I mean, it is a fact that one of the defining factors of maintaining success is to not violate what your player has established.
Everquest 2 violated this rule, and they died as a result.
Breaking the faction boundary tells people who have invested their time in the game that it is meaningless. Their choice to be an ugly troll is meaningless because the faction whose story you have watched, and the players whom you have killed could have just as easily been friends instead of the rivals you were forced to have, all due to your choice.
So you violate it, and people will simply desire to leave.
One game in which this occurred was in RIFT, to make up for the lack of players, and it only continued to bleed players because the factions held even less meaning than they already did. For a game as long established as WoW? Not a wise idea. It is why they are conservative, because people don’t like change and that is basic psychology.
Look, let’s not pretend people are stupid.
A human on the Horde is a human on the Horde no matter if you make them skinny, fat, or muscular. If you try to pretend as if such an aesthetic would fool the player, you’re insulting their intelligence.
Cool, we’re going to be facetious?
Well, then you don’t need high elves to be playable because void elves are high elves just blue..
It would certainly be good, and while I would play it, I also have an understanding such a thing would kill WoW.
It does not need to be engaging in the antics of RIFT and ESO. Such things are done out of desperation not out of necessity. Making player choice matter and making faction distinction matter enhance your success. Players want their choices to matter.
I simply have actual experience and education to draw from where I can make such statements.
Where as, the most you can do is toss out insults in a futile attempt to get under people’s skin Kizzan.
By the way, why are you paying for two accounts? Do you multi-box possibly?