to become marginally competitive.

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There are some very good thorn builds in D3. It literally is childs play.

I’ve seen 1 good Thorns players. FIX THE DAMN ROGUE DOTS…

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