PTR Feedback Notes

Full Mechanics of new Legendary Affixes incl. Bugs and a QoL changes

A thread over in the PTR Feedback Forum with some clarification on how some of the new gear is supposed to work.

Hmm so Squirt’s has a 12 second ramp-up time and instantly resets upon getting hit? Or do you lose 1 stack per hit taken?

If it’s the former, it will be extra important to avoid damage since 10 seconds is a very long time in game time to avoid losing the buff.

Edit: corrected myself to 12 second ramp-up time since it also has a warm-up time of 2 seconds without being hit before getting even ONE stack! I think the Molten Wildebeast’s Gizzard is starting to look more attractive.

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It would be nice to get a “Squirts is working the way we intend” post from the Blues so we can go back and really try to shake it our during the PTR.

You lose the whole buff when you get hit.