PC players can play, but not console players. Nice Priority Blizzard

If selling a game with bugs is “defrauding” then we’d have to sue the entire industry going back to the beginning of video games. And then we wouldn’t have video games.

All games have bugs, some of them are big and some of them are not. There is NEVER a guarantee that your game will be a bug free experience. No one has EVER made that promise, because they can’t. If you can’t accept that there might be a bug in that game you just bought, then you shouldn’t buy them, because they are flawed products produced by flawed human beings. Nobody is perfect and sometimes things don’t go the way you plan.

You don’t know what the word “defrauding” means if you think you’re being defrauded. You’re implying a knowledge that these things were going to happen that simply doesn’t exist. Defrauding would be “we knew there was going to be a game breaking problem triggered by more people than we could possibly have imagined wsanting to play our game, and we sold it anyway just so we could screw them over.” This is not defrauding anyone because they didn’t know this was going to happen.

I don’t believe that, and I don’t really think you do either. They did not plan for this- They could not have provided the explanation that they did if this was some kind of scheme. There was no intent to cause any harm or frustration. Defrauding requires intent.

(I’m so glad I’m not part of the entitlement generation…)

This is not something being written by someone who wants to scam you. Put down your megaphone, calm down, find another game to play over the rest of th e weekend, come back when this patch hits on probably monday or tuesday, and just relax. The BBB won’t help you, you won’t win a “defrauding” lawsuit, this is a post written by someone acting in GOOD FAITH.

Clearly in spite of the people here crying REFUND! LAWSUIT! , the game continues its unprecedented popularity. Just take your chill pills and give them a chance to fix the <insert your favorite 4 letter word here> game.

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