Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Welcome to the Unofficial Vulpera Discussion Megathread!

The purpose of this thread is to collect the discussion of Vulpera related topics into one place. It is our hope our showing of love and support for the tiny fox people will one day convince the world of warcraft developers to add them as an allied race.

Previous Threads
I want Vulpera as a Playable Race
We want Vulpera as a Playable Race
MUBNENNY Want Vulpera as a Playable Race
Vulpera Discussion Megathread

All opinions are welcome here, but please keep discussion civil. It is encouraged you participate with open mindedness and thoughtfulness.

What is a Vulpera?
For a better summary than I can post here, check out this wowhead article, but here is a brief overview.

Vulpera are a new desert fox-like race revealed at Blizzcon. They're native to Zandalar, living in a desert wasteland known as Vol’dun. For years, the Zandalari have been sending their criminals to these wastes, to perish in the heat; Vol’dun is seen by the Zandalari as being too harsh for even them to survive in. The Vulpera, while thriving in this envoirnment, however, are not without their own troubles. The Seth’rak have long enslaved the Vulpera, selling them as servants and slaves, as well as ‘farming’ them for food and furs. Living in such an environment they are likely scrappy, mischievous, scavengers. Stealing food and valuables from their masters to aid their families. They also likely have ties to tribalism and shamanism.

Will they be Playable?
Nothing is known for certain at this point but based on all available evidence, the answer is "Probably". A disproportionately large amount of work has been put into the Vulpera models, well beyond anything an NPC race would ever need. However, there has been no official confirmation or denial on whether or not they will eventually become playable, and without said confirmation anything is technically possible. There has been one comment neither confirming or denying by a blizzard employee that is worth posting in its entirety here:
02/06/2018 05:08 PMPosted by Ornyx
As we mentioned when race information for Lightforged Draenei and Void Elves was datamined during development of Patch 7.3, we’ve found that setting up certain races as though they were player characters can be highly advantageous for NPC customization in story content. While those races did become Allied Races later, we still intend to use this approach for non-playable races.

Please don’t take a race being datamined in this way as an indication that it will become playable in the future! :)

"Don't get ahead of yourselves"

Why are they assumed to be playable without confirmation?
This largely comes down to the sheer amount of resources that have been put into the Vulpera models. The vulpera models are either being built to become PCs, or they represent the most effort ever put into an NPC race by a significant margin. A list of their features not common to NPCs follows:

  • Vulpera have both a male and female model
  • Vulpera have an expansive list of customization options that dwarfs any NPC and even many PC races
  • Vulpera faces are rigged with the most modern facial animation technology blizzard has, including animated eyes, and articulated lips and jaws.
  • While both vulpera models appear to be built on top of a modified version of a goblin skeleton, the skeleton has been heavily altered. It now includes an animated tail and digitigrade legs.
  • Vulpera models are drastically different from their goblin donor, including a massive polygon increase.
  • Vulpera are built to wear player armor. While not a feature exclusive to player races, it is very rare. In addition, while most headware does not work in the current beta, their unique legs have had all boots programmed to fit properly.
  • Vulpera have a number of animations that would have no use on an NPC, including but not limited to /train and swimming backwards. While it would make sense for them to have defaults for these animations inherited from the male goblin, these animations have had face and tail animations added that would have required extra work that would have never been seen on an NPC
  • Vulpera have custom cape geometry programmed into their model to prevent their capes from clipping their tails. This is particularly noteworthy because no vulpera NPCs wear capes.

Also there's this great video by MrGM if you'd like a speculation video:

A great video summarizing the potential of a Vulpera allied race has been made! Please find it below:

Polygon Comparison:

Anti-clipping cape articulation:

Slash Train. All aboard the hype train!

What Faction would Vulpera join?
Answer: Horde.

