Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

04/30/2018 08:57 AMPosted by Eevee
04/30/2018 08:51 AMPosted by Stylo
The only way I'd support Vulpera is if they came with a "hide race" option that made them appear as a race already in the game instead to all who check it. I absolutely loathe the idea of a cutesy anime race running around in this game. I don't want to see them. I don't want to be reminded of them. I don't want to group with them. I hate them. It's not about not wanting other people to have something they enjoy, I just don't want it to come at the cost of my own enjoyment, and seeing Vulpera all over the place would absolutely negatively impact my own enjoyment.

Anime fox people look like this:

Western fox people look like this:

It's pretty clear which are more similar to vulpera. So if you're going to make fun of them, at least call them DISNEY fox people.
Disney fox people then. The rest of my point remains unchanged.
04/30/2018 08:58 AMPosted by Kikk
04/30/2018 08:52 AMPosted by Emmilia
Are you sure you're in the right thread? This is a vulpera thread, all thhe High elf ones are over there... and there.... and there.....

Still on page 1 and we already have three (edit: four) comments from the OP... I think we both see where this is going to go.

I'm going to practice what I preach, though, and get out of this thread. Have fun finding overlong ways to say "I would like Vulpera as a playable race" infinity x2 times.

Because an OP isn't allowed to respond to comments on their thread?

You have a strange idea of a dialogue, my friend.
04/30/2018 08:57 AMPosted by Eevee
04/30/2018 08:51 AMPosted by Stylo
The only way I'd support Vulpera is if they came with a "hide race" option that made them appear as a race already in the game instead to all who check it. I absolutely loathe the idea of a cutesy anime race running around in this game. I don't want to see them. I don't want to be reminded of them. I don't want to group with them. I hate them. It's not about not wanting other people to have something they enjoy, I just don't want it to come at the cost of my own enjoyment, and seeing Vulpera all over the place would absolutely negatively impact my own enjoyment.

Anime fox people look like this:

Western fox people look like this:

It's pretty clear which are more similar to vulpera. So if you're going to make fun of them, at least call them DISNEY fox people.

Kistune race when?
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Stop this madness!!!
04/30/2018 08:57 AMPosted by Menard
I’ll be able to make a more informed choice once I play BfA. Idk if they’re worthy of being my ally or if they’ll be a leech on the horde.
I doubt they'd leech off the Horde seeing as the Horde saves their lives.
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04/30/2018 08:59 AMPosted by Narterenn
04/30/2018 08:51 AMPosted by Stylo
The only way I'd support Vulpera is if they came with a "hide race" option that made them appear as a race already in the game instead to all who check it. I absolutely loathe the idea of a cutesy anime race running around in this game. I don't want to see them. I don't want to be reminded of them. I don't want to group with them. I hate them. It's not about not wanting other people to have something they enjoy, I just don't want it to come at the cost of my own enjoyment, and seeing Vulpera all over the place would absolutely negatively impact my own enjoyment.

My man, I'm don't care for the Vulpera either but you're being pretty melodramatic.
I'm as passionate about this as others are about the high elf issue. Vulpera would ruin the game for me, and I don't want the game I've played for over a decade to be ruined for me just so people can play a damn Zootopia race.
04/30/2018 09:01 AMPosted by Stylo
Disney fox people then. The rest of my point remains unchanged.

You appear to be making the argument that Vulpera do not fit the established Aesthetic of the game, and to be fair, that's a valid topic to discuss. It's important that the tone of a world be maintained or it risks losing its immersion and as such, its emotional investment. But as I stated in the opening thread, I do not believe Vulpera are a poor fit for the game. WoW has always been about balancing the serious with the silly, and while Vulpera are probably more on the silly end of the spectrum, they help balance out the rather serious nature of the rest of the expansion.

Admittedly if you are a horde player, you're probably not accustomed to seeing gnomes on a regular basis, but I believe you are overestimating the impact vulpera will have on your day to day adventures.
04/30/2018 09:06 AMPosted by Stylo
04/30/2018 08:59 AMPosted by Narterenn

My man, I'm don't care for the Vulpera either but you're being pretty melodramatic.
I'm as passionate about this as others are about the high elf issue. Vulpera would ruin the game for me, and I don't want the game I've played for over a decade to be ruined for me just so people can play a damn Zootopia race.

