Please revert the TW experience 'bug'

I couldn’t care less if it was a bug, it was literally the only reason I logged into my alts and started levelling them. And looking around at the comments everywhere, I was not the only one.

It actually gives players a reason to play alts, or play at all, because the SL levelling experience is quite bad. Doesn’t matter how fast they let us level in SL, once you have done the Maw intro enough times, you just don’t want to do it again, and this was a change of pace to let us get our nth alt up to speed, but alas Blizzard seem to not want us to play alts in this ‘alt-friendly expansion’.


I don’t agree that the bug should be outright reverted… But making SL suck less for alts always gets a :heart: from me.


There are multiple avenues for leveling your alternate characters! Did you know that people will still be queueing up for the weekly, so finding a group shouldn’t be that difficult!

Good luck!


I kid you not, I was actually excited to do the maw intro on my alts when I heard about it :cry:

Fun isn’t allowed, as always.


I would be very pleased if they allowed us to set our XP rate anywhere between 0x and 5x on alts. That way, people could choose whatever speed they were comfortable with. Zoomers could zoom. Players who love the story could set it to 0.1x and do every expansion in Chromie time. I would set it to 2.25x myself.

They could even make it into a mini progression system. You start with only 0-1x speed, but each alt you level to max allows you to level all other characters on that account +0.5x speed. As an example, a person with four level 60 characters could set their alts’ xp rates anywhere between 0x and 3x.

I think that there has never been a better time for this idea, with the existence of Chromie time and level scaling. And perhaps your first 60 could let you level to max in Chromie time on all your alts.


Lol you’re funny.


I’m with ActiBlizz on this one… they already squished the leveling and made heirlooms useless. It took me 26 hours via questing to level a toon to 50. That’s not bad, considering it would take me a week to get a toon to 110 or 120.

If you want more experience, there is a PVP vendor in Boralus. If you do the seige of Boralus, you should get the currency needed to buy the potions.

Just buy a boost if you want to level that quickly.


Sure, let me just boost my character to level 60…

You do realise TW only works from 50 right?


with all the time leeching in the game, time gated stuff for cool things such as legendary memories in randomly swapped Torghast wings, holding back the Korthia campaign unless you finish the other campaign, if you change covenant/legendaries due to nerf/buffs they do without giving you a token or something to change the legendary, etc… I think leaving the “bug” active for a weekly event is not something so bad.

It’s a one week event. It’s amazing how many bugs out are out there for months, but oh no, the players are leveling too fast from 50 to 60, quick, fix that!

It seriously looks pitiful on their part.



I took advantage of it when I could before they hotfixed it during raid night.

… and people are defending this decision is what driving some players away. Just because one endured it doesn’t mean others should and be dismissive of their concerns. Kind of spiteful if you ask me.


Tons of comments also made note that this was not normal, and that it should be “taken advantage of” while it was still in. People were very aware that this was a bug, or at the very least unintentional - that it was fixed should be a surprise to exactly no one.

Even just thinking about it rationally, why would it be normal for people to completely skip the new expansion’s level process with just seven or eight dungeon runs?


I really like this idea, actually. They’d have to reset it each expansion, obviously, but by the time you’ve leveled 2-4 characters through a given expansion you’ve obviously experienced the story! Not to mention you have to finish the entire storyline quests in SL to move on to the rest of the expansion anyway, at least once. So rewarding people who’ve put that much effort in already doesn’t seem crazy to me. Perhaps tune it down to .25x or .33x xp per max level so people aren’t whining as much? Cap at x3?

Isn’t it funny how they classify every negative change to the game as bug fixing? Like how exactly did timewalking XP get bugged anyway like it does every expansion?

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There would have to be a cap on that :laughing:

Otherwise eventually a person like me with 130+ characters would have 65x leveling speed which of course what does that mean? Well since it’s so fast then I should make more characters, which what does that mean? More .5x leveling speed which what does that mean? Make more characters!

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That is genuinely terrifying. Meanwhile, I can barely manage to justify farm/camping with the only alts I have that only exist explicitly for that purpose.

That said, I’d love to see the gold making methods possible with that many toons. I can already imagine some absurd stuff.

Now you understand the system!

They optimize the fun out of the game.

Really started noticing it in BfA and it’s only gotten worse.

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When I had posted this, I didn’t realize that the thread was about 50-60. Still, it’s not so bad.

I had no idea what was happening I just accidentally took a warlock from 50-60 in an afternoon so that was cool. Felt great, had no idea why it was so quick but didn’t think it was a bug just a nice little tw week bump or something

While it was a bug, I’m not sure now is the time to fix something like this. It wouldn’t have hurt anything to let go for the week. Then fix after the event was over. And this comes from someone that hadn’t planned on leveling any characters in TW.