  • Vulpera become friendly with the horde in Vol'dun, with many positive interactions.
  • Being freed slaves and outcasts fit the narrative on which the Horde was Founded. The Island of Misfit Toys. Looking at the outfits, they look more befitting of the horde, with the troll-like shamanism charms.
  • Gameplay wise, it would bring something new and also familiar to the Horde. New due to a small, cute race, but familiar because its going back to the beast races. While they aren’t hulking and monstrous, it doesn’t make them any less of a beast.
  • Story wise, it makes more sense. They are enslaved by (a branch of) the Sethrak and the Horde helps to free them.
  • Datamining has also turned up many flags usually reserved for marking horde characters.
  • The release of 8.1 has brought with it incursions. Both the alliance and horde version of the Vol'dun incursion show the Vulpera being captured and killed by Alliance operatives. Kiro himself also expresses anger that the alliance have killed the Zandalari King.

Is it possible they will be Neutral?
It is very unlikely. The theme of the expansion is all about the Horde and Alliance conflict! There is no room for neutrality. Previously neutral factions are now joining their new families in the Horde/Alliance and becoming playable. Realistically, in times of war, third parties have not done well in history. In wars, the power house sides oft have a “you are either with me or against me mentality”

Supposedly, Blizzard has stated they didn’t like how the Pandaren really came out, and I’ll admit to being annoyed when I am unable to tell if that Panda in the field is a friend or a foe. “Shared” races (Void elf, Nightborne) tend to have significant difference from their counterparts in skin, hair options, and other customization options, it seems likely Blizzard would continue with this trend, given the outcry for High Elves opposed to Void Elves.

The Vulpera, however, are very close regionally, the culture and appearance wouldn’t change all too much.

When will they be Playable?
That information is currently unknown.

8.1.5 brought live the last allied races that are officially confirmed. What the next allied races are, or when they will be has no official word. The March 21st Q&A specifically mentioned no new allied races are planned for 8.2, and may have implied none are even planned for 8.2.5. While the progress of the vulpera model would seem to signify they are planned for the next round of allied races, it is currently unknown when the release will be.

I don't want vulpera to be playable
Many people are not as enthused about Vulpera as we are, and we respect their opinions (most of them anyway) but here are some common concerns and the usual response made to those concerns.

"I don't want Vulpera when the work could go into X"
Rebuttal: While X may or may not be a very popular potential feature, this argument is moot. The work on the vulpera models is nearly finished, and the time is already spent.

"Vulpera are too cute to be in a game as serious as WoW"
Rebuttal: WoW has always been a game that balances serious storytelling with lighthearted humour. You need only look at the number of quests to sort through poop to see WoW is not always taking itself terribly seriously. BFA is looking to be a very serious story, to maintain the balance that is WoW, things like the Vulpera are needed to ease up the tension.

"Ew Furries"
Vulpera appeal to more than just furries
Furries don't hurt anybody anyway.

Closing Comments
This thread will be updated with any major news regarding Vulpera, however you are welcome to join the discord server or follow us on twitter to stay privy to all the latest information

Credit goes to the Vulpera Hype Caravan for much of the work in this thread.

Breaking News Section! Updated April 18th
8.2 has hit the ptr and with it, 6 allied races and also the vulpera have been given a beerfest icon! I'm not saying you should read into this, but I'm not not saying it.
Another thread about the foxes?

I’ll repeat my suggestion for the Suramar Zoo....
04/30/2018 08:43 AMPosted by Edelodin

Fake! Undead don't sleep,
1 Like
04/30/2018 08:44 AMPosted by Menard
Another thread about the foxes?

I’ll repeat my suggestion for the Suramar Zoo....

Well, hopefully the last thread about the foxes. I'll try to avoid posting new ones and just try to keep this one updated.
1 Like
Isn’t there another mega thread of this?...
Full support. Bring them to the Horde.

We could use some cute murder hobos to balance out all the sexy races we have.
Dude, go outside.
They should really consider limiting every account to three posts in GD a day, so these sort of threads don't fill up quickly with the same people saying the same thing over and over again, just so they can quick-cap the thread, start Thread X+1, and go "oh, look at how popular this thread is! We filled it up in just a few hours!"
04/30/2018 08:47 AMPosted by Tserana
Full support. Bring them to the Horde.

We could use some cute murder hobos to balance out all the sexy races we have.

Sexy race.... just nightfallen.
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04/30/2018 08:47 AMPosted by Agrus
Isn’t there another mega thread of this?...

