Vulpera companion pet when Vulpera become playable

I was thinking of possible pets that they could add to the game to celebrate other WoW developments. sooooo what do you guys think of a Vulpera Companion pet in Classic once they are released in retail as playable race?

I’d think it’d be extra awesome if there were a set of them, like a warlock one, and a monk one, and a rogue one, and they all had custom sounds and animations for their classes. And that there was some way to collect them all.

What do you guys and gals think? I will be playing a lot of Classic but don’t want to miss out on the fun.

They’re just so cute! Am I right?!

-oh and here’s a link for the Vulpera uninitiated. Vulpera Discussion Megathread?

Um, do you know where you are posting? Wrong forums.



If you want that, play modern WoW.


You can already get a Vulpera pet companion in Classic. The vendor’s at the top of Mount Hyjal and they cost 83g a piece. I plan on getting one of each class. Especially the demon hunter version. Super neato.


Go post in general forums, this will not be happening in Classic


The only furrys allowed in classic are the tauren.


I don’t believe Mount Hyjal is part of Classic.

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Please GAWD…don’t associate me with “Furries” I don’t Yif…


Mount Hyjal only became a location in Cataclysm, the third WoW expansion, and is not in Classic/Vanilla.

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I think you missed the joke…some of you guys are too tense and need to lighten up.


Huh, what’s a furry is this another trend or meme? And no i won’t Google it, because Wikipedia gives me conflicting answers.

As for pets I think they can do something better.

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That’s a universe you want no part of. It’s a dark and strange place.


i wish they still gave pets as anniversary gifts and such. i loved our lil bear, dragonkin, penguin, etc. cuties early in wow.

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Hmm, like which ones?

Yep. I know there was a murloc or two, and I think even a Pandarean.

I doubt they’ll do the same, but maybe.

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Dont be ashamed of your heritage. You be you my friend.

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Humans can become kind of like furries depending on what they drink the night before.

I found this entire thread disturbing.


Depends what they’re trying to promote why, and where. Could add a Fulborg, Pandaren, they got like a million foxes in BFA. Naga Whisp, blood elf Spacegoats. Normal goats any version of the allied race’s, lobsters turtles. Those new turtle race thing that everyone loves / hates? And so on,

Personally it’s just a change that blizzard would probably just come up with in there store for something, and then go nag the art team to make it. I doubt we’ll get any of that in classic but those mounts and pets make blizzard a pretty penny in retail.

Blizzard just wants to put out classic and probably never have to touch it again i feel, personally i’d just want to see a collectors edition and that’s it.

That’s debatable

I’ll try to make it both simple and sweet without all the pain.

Furries are basically people that grew up a lil too much with human-like animal cartoon characters to the point that many/most of them wear cartoon animal costumes. It’s a very long and very. . . unique rabbit (pun intended) hole. One of the darker paths includes. . . lets just say RATED M.