Timewalking Dungeon EXP nerf

I was playing characters I hadn’t played all expansion. I was playing the game more than I have been over the past few weeks.

I’m just a little bit confused as to why Blizzard would want to make that change when it entices people to play alts they haven’t played in a while to get them leveled quickly.

Things like this cause people to play the game. They’re not running Timewalking because it’s fun. They’re running it because it’s efficient. If you lower the efficiency, you lower the amount of people running it, and you lower the amount of time people spend playing your game.

Please revert the change. I actually enjoyed running dungeons. :heart:


#timeplayed is why.

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I’m not sure you read the entire post. I’ll link the part about time-played. :heart:

If time-played is their goal, they should probably keep it so people want to play it. Right?

I’m not going to play if it’s not fun. Getting 1 level per dungeon is fun. I have more than 1 character to level, as I’m sure other people do too.

If you view it as a “one and done” situation, your hashtag(?) makes more sense. If people only had one character to level, and they got crazy amounts of experience per dungeon, yea, there would be no reason for them to continue playing. I haven’t met anyone who only plays one character in a few years, so I’m just assuming people enjoy variety, which is where alts come into play.


Fun detected, fun removed.


This is the exact reason for the nerf.

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Buff said 50% more experience while Time walking.

I’m in agreement with TW XP nerf, it was TOO MUCH. Power leveling shouldn’t exist every month for 1 week, its ridiculous.


Oh please. TW was an efficient means of leveling, during several expansions. Don’t give me that tripe of “iT wAs ToO mUcH!!”
They nerfed the living hades out of TW, mucked up leveling via dungeons and made things an awful, boring slog.


I honestly quit doing tw. 226 is ok but not worth the horrible grind it is to do 5 of those dungeons.

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I think you might have replied to the wrong thread. I’ve had it bug out where I reply to a different thread than the one I was viewing, and I didn’t mention gear in my post, so that’s why I’m a little bit confused. I’m only talking about experience earned in Timewalking dungeons. :stuck_out_tongue:

However, I do agree. One piece of 226 gear for running five Timewalking dungeons is a lackluster reward. I don’t think that’s the main reason people are running it though, I honestly believe it was the massive experience gains.

… Fun Detected
… Fire the Kotick Cannon!

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this makes me SO angry. I wish I had something constructive to post but wanted to add my name to the list of players disappointed by this decision. its not even that blizzard fixed something that was a bug but just how fast and responsive it was to get hot fixed. you guys had an incorrect tooltip on sinful legendary, which I still want a refund on and you wont give me, and I dont even know if that’s been fixed yet.

Blizzard the level of urgency you have at alienating me from the game and maybe others is deplorable. Literally I had two choices, continuing to level my gunbreaker in FFXIV as I just hit heavensward and having a blast or level my toons in BC my favorite dungeons. I just signed in to do the latter to find you guys hotfixed this problem I had. FFXIV it is.


I would assume it was for time played metrics. When I would figure at this current point in time. They would just be happy with customers just logging in.

The one thing I am pretty unimpressed about. Is that it feels like total discouragement with doing content with other players. Instead I was pretty much resorted to complete isolation and playing solo. Pretty much a theme they kept consistent with the entirety of this expansion.

No big group activities. How exploration of the world was chained in with story for the first time. (I was one of the people that disliked the initial leveling process immensely too.) Kinda would like the world back in this franchise.

What are the other group activities to level in?

PVP - Didn’t receive any updates.

Torghast - Could’ve been a potential hub for this. (Someone else recommended this and I agreed) Yet they hold the rewards hostage. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Let alone try and make it useful for future patches/expansions.

Normal dungeons - Well yes but need to get through an intro everyone is asking for a skip for… still those can get tedious (when it is relevant content) and it’s nice to take a break with timewalking dungeons.

So this leaves the story. Which is pretty much soloable. Yes, some great games can have impactful stories and you might want to run it numerous times. (That is a certain audience…not all) Yet the story this expansion has been so… inconsistent…

Usually the better stories are made for solo player games. (Gaming companies can do both in MMOs but it’s this rare commodity) This isn’t a single player game.

Leveling aside they could’ve made the legendary bow drop in LFR. As legendaries have dropped in there beforehand. Which is overall fun for the community too and promotes participation in group activties.

I wish they didn’t discourage the remaining players. Which it feels like they been doing this since launch of this expansion…

  • WTS boosters filling the Premade Group Finder, clearly breaking TOS.
    don’t even bother taking 5 minutes to ban them

  • Players having a fast, nontedious way to level their alts.


It was a bug, and it was fixed, as it should have been.

Threads of FATE Sucks! Doing the SAME, SLOW Zone Quests for leveling SUCKS for Alts! It is now PAINFUL to level alts. This game is SO UNFRIENDLY to people who play more than a SINGLE toon. That is why sub numbers keep dropping, along with the worst enticing gameplay. I looked forward to TW so I can level my Alts (faster yes) but having to slowly level each toon, AFTER you removed the Heirloom Bonus, you gave us NOTHING to make up for it. It is OBVIOUS that the Dev’s and Management do not play this game outside of a quest here and there, and it is REALLY SHOWING! Give us SOMETHING to INCREASE leveling for ALTS! or at least merge ALL the Servers into 3, PvE, PVP, and RP as it will be needed as SUBS are going to be PATHETICALLY LOW after the truth has been revealed about the company.


Blizzard trade marked 2004-2021


If they did not remove it then it would become the standard and the playerbase would expect same exp amount each Timwalking and probably more later on.

I got a couple runs in with a couple of characters that I in no way intend to run thru SL. This whole week would of been nice though. Ah well.

It wasn’t a bug when we leveled up via TW in past expansions. Notice I said, “expansions”, as in plural. Not just a one time thing. Not just an anniversary gimmick. Multiple times a year, for years.

They can just as easily go right back and unfix that “bug” to make XP gain at a better pace.

If they do that, I will resub all six of my accounts, and get them all up to date for Shadowlands.

See how in the long run it is actually losing them money? They’re doing a slow, dry bleed, rather than engaging in invigorating their player populace and hitting with microtransaction sales when the time is right to maximize off that.

It’s stupid.


It was never this fast, and if wasn’t a bug blizzard wouldn’t have fixed it.

It was not doing this until this Timewalking.

I’m sure you will :roll_eyes: