Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

“They”? You mean 2-4 people out of 800 members?

And they can’t, can they?

Out of all people, reading you saying this is funny. I agree with you that changing minds is one thing. Look at me - I didn’t like Void Elves at all the beginning. Not because of the colors, but because of two things: 1) They were former Blood Elves, not High Elves. 2) I didn’t find the Void theme appealing.

The first point became a non-issue when we received regular skin tones, as that is a strong implication that Void Elves are indeed accepting new elves in their ranks (including High Elf Wayfarers), pretty much confirming Danuser’s statement.

As for the second point, I gradually felt more inclined towards the Void theme when playing through BFA. I started to realize the potential of the Void. It’s strange to explain, I started to feel attracted towards it. I found it appealing, and I increasingly liked to think of my main character as a Void user, to the extent of finding it much more appealing than all the High Elf theme, personally.

Now, why do I think it’s funny that you said what you said? Because you drastically changed your stance from the very moment Blizzard announced no more customizations for Blood Elves (or any other race) were planned. That was the pivotal point. You didn’t change your mind, you changed as a person, in general. We can hardly recognize you. For those newcomers to this debate, let’s take make them look at your stance just one year ago, shall we?

That was a big jump, Lann. At first you supported a separate High Elf Allied Race. When Void Elves were announced, you actually were ok with Void Elf Paladins (?). In fact, if you keep reading down that thread, you’ll actually see a few High Elf fans telling you that wouldn’t be a good idea. I for one never thought that was a sensible idea, unless class skins were developed and Void Elves received a Void Knight class, essentially a re-colored Paladin class. You however were delighted with giving the full Light Paladin class to Void Elves. You also thought that Void Elf Paladins wouldn’t encroach on the Blood Elf Sunwell theme, and you actually advocated for sharing model stuff, “just not the lore”, as per your words.

Today? Today you believe that giving brown hair to Void Elves would irrevocably destroy to pieces Blood Elves’ identity. Wow. That’s a big jump. Today you instantly fear at any suggestion not related to the Void theme for Void Elves, with the imperious need of consistently letting everyone know that you think it would absolutely blow up faction identity somehow. Before you not only didn’t mind, you actually advocated for sharing model assets between both races and even letting Void Elves have access not to Light customizations, but to a full class based on the Light.

Moreover, you even liked Izzabelle’s suggestion to make a neutral Thalassian elf for both Alliance and Horde, even sharing the name tag of High Elves:

I still remember when you and I had quite a big argument about this shortly after the moment you suddenly changed, suggesting I had a hidden agenda among other absurdities, for expressing the same opinion you had just a few months before.

Funny, to say the least.

We did have to hear from antis and other regular forum posters, reiteratively, that Void Elves were our High Elves, something that today many of you for some odd reason won’t longer affirm. That’s flip flopping at its finest.

“The Void Elves are High Elves”.

“Well, then you don’t need high elves to be playable because void elves are high elves just blue.

It seems Broflake completely forgot to include the “flavor” adjective there.

I wonder if she still has the same opinion now that Void Elves has access to regular skin tones.