Surprisingly, no.
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04/30/2018 08:49 AMPosted by Menard
04/30/2018 08:47 AMPosted by Tserana
Full support. Bring them to the Horde.

We could use some cute murder hobos to balance out all the sexy races we have.

Sexy race.... just nightfallen.

Nah, orcs, trolls, even tauren have a sexyness to them that us elves lack.

I mean, not everyone wants to be with a supermodel. Some people like the strong, or the lanky. Everyone has different things they're attracted to!
04/30/2018 08:47 AMPosted by Agrus
Isn’t there another mega thread of this?...

I don't have time to keep up with it while also keeping up with running the discord.
1 Like
04/30/2018 08:47 AMPosted by Agrus
Isn’t there another mega thread of this?...

How dare there potentially be more than one Vulpera thread

Don't mind the 57215 High Elf threads after they've already been denied, though
The only way I'd support Vulpera is if they came with a "hide race" option that made them appear as a race already in the game instead to all who check it. I absolutely loathe the idea of a cutesy anime race running around in this game. I don't want to see them. I don't want to be reminded of them. I don't want to group with them. I hate them. It's not about not wanting other people to have something they enjoy, I just don't want it to come at the cost of my own enjoyment, and seeing Vulpera all over the place would absolutely negatively impact my own enjoyment.
04/30/2018 08:48 AMPosted by Kikk
They should really consider limiting every account to three posts in GD a day, so these sort of threads don't fill up quickly with the same people saying the same thing over and over again, just so they can quick-cap the thread, start Thread X+1, and go "oh, look at how popular this thread is! We filled it up in just a few hours!"

Are you sure you're in the right thread? This is a vulpera thread, all thhe High elf ones are over there... and there.... and there.....
04/30/2018 08:51 AMPosted by Stylo
The only way I'd support Vulpera is if they came with a "hide race" option that made them appear as a race already in the game instead to all who check it. I absolutely loathe the idea of a cutesy anime race running around in this game. I don't want to see them. I don't want to be reminded of them. I don't want to group with them. I hate them. It's not about not wanting other people to have something they enjoy, I just don't want it to come at the cost of my own enjoyment, and seeing Vulpera all over the place would absolutely negatively impact my own enjoyment.

Anime fox people look like this:

Western fox people look like this:

It's pretty clear which are more similar to vulpera. So if you're going to make fun of them, at least call them DISNEY fox people.
I’ll be able to make a more informed choice once I play BfA. Idk if they’re worthy of being my ally or if they’ll be a leech on the horde.
1 Like
04/30/2018 08:52 AMPosted by Emmilia
Are you sure you're in the right thread? This is a vulpera thread, all thhe High elf ones are over there... and there.... and there.....

Still on page 1 and we already have three (edit: four) comments from the OP... I think we both see where this is going to go.

I'm going to practice what I preach, though, and get out of this thread. Have fun finding overlong ways to say "I would like Vulpera as a playable race" infinity x2 times.
04/30/2018 08:57 AMPosted by Menard
I’ll be able to make a more informed choice once I play BfA. Idk if they’re worthy of being my ally or if they’ll be a leech on the horde.

That's fair.

04/30/2018 08:58 AMPosted by Kikk
Still on page 1 and we already have three (edit: four) comments from the OP... I think we both see where this is going to go.

I'm going to practice what I preach, though, and get out of this thread. Have fun finding overlong ways to say "I would like Vulpera as a playable race" infinity x2 times.

I don't think anybody on this forum is going to be surprised I chat up these threads.
04/30/2018 08:51 AMPosted by Stylo
The only way I'd support Vulpera is if they came with a "hide race" option that made them appear as a race already in the game instead to all who check it. I absolutely loathe the idea of a cutesy anime race running around in this game. I don't want to see them. I don't want to be reminded of them. I don't want to group with them. I hate them. It's not about not wanting other people to have something they enjoy, I just don't want it to come at the cost of my own enjoyment, and seeing Vulpera all over the place would absolutely negatively impact my own enjoyment.

My man, I'm don't care for the Vulpera either but you're being pretty melodramatic.