Void Elf Customization Thread (Ascension of the Ren'dorei) (Part 1)

Do you have any understanding of why Pro-Blood Elf players disagree with high elves robbing them of what little was left of their aesthetic identity?

Are you incapable of empathy for players who feel that you and your friends have utterly destroyed what we love with your endless selfishness and greed?

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Yeah okay. You must be new here.

I think someone else should answer this question for you. I only came to the forums soon after the launch of SL when Void elves received the skins and I got annoyed there were no hair colours to match any of it, etc. So I never came to complain prior to that. Those who have been requesting High elves since before Void elves were even released, are more fit to answer this question.

You’re one of the few high elf fans I haven’t blocked for being insufferable.

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The key difference between us is that we NEVER cared and SOLELY focused on OUR purpose (customizations) and guess what Zebra, it PAID OFF. There’s a REASON why our posts always made it to the top and it was because of how focused and dedicated we were in getting what we wanted. We didn’t have time nor had the energy to go into your threads and invalidate what you wanted but YOU GUYS did and THIS is the result.

I’m not in ANY discord group, do not project your insane behavior on me! I want ZERO part of it

Yes! And the other normal nice people who told you the same thing.

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Copy & paste from another thread

My ideas for the Void Elfs:

Ears size
Hair Colors (Black, gray and white, please blizz)
Activate or deactivate Entropic Embrace (and be able to add more colors for it for example: pink, purple, red, black,…)
To be able to put or remove the tentacles in the hair that has them.
Greater amount of beards.
More variety of eye colors: violets, grays, whites, pinks and greens (the first Void Elfs are Sin’dorei!)
To be able to choose that the eyes are illuminated or that they have lobe.
Tattoos (Alleria cof cof)
For all races, choose the eye color for each eye, there are people who have heterochromia.

A THOUSAND PERCENT! If they had used that energy (for positive things) instead of derailing, flagging and just being generally awful, those seeds would have bore amazing fruit.
They planted their seeds and now they are reaping what they sow and they expect empathy!? It just isn’t coming from me, i’m sorry but it’s not.


We’ll be getting ear sizes in the next patch!

I’ll just leave this here:

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Okay now, flip this around and apply it to the Void Elf supporters who actually WANTED Void themed Elves… see why people don’t approve? It’s a two way street.


What about them?? Do they not have their blue skintones, tentacles?? Did they get erased when we got natural skintones?

Basically it seems that politely posting a list from time to time when appropriate doesn’t work with Blizzard, but outrage and prolonged tantrums do.

So helfers who are upset by people being upset and asking for things in whiny ways… Helfers calling others petty crybabies and telling them to grow up should know that we’re just emulating the behavior helfers have been using for years. Now you get to put up with it like we have.


“Wooo we have tentacles!” So do Draenei, and they’re also blue/purple in skin tone…

Well there you go! There is your void themed void elves?

I think I know what you mean, that we just got half-assed, twin blue and grey colours without ANY starcursed effects like pitch black hair, starcursed hair, stark white hair etc etc. No N’zoth styles eyes, no Alleria and Voidy style tattoos and markings, no scars, and no EE skin tones. Tbh to me it seems like they just generally don’t really care about customization. I mean, they originally only wanted to give us EAR size. Yikes.


It’s sad really that you don’t seem to get the point, none of that is unique to Void, there are Draenei with effectively the same things, as pointed out, you shouldn’t be dictating what other people want… that’s the whole point of High Elf supporters shouting “give us the normal skin/hair tones!”. You’ve all had your two to three something passes, now please let the actual VOID Elves get theirs please?


To be fair, the Void Elves got pushed several times before any other Allied Race to get customization options. But the reasons for this lies within the abysmal feedback they received from the Mechagnomes. It was a fatal “blow” against the Vulperas who are still very popular. Mechagnomes “tanked” in the eyes of the public.

Don’t get me started on Mechagnomes. I truly hate them with a passion. They could’ve simply been a customization feature of Gnomes, but no, they just had to be their own race, further preventing the Alliance from getting anything good. Like Ethereals, or Arakkoa… or even Vrykuls.


What you don’t understand is that we have things that are SOLELY unique to us. Our entire race is revolved around the VOID. Our voice is affected by the void, our racials are void inspired, we have a proc that literally gives us our own void form? There is no taking the void out of void elves because it is ingrained in EVERY part of our lore even down to our own voice lines.

We haven’t even gotten our own customization pass and it’s more likely going to further expand on the VOID aspect of void elves, but to sit and act like the void theme is completely erased (because of helf options) is just erroneous especially when it makes up 99.8 percent of our character.


I’m being really lazy with my photoshooping.