Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

linking a thread that talks about void elf customizations in another void elf customization thread?

get off that high horse.

Nope, you’re talking about preventing an EXISTING race in the game from getting certain features - so you can achieve your own motives of the addition of a different race. That’s completely different from what this thread is about. Sad.

It’s not actually. I’m suggesting an alternative to ruining a current race via adding retcon customoizations into an existing race. What is sad that we had a group completely driven for years to try to rewrite a race that people had grown to love. I at least am trying to create a true compromise.

Get off the high horse.

What high horse dude? And Blood elves are not ruined. They will get more customization down the road. By trying to sabotage the Void elf and High elf fanbase you will not gain anything…

You’re a human paladin. He’s jealous of your horse.

That makes sense. :joy:

They really are. They’re cheapened and devalued. They have absolutely nothing that makes them aesthetically distinct from their clones now. Nothing.

Everything they have will be robbed and given to Blizzard’s favorite Void Elves who will keep getting more and more things both directly and through copy paste, and of course it’ll never go the other way.


Aaactually, if I’m not mistaken the main reason we got Void elves in the 1st place is because they originally planned to create a race similar to Blood elves, but with visual distinction. And then, well, it was not taken well. AT ALL. But don’t worry, Blood elves are not forgotten, they will get more stuff down the line.

Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Jy05UxR2u0

Yes, fan art is proof…

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And this is why people TOLD YOU Zebra, for almost TWO YEARS NOW to ask for customization that would make them different and things that you want (DR, Light runes etc…). Instead! What you guys wanted to do was to derail, flag instead of doing something constructive for your OWN race.


They wouldn’t need this if Blizz stuck to the Void Theme and not gave in to the helfers.

The arguement Alleria has it so we should too is moot.
Sylvannas was leader of the forsaken, could forsaken PCs look like her? no.
Jaina is leader of the Kul Tiran, can they look like her? no.
Alleria’s transformation was nothing like ‘ours’.


That does not tackle the appearance issues that Void elves had. You cannot just force players to like something if they don’t want to :S


The same people who have been making transphobic remarks at me? Like I’m going to listen to them?


I have been asking for things for quite a while. I even post a master list. You see, I know it’s hard for you to comprehend because you aren’t capable of it but I can multitask and I also don’t think a sustained tantrum is a good look like you do.

Here is some examples.

And more…

Heck, even others repost it but you have been took busy on your crusade of hate to notice. Pay attention before you boss me around.

As for reports, you and your little personal discord army false flag me all the time for not supporting your agenda of hate to destroy and delete Blood Elves.


There were plenty of people who accepted void elves as they were given. They were nothing like what was asked for, but they were a nice gift either way.


This is so very true. Rune-tattoos, the not available weapon and armor transmogs, fel flame-like glyphs, reworked hawkstrider models from the pvp one, official sub culture armor updates and more eye color options are the things which crosses my mind instantly.


This is a picture I made a short time ago. Looking for an official “Blood Knight” attire was very time-consuming. There are no good combinations out there and especially mounts which suits them. The players here really should put more effort in requesting stuff they truly want to see for their own race.


He did it in the bigger void elf thread as well.

It’s hilarious to see antis fail at trying to move the discussion to something else to get people to think about anything but high elves.

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Good. We’re on the same page now. So those players who did not like it, have a right to request what they like to see. They should not be forced within a very limited set of options, or switch faction if they don’t want to. They will opt to request what they actually want instead, on the platforms that Blizzard wants feedback on.

We also have the right to feel irritated that our races were cheated, cheapened, and hijacked by Blizzard catering to six loud people on the forums.

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I still think it’s adding water to wine by adding high elves to void elves.
There’s no longer wine, just a diluted mess of two things mixed in one.

But what’s done can’t be undone. Though technically the hair colours haven’t been released yet and they could still contain levels of corruption like in this thread’s OP.


Blizzard could have gone a bit different about it, like adding a stark white, jet black, and what I had suggested a void blonde, but several antis did not want that either. And devs can see the negativity against people making suggestions in this thread that are not limited to literally just blue and purples and ombres of those…