The forum still allow sock puppeting

I’m going to try to provide a bit of clarity here on a few things.

The normal functionality of the forums allow for a single user to post from an account. This is how all of our other game forums work (i.e. Overwatch, StarCraft, Diablo, etc…). That is the original functionality.

The World of Warcraft forums have always allowed player to post using their characters, showing their class, realm, link to their achievements and experience, etc… When we were switching to a new forum system we wanted to retain that functionality, because that is how it has always worked. Unfortunately, the default functionality of the system did not allow for it, so some tweaks needed to be made to allow it for WoW.

It works, but there are limitations in it that has been less than stellar.

That has provided feedback both internally and externally, which will eventually see some changes to help resolve those issues. It is not a simple task though, it takes time.

That simply isn’t true. Our Moderation staff keeps an eye out for this behavior, and those verified to be sockpuppeting have been warned against the behavior and even penalized. Does it happen 100% of the time? No, but our staff does what it can as it is reported and verified.

As I mentioned, it is not a simple task. It’s not something you just toggle on or off. It requires a good deal of work to rewrite what amounts to base functionality.

Just to clarify, because I see my quote from when I talked about this subject used here and there. Sockpuppeting does happen, it isn’t very common, but it isn’t extremely rare either.

What my comment previously on this subject was indicating was that in many of the cases that I’ve looked into, the people accusing others of being alts of X or Y character have almost always been wrong.