PvP only server option

Is this possible in the future? Would anyone like this? Everyone in my group would personally love this decision or some sort of it. We enjoy the added danger of players to encounter who can possibly be hostile, or the challenge of clearing out a camper, etc.


Def would love a pvp only server


dear god PLEASE, i need a pvp server.

im so sick of pve only players crying about pvp players enjoying a game.

PLEASE let us pvp without pve players ruining it for us


100000% I would love this. Wouldn’t even need to be a different server either imo. This could literally just be an opt in system that you can only enable/disable in the major city for each zone, similar to New World. And when you have it enabled, you’re put into a PvP only phase of the world with all the other PvP enabled players. When you turn it off, you’re back to PvE phase. Fields of Hatred should remain forced PvP though, even on the PvE phase of the world, because that’s intended to be the PvP only hotspot where you can farm that PvP exclusive material (red dust or something?).

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Can you explain what you mean by PvP only? If I take it literally I think it sounds a little odd. I mean, PvP ONLY? Like no PvE at all? No mobs? You level up by farming other players?

Do you mean an open PvP server where you can attack other players anywhere anytime, but there’re still PvE elements? That I’m down for.

yes, thats what he means.

Would LOVE to have PvP server. But will there even be different servers to pick up? Atleast in beta there wasnt or was it because it was beta?

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Technically, similar to flag for PvP games. But more of…when you load the game you CHOOSE a PvP-opt in only server with every single element of mobs/dungeons still in the game. The only “safe zones” would be the town hubs. OR even just give us the option to flag-on at all times, just like WoW does. Heck, anything at this point.

I’d play a pvp-always-on server.

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In most games I would too, but this is going to be a 1 shot fest. I like the idea of a PvP zone for this game.

That server would likely be the most popular server, which is why it will never be done. Most of the population would go there, and that would result in a lot of crying carebears.

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Only if it’s a hardcore server :smiling_imp:

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I think the option would be nice but it’d be best for yall to accept that pvp will be an afterthought in this game.

Probably, but this is where it all starts. The idea needs to be out there.

Do you know how much fun that would actually be? haha

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Yes to this please. The carebears can play at their own servers.

Edit: Plus a PVP servers will be free of botting.

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