Would you rather level quickly or through story?

Basicaly that’s the question.
Wouldn’t it be more fun?

If we got what we wanted with class balance and less systems … ect

Personally I didn’t like leveling up in basically two weeks and the just farming anima. And soul ash

Eventually yes, these things are necessary. I’d just rather longer leveling through story while getting these currencies.


if level is FUN , i am ok if long , as iwanna have good time of it . wanna do alot fun !
if level is no fun , i want fast


Quickly. Seems like every story has already been done and nothing is original anymore.


I’ve played this game since mid-way through BC… I doubt I’ve ever read a single line of quest text.

The story isn’t that important to me


Of course you would! That’s you :wink: Wouldn’t expect anything else. But, also yes, I do agree.

I liked the stories in BFA (despite overarching story) but many didn’t…also enjoyed all the other stories in previous expansions.


Fast, don’t care about it.

If I could pay like $10 to $15 to speed level/boost from 50-60 I would

I’d have about 7 or 8 characters blizz would immediately get cash from me on

Id like to level 1 toon thru the story then alts extremely fast


Can I ask why you play and what’s important to you?

I do enjoy funny quests. There’s one in Cataclysm I think where you steal pillows from dwarves to get revenge. Quests like that cracks me up. Most of the quest text in WoW is actually very funny, especially when goblins are involved. And a good overarching story like in Wrath helps with moving forward as you level up. So I guess story matters to me. But if the story sucks, then fast leveling is better.

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Or at least the option. Some previous experiences in expansions are fun to do just one more time without leveling a whole new character. Which, btw, is kinda messed up now anyway. That level squish and lack of chrome time…

quickly. I want to play end game. No story is really fun anymore. It all feels the same.

I don’t mind the story the first time, after that for the most part I just want to level my alts quickly. Sometimes I leave certain zones or quest lines for later on an alt so I can do the story I enjoyed again.

If the story is good I’m more inclined to do that. I have not been a fan of the Shadowlands quests and storylines though, so the faster the better.


Blizzard should quit delaying and add xp potions to the store.


Story the first time. I’ll even go out of my way to finish the story even if I’m not leveling anymore.

Quickly for alts.


I remember those! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
But, I guess story is so subjective they’d get complaints no matter what.

Heirloom gear that works.

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I thought the heirloom bonus xp system was fine.

But just like waterwalking, apparently it was too OP for the devs. You remember waterwalking, which required an entire mount equipment system, despite the very next xpac having almost no water to walk on.

Good times.


Through story to get the true RPG feel. Wow’s story is missing and shattered in pieces in too many sources and weakly narrated. Character deaths don’t feel impactful in wow whatsoever.

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I would rather have story… The more indepth and engaging the better. I think one of the problems with the game currently is that the RPG has been thrown out and the story is published in novels. All in the pursuit of speed to get to the end game.

On the other hand, I would like to have methods to level alts to the max level as quickly as possible without purchasing boosts.


We’re a tough crowd, that’s for sure. I care more about those small moments doing individual random quests more than the whole overarching story.

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