Would you rather level quickly or through story?

I don’t want to level period. Blizzard has removed any positivity to leveling and just made it a minor time sink.

I agree. The post Cataclysm world as depicted in game is not at all like the books.

They forget if you start out with 20-30 level 50s…and then go into the expansion you are only leveling 200-300 levels to get all of them to 60. As an example.

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1st time through I do every quest and everything. All the side stuff it don’t matter. I like to get the xpac loremaster and be done with it all.

With alts I just want to have the fastest free’est way to level possible. I’m not trying to sit through the same old story over and over. I skip everything and do w/e is the quick grind.

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The game could actually have both…

Slower leveling through quests and story.
Faster leveling by chain running dungeons/battlegrounds/warfronts/islands/torghast/nextexpansionfeature.

Plus story shouldn’t prevent you from doing end-game stuff… All the power in renown shouldn’t hold people back because of weekly quests. It would help satisfy both groups.

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If the story was good, but it’s fanfic levels of writing.

The Jailer (Who we don’t really know anything about, but don’t worry) got all the Sigils (What we don’t really know anything about, but don’t worry) to open (We don’t really understand how, but don’t worry) the way to the Sepulcher of the First Ones (Which we don’t really know anything about, but don’t worry) to utilize some First Ones technology (Who we don’t know anything about, but don’t worry) to unmake reality (Which doesn’t really mean anything, but don’t worry).


I love story, but the last part is where we get into trouble.

I didn’t realize there were so many threads on this. WoW has four arms of play type they need to keep happy.

Some expansions lean towards couple or the other. I’d prefer the best balance possible. To me that’s what I thought “meaningful choice” and “no more systems” meant. :roll_eyes:

Having a choice is best.

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Plenty of folks enjoy leveling by doing quests and still want it to be efficient and not nails-on-chalkboard slow.

There’s zero reason to slow things down for anyone. You like doing the quests? Great, so do I. We can finish doing the quests at max level.

I don’t know if I would say less than an hour per level is actually slow but… That is from 50-60. It is much faster for lower levels.

I think quests are tied into a good story - and that takes a bit of time. However, having other options to level so the highend can get to their stuff faster should be available.

I alternate between the two. I’ll level a couple quickly and then do another one via the story mode. The goal is to keep things stretched out between my 60’s and leveling ones so I can switch between them and be doing very different things to keep things interesting.

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I guess the reason I asked the question in the first place was because there was such a stark, abrupt and almost disconcerting feeling from BFA to Shadowlands. One end of the spectrum to the other.

I have my two that I tried to alternate and just ended up…well, I’ve had a difficult time understanding the mechanics of Shadowlands and feel like I’m missing story somewhere.

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Yes, this is another issue I have with the game. The story should be portrayed in the game itself. I shouldn’t need to buy books (which will be retconned anyway) to be able to enjoy the plot. Stuff like Calia becoming a lightforged undead should have been explained in the game, but they instead decided to plop her undead body right into the game with no context and make her the new leader of the undead. :face_vomiting:

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Really… I thought that BFA was very “story light” as well. Without the time gates, even the War Campaign is only a couple of hours of play time. The only time there has been an over abundance of stories was in Vanilla. So much to do that you could never possibly get it done before max level.

They need twice or even three times as many quests and stories interlaced throughout every zone. They don’t have to change leveling speed. The developers already separated “Campaign Quests” from “Side Quests” in Shadowlands. Campaign quests should get you to max level for those who like quests but somehow dislike story or taking their time. And they should increase experience in other content for people who don’t like quests at all. Multiple paths up the same hill.

I’ve done and enjoyed both!

I think maybe on characters I make later, it stands to reason I’d be shooting to level quickly though.

Just more story overall would be fine–level however you want.

But please no more poop quests. /facepalm

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I like leveling slowly through content that respects that experience. If the game solely respects the endgame, it best be quick to level.


Quests, story unfold, cut scenes, etc. Arguably most zones are built the way they are to magnify the leveling process.

One of the reasons vanilla was so popular was that getting to max level felt like an accomplishment in and of itself. Now it’s a minor nuisance to get to what’s considered “the real game”. This isn’t a service to the game itself frankly.

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We need to figure a way to do both cleanly. Though both sides have to realize their will be some cross-over points that one or the other won’t like. But, if we all love our game, and respect each other’s gameplay - surely a little dislike for a certain implementation in game along the way is worth it for a good product for everyone?

Dearest community - We are so like this. Lol :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: