I would rather have the preLegion no scaling non squish world back, but since I can’t have that then I’d prefer leveling to be quick since the world is trash now
(Leveling is quick Kaurmine?)
I would rather have the preLegion no scaling non squish world back, but since I can’t have that then I’d prefer leveling to be quick since the world is trash now
(Leveling is quick Kaurmine?)
lmfao this company is so tone deaf oh my god hey Blizzard i know you are big on metrics so here’s whats going to happen instead of my leveling my alts. i’m not going to level any of them instead. took 1 month to fix shards being eaten, 12 hours to fix exp giving too much. Don’t want people leveling too fast because then their level 60 boost that they’ll start offering next patch sure will be worth a lot less huh? I’m so glad this company is getting the backlash and reality check is so sorely…
I couldn’t care less if it was a bug, it was literally the only reason I logged into my alts and started levelling them. And looking around at the comments everywhere, I was not the only one. It actually gives players a reason to play alts, or play at all, because the SL levelling experience is quite bad. Doesn’t matter how fast they let us level in SL, once you have done the Maw intro enough times, you just don’t want to do it again, and this was a change of pace to let us get our nth alt up t…
I was playing characters I hadn’t played all expansion. I was playing the game more than I have been over the past few weeks. I’m just a little bit confused as to why Blizzard would want to make that change when it entices people to play alts they haven’t played in a while to get them leveled quickly. Things like this cause people to play the game. They’re not running Timewalking because it’s fun. They’re running it because it’s efficient. If you lower the efficiency, you lower the amount of p…
I think everyone beside people that are totally into leveling agrees that Shadowlands leveling is the most boring since Vanilla. First off I think Chromie Timeline is a scuffed design. I had my route that I loved doing before Chromie and I was going in all zones and expansions, now I’m forced to level only in 1 zone all the way otherwise I have to do the introduction questline to each and every expansions I want to go in. The only reason Chromie Timeline is fun is to farm old mounts that you co…
I get why they had to fix it. A bug like that would become expected, and you don’t always know what other areas of your game it might affect until you look into it. That doesn’t change that I feel they made a mistake in fixing it as they did. Blizz absolutely needs a player feedback win now more than ever & this buff they stumbled into was bringing it to them. They would have been better served to find the source of the bug, mention to the players that you would fix it before Wrath Timewalking, …
" * Fixed an issue where an incorrect amount of experience was being awarded when completing a timewalking dungeon" Yeah, you just killed my desire to level alts now. You won’t let us skip the maw, and you won’t let us get an actual good way to level alts at all. Nevermind the FACT even if people were leveling too fast, they’d still need to do SL questline campaign if it was first toon doing it. i already had 6 level 60s on this realm and some in other before i stopped due to how repetitive it …
With the game’s current design: Quickly
If the story was actually well written and had better presentation, then I wouldn’t mind leveling slowly. Unfortunately, every quest is just a text dump where dozens of lines of text are stuffed into a single window. Then all the cutscenes are either cinematics which clash with the game’s graphics or they’re just NPC’s standing around with text bubbles over their head as a badly-acted recording plays. It doesn’t help that the cutscenes and dialogue are all unpausable, so you need to give your full attention to the game the entire time or you’ll miss out on what little story there is. If they’re going to try a story-heavy expansion again, they need to invest in writers and in an actual dialogue system to break the walls of text into short, easily-digestible snippets.
I only level alts if the overall content is fun. Slow leveling, fast leveling, whatever, but the rest of the content needs to be fun and I need to be connected to the storyline.
They burnt the tree and I immediately lost interest in everything. None of my characters, Horde or Alliance, fit with any scenario concerning that or the crap that’s since followed. I don’t care about the stupid HvA war, I don’t care about some death plane and their stupid Eternals who are absolute morons.
I leveled over 30 alts in Legion to max. In BfA, I had three max level characters. In Shadowlands, I have two, one I don’t even play.
Wow! I kinda just blow past those - especially if there’s fifty million replies - always just looks like a high drama thread to avoid. Didn’t mean to inadvertently create another one.
Story!!! With option for a faster level process with alts.
I’d be happy for the end game only type players being able to skip leveling altogether. But, I love long chain quests and story that connects to each area.
It’s the answer to your question, though: People want to level quickly.
If they’re going to try a story-heavy expansion again, they need to invest in writers …
You had me at:
story in game with books to get a better appreciation of things. Cataclysm was like that. The in game path was on rails, but the quality of outside material, especially from Christie Golden, and Richard Knaak kept me riveted to the story.
I read all of the time- but I don’t think that the best parts of a game world’s writing should be outside of the game!
If the story was different enough I would prefer to level through Story.
For example:
If you look at SWTOR they had separate storylines for each class and those stories could be different if you chose light side or dark side. They also had romance options added for even more divergence.
Oh heavens. So, the option to level faster was taken away from those that wanted it? Is there an emoji for scratching head in confusion.
I prefer Story, and even in BFA I think blizz did a good job of delivering fun leveling with a bit of story in there.
Where blizz missed a step or what they haven’t really ever planned for is when I’m leveling 4th, 5th, 10th alt. And that is absolutely a self inflicted wound, but sue me: I wanna at least casually try most specs in the game, they’re fun.
That’s where things like Korraks or the short-lived tw exp thing come into play, dunno how this could be part of the design though…
It’s the answer to your question, though: People want to level quickly.
I think some do, but not all. I’m also starting to think this is actually the root cause of all the division between players and not understanding what a casual story player, rpg player, pvp player, and highend player need to understand about each other. That might lead to a cohesive voice that might be heard.
when I’m leveling 4th, 5th, 10th alt.
Yikes! People have time to do that!?
And that is absolutely a self inflicted wound, but sue me: I wanna at least casually try most specs in the game, they’re fun.
Lol!!! I can see the attraction though.
Unpopular opinion but make it difficult and challenging like vanilla WoW leveling. You actually had to think and try. Now it’s just a quick brain dead activity. Allow early mounts sure but maintain the pace and difficulty of vanilla WoW.
That’s just Classic.
Yikes! People have time to do that!?
It’s a nasty habit that I picked up in WoD, when there wasn’t anything else for me to do. Then Legion incentivized this with order halls, and well…I’ve been benching toons since BFA, probably for the best, but I still feel the impulse to cap one of everything, you know?
I would rather play through a story that immerses me into an adventure and allows me to fully suspend my disbelief without any effort and just enjoy the world.
An MMORPG, to me, should be an RPG first, and an MMO second. It should be about the RPG, about the story, and the world, and your journey through it, with friends you meet in-game or bring with your from the real world.
If people only want to do the dungeons and raids and PvP that’s fine and that should be an option for them… but the main focus of an MMORPG, for me, should be about immersing you in the world.
If you complete a story in an MMORPG and your first thought is about the XP you got, or your character level then the Story Writers and Game Designers have failed in my opinion.
You should end the story thinking about what you just experienced, about the story and how it made you feel and what your character should be doing next, and then be pleasantly surprised at your level or experience at the end of that story.
Depends, if there is scaling where I get weaker as I level the faster the better because that is not fun. But If I progress in power as I level, gain new abilities a nice long good story would be awesome.
WoD is the only time I leveled alts. Those alts are still mostly at the cap of WoD.
I did it because I could spam dungeons and be max level in 6 hours or less.
The second this stopped, I stopped leveling alts.
Answer: Definitely quicker.
but I still feel the impulse to cap one of everything, you know?
Well, with two of mine…maybe a third /grin