There was a PC patch on Friday that added in a queue visual onto the game while we started queueing players during high traffic windows.
We noted that consoles would have this within a week. It’s looking like it will be the first half once it gets through all the first party certifications. As of now, console is kind of flying blind and it unfortunately is leading to timeouts for users which knocks them into offline. There are moments where players are getting in as we have a team around the clock turning on the faucets for console players to feed online but they are difficult windows before the timeouts.
This weekend has led to an even more massive increase in players connecting into one specific region and is thus causing players to move to other regions and create queues there. Again, we have a team on this 24/7 and calls going on 24/7 as they work on troubleshooting and keeping things going with the databases.
It’s not ideal. I know as even I have had difficulty playing myself and I’m hoping we can have a further update for you all here soon. Again, apologies on this everyone.