Blizzard will never give anyone an option to hide a player for anyone. So what is your plan? Quitting over pixels?
04/30/2018 09:01 AMPosted by Emmilia
04/30/2018 08:57 AMPosted by Eevee

Anime fox people look like this:

Western fox people look like this:

It's pretty clear which are more similar to vulpera. So if you're going to make fun of them, at least call them DISNEY fox people.

Kistune race when?
Depends on what you mean by kitsune are we talking Final Fantasy's idea of what they look like or an actual fantasy race?
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04/30/2018 08:51 AMPosted by Stylo
The only way I'd support Vulpera is if they came with a "hide race" option that made them appear as a race already in the game instead to all who check it. I absolutely loathe the idea of a cutesy anime race running around in this game. I don't want to see them. I don't want to be reminded of them. I don't want to group with them. I hate them. It's not about not wanting other people to have something they enjoy, I just don't want it to come at the cost of my own enjoyment, and seeing Vulpera all over the place would absolutely negatively impact my own enjoyment.

You've got issues, friend.
04/30/2018 09:06 AMPosted by Stylo
04/30/2018 08:59 AMPosted by Narterenn

My man, I'm don't care for the Vulpera either but you're being pretty melodramatic.
I'm as passionate about this as others are about the high elf issue. Vulpera would ruin the game for me, and I don't want the game I've played for over a decade to be ruined for me just so people can play a damn Zootopia race.
You say this while we have Pandaren , Worgen and Taruen
04/30/2018 09:06 AMPosted by Stylo
04/30/2018 08:59 AMPosted by Narterenn

My man, I'm don't care for the Vulpera either but you're being pretty melodramatic.
I'm as passionate about this as others are about the high elf issue. Vulpera would ruin the game for me, and I don't want the game I've played for over a decade to be ruined for me just so people can play a damn Zootopia race.

I'm not sure you're giving this the proper levels of dispassionate care.

See, while I'm all for the idea of Vulpera as a playable race, I won't be upset if they're ultimately never added. I hope they are, and I'd love to play as one, but at the end of the day, it's just a game i play to have fun with my friends.

You seem to be of a different persuasion.
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04/30/2018 09:01 AMPosted by Emmilia
Kistune race when?

I could absolutely see something almost identical to those pinterest photos appearing in FF14.

I remember when my friend said "they're adding dragon people to final fantasy!"

And I was excited! Until I saw the screenshots...
04/30/2018 09:16 AMPosted by Eevee
04/30/2018 09:01 AMPosted by Emmilia
Kistune race when?

I could absolutely see something almost identical to those pinterest photos appearing in FF14.

I remember when my friend said "they're adding dragon people to final fantasy!"

And I was excited! Until I saw the screenshots...

Personally, FF14 has interesting ideas, and cool class design (Sometimes) and other times it's waaay off the scale of anime. It's not bad, it's just... I saw the dragon people and was disappointed. So I kept playing the cat girl. And Red Mage was the best thing to happen to me there.

I'd kill to be able to have some melee attacks with a sword in WoW.
You have the Unofficial Sethrak Discussion threads's support, Eevee.

Sethrak for the Alliance and Vulpera for the Horde. Lets dooo it.
I still want us to have that dance party in Vol'dun when and if both these races get added.
I was relectant til i hear the story and voice acting

The tiny foxes are really funny. We blight the sethrak with them

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04/30/2018 09:36 AMPosted by Reallyhappy
I was relectant til i hear the story and voice acting

The tiny foxes are really funny. We blight the sethrak with them


But then we can't steal their loot!

Let us steal the loot, then blight them.
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I'd rather see Arrakoa than Vulpera.
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All new races should be neutral
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I would love to have these critters on either faction, the only thing I wish Blizzard would do differently to implement them is to construct new models for them instead of reusing the current goblin models. :/