You’re really overexaggerating there. While I understand that you did not get exactly what you were asking for (tattoos, more beards and more) that doesn’t mean you don’t have alot of customization already…
Male BEs did not get a lot of customizations. Female ones did. Most of which was gaudy jewelry.
You will get more stuff down the line. Hopefully all the things that you want this time. Did not mean to reply to myself XD
That’s the huge thing, I don’t think VE can even safely sexually reproduce and even if they could, it would take like 20 years for them to be able to replenish their numbers. That’s the major hurdle of a race that comes out of nowhere, sustainability.
So the ability to recruit new initiates would be the most sensible way to replenish their numbers, specially if you make that a possibility for Half Elves as well. If they went for it lorewise, I don’t think VE population would ever be an issue again at all.
Indeed, it is an assumption, best case scenario they are just regular baby elves, but there’s still the whole issue of Void requiring a strong will to control and kinda feels unethical to saddle a baby with that, though it could also be possible that void powers would be “locked” in newborns.
I do think they could come up with a way for VE to safely sexually reproduce, but still would leave us with the problem of having to wait a generation, which is far too long for a small group such as them.
(Also the fact that the VE “inner child” is a void aberration, does make me believe there is some truth to the above speculatuion, so maybe it is for the best that VE’s can’t sexually reproduce and instead, recruit. Kinda like Lighforged. Can they reproduce?)
Which is why people make suggestions for customization options. And have for years. It can take years, but it’s still worth leaving feedback.
This widely makes the sexual reproduction unimportant for now.
Lorewise I think they should just refine Alleria’s path and combine it with research into the trap used on Umbric’s group and this have a fast relatively safe training - ritual =void elf.
I think the inner child thing is just a joke given mechagnomes are little robots when it’s used. Lol
Yeah, we can bring it up as a question, but it’s hardly an immediate concern tbh.
Basically! Alleria and Umbric’s were pioneers on this whole thing, so with their experience, they could literally write THE book on the whole thing.
Haha for sure, but it’s fun to ponder ;3
Don’t forget Locus-Walker is there helping them.
Between Alleria, Umbric and Locus-Walker finding a path to make more shouldn’t take too long.
I do love that toy. Honestly things like that are always nice.
You’re really naive if you think Blizzard cares about Blood Elves at all.
Male Blood Elves got very little. None of that trashy Claire’s discount shelf jewelry is even available to male Blood Elves. It’s embarrassing that a core race got so little while an allied race has gotten two passes.
I have… little hope for anything for either Blood Elves or Void options for Void Elves given blizzards past actions.
I just don’t see those things being seriously worked on yet.
But I’ll still try to hope for both. At the very least try to help keep the threads asking for those things going.
Like I said I’m hoping once they’re done with the AR customization pass they will go back to revisit core races who did not receive as much - that will definitely include blood elves I’m sure of that
In fact I wouldn’t mind it if they delayed 9.1.5 a little bit and give some more stuff to Blood elves as well, since velf and belf customization came together last time.
While I’m glad you have hope, I have none at all.
I’m almost sure enough that Blood Elves won’t get things they should have gotten like scars and tattoos had their customization pass time not been spent catering to the high elf crowd. I’m almost ready to put money on it and doubt it will happen in the next 3-5 years. I’m more likely to quit the game entirely than Blizzard is to do anything for Blood Elves aside from mug them more.
Final Fantasy is looking pretty good right now. At least there my elf can have freckles, scars, and and warpaint/tattoos. And wear skimpy clothing as a guy.
Man scars and tattoos are sooo long overdue there is no way they’re not eventually coming for both races. Like I said, I’d much rather they delayed 9.1.5 a little bit and gave out tattoos, scars, beards, red eyes, unlock DK skins, etc for both Belfs and Velfs.
They won’t give them to Blood Elves. Blizzard hates Blood Elves.
My Second Life elves even look like better Blood Elves than actual Blood Elves. It’s a shame when fan made graphics surpass those of an AAA company.
My headcannon is that the first generation are those from the introduction quest.
The second generation are those high elves and blood elves who further on the research. Able to retain their hair and skin colour because they gradually consume void demons ect to gain the power.
I made a thread to talk about requesting half elves instead of natural skin colors for VE’s
For those interested in half elves and want to talk about possible customizations or story I’ll link it here;
This is literal necroing of this thread. I was accused of such back in February when I posted a thread in someone else’s. I won’t let you get away with it either.
Don’t think you can only go and blame one particular group of necroing but go and do so yourselves and think you can just get away with it.
that thread was created yesterday. Nothing to necro. I suggest you look up thread necromancy on google before you enter clown mode.
In a sense it is because you’re advertising a thread in someone else’s, thus trying to poach people from this thread onto yours, reducing the activity in this thread.