Here is a full mechanical test of the all the new affixes and the changes (mainly bugs) that need to be addressed from my PoV:
Squirt’s Necklace:
- Gains a stack each 1 seconds.
- Each stack should give 10% damage, -5% DR
- Starts stacking after two seconds of last occuring damage taken instance.
- Only damage instances with a proc-coefficient != 0 reset the stacks.
- Fully dynamic. Not snapshottable.
- It’s always -5% DR.
- Change: This a bug. The penalty is not stacking upwards with each stack to 50%.
- DPS works. Fully separate multiplier.
- Note: Necromancer %life cost abilities do no reset stacks.
- Does not have an icon
- Change: Please add Icon.
The Executioner:
- Does not work on Follower (that’s okay).
- Works exactly the same way as Frailty; executing a target below threshold for IEEE 754 32-Bit Float MAX.
- Doesn’t work with MFD.
Echoing Fury:
- Does not work with assists.
- Change: Either work on assists or on a per-hit basis.
- Does work on Follower.
- Get a stack for each kill up to 5. Each stack gives +0.15 Attacks Per Second (legacy) and 5% Movement speed.
- Change: Adapt text description to incorporate mechanics.
- Does not have an Icon.
- Change: Please add Icon.
- Actually legacy “0.75 Attacks per Second” modifier and not the common “Increased Attacks per Second%” modifier.
- Change: I consider this a bug. Ask for non-legacy %IAS increase.
- Too strong for dual wielding? Applies to both weapons at the same time.
- Pet kills don’t work for Echoing Fury.
- Change: I consider this a bug. Pet’s should trigger EF.
Flavor of Time:
- Buffs the entire group if and only if the “Clicker” has it equipped and if the Pylons are “Power, Channeling, Speed”.
- Change: I consider this a bug. Everyone wearing FoT should get the buff regardless of what players clicks a Pylon.
- Note: Personally (just sVr thoughts): Scary, because it might limit future design space of new GRs orrescaled content. Flavor of Time might be the only way in the future to actually kill elites with Conduit.
Stone Gauntlets:
- Affix description is a flavor text.
- Change: Adapt text description to incorporate mechanics.
- If you gain the stacks, while being CC IMMUNE and afterwards dropping CC IMMUNITY, you don’t get the movement speed debuff.
- Change: I consider this a bug. Debuff should be dynamic to CC IMMUNITY. When the IMMUNITY drops all penalties should apply.
- The attack speed debuff pierces CC IMMUNITY.
- Change: I consider this a bug. APS debuff is soft-CC (reads so in gameguide) and hence should’nt pierce CC IMMUNITY. Worthwhile noting that this bug has an XOR-relation to the previous bug. You either fix this one or the previous one, not both. It has to be consistent one way.
- Actually gives 50% Armor per stack up to 250%. %Armor is additive to Paragon, Potion, Prophet, etc.
- Note: If properly fixed, Sone Gauntlets are actually a VERY NICE mitigation choice and will beat St. Archew’s by a large margin once the CC IMMUNITY inconsistences are fixed.
Messerschmidt’s Reaver:
- Does not work with pets.
- Does not work with assists.
- Change: Ask for it to work with assists. This seems too much of a restriction.
- Picks one ability to reduce cooldown for one second.
- Does not have an ICD.
Captain Crimson’s:
- Damage amp is “overall CDR” in DIBS category.
- CDR/RCR snapshots on Potion Usage, Area Switch, Character Revive.
- Especially the RCR snapshot with Triume’s RCR-Circle is busted.
- Change: I consider this a bug with exploitive capabilities. This is needs fixing ASAP for obvious reasons.
- Pride’s Fall dynamic RCR does not work at all with RCR mitigation.
Cain’s Set:
- Doesn’t work if you are in town. Doesn’t work if you idle at the start of the rift. You have to be within 1-2 screens of RG kill.
- Question: If 4 keys drop natively, can you get more than 5? (is the dice rolled individually for each key, since keys don’t drop in a stack).
The most pressing issue from my PoV is the Crimson’s snapshotting mechanic, which needs immediate attention. Furthermore, Squirt’s Necklace only yields a -5% penalty instead of the 50%. Overall I was pleasantly surprised with the power level of Stone Gauntlet - it’s an insanely strong item and is likely to dethrone St. Archew’s for LoN variants where perma-CC-immunity (or immunity during stack gain) is apparent. When reading the Patchnotes I was certain Stone Gauntlets was more of a niche item for non-self-attacking Thorns or Reflect (Ivory Tower) builds; turns out it’s way more viable than I thought.