My solution for Wrath Era servers

I have an idea, try Cataclysm.

Some facts about Cataclysm for you:

  • Retained 10 million subscribers until 12 months into the very last raid of the expansion.
  • Literally plays like Wrath, its actually Wrath 2.0, and it plays more like Wrath than TBC.

Glad Blizzard has you looking out for them.

It doesn’t play like Wrath at all if you’re a rogue. RIP all the hybrid specs and fun FoK weapons.

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Sorry to hear that one meme spec used exclusively for clearing trash is disappearing. But on the bright side, ALL of your specs become better, and Subtlety finally becomes a viable PvE spec too. The skill and talent changes make leveling a new Rogue way better too - you don’t have to wait until 50+ when more than 1 spec finally functions properly.


Sure, you can find me using the term against a few others, but your claim, and I quote, is “you bring up schizo in every post you make ever.”

It’s only to you, because it’s all you do.

You also never responded to me in that thread after this, definitely not quoting me to back up the claim. This was 9 days ago.

22 days ago you made another baseless claim that I wanted you to quote me on, and again, no quote from you.

Edit: Tbf, I didn’t specifically demand a quote on this one, but come on now, if you’re going to make a claim like that, surely YOU WOULD HAVE A QUOTE, RIGHT?

25 days ago was the recent restart between you and me where an OP was asking about Cata difficulty, you make a tangent about how much you hate cata, off topic off the rip, I rightfully call it a schizo post, and you unleash a crayon tangent on me. I then ask you to quote me on my “recent use of schizo” (Remember, this one was 25 days ago, any posts I’ve made after this point I will not count, that’s cheating).

Also no quote on this one either.

Btw, side note, looked up my useage of the word. The last time I used it prior to this moment was October 23, in a post to you. Between October 23 and this post 25 days ago, I didn’t use the word or phrase to literally anyone else. Crazy how that works. It’s just you for the most part.

This was also on October 23rd. No follow up quote.

This is also October 23rd. I don’t remember the context, but, again, no follow up quote to prove me wrong. Matter of fact, pretty sure you didn’t even respond to me for the rest of the thread.

Couldn’t find more, also don’t care to try anymore.

You’ll just do whatever you do and claim I didn’t do this and project your own actions, or lack of actions, onto me and attribute them to me anyways.

That’s all you do.

Why? :point_down:

That’s you. Congrats.

Edit 2:

Adding this one to the list now because I know you won’t quote me on it. Timestamp, literally just now at 10:56 AM on 4/21/2024.

Mut/BF is not a meme spec, it was the meta assassination spec for every fight in phase 3 and many fights in other phases. Also, having BF on a mut rogue is fun. And while prep/BF specs are niche, they’re strong when applicable like on twins or kolo.

I’m not going to argue about which is better with you. I’m arguing that people should have access to both.


This is the first I’m hearing that it’s better on Beasts, Jarraxus, and Champs, and I can’t find any info to support that claim. The info that I can find on Anub seems like it is a marginal increase at best, and and more often than not, unable to compete with the loss of Thirst For Blood.

Regarding the idea of being able to choose both - if both abilities remained the same, I’d agree with you. But Blade Flurry gets hugely buffed and becomes the iconic ability of Combat.

Really? In November 2023 you necroed a thread from August 2022. And what did you say? “Yes I hope we get permanent wrath classic server options” And you have been spamming that ever since. So you are a 100% liar on all accounts. You are a thread necroer and a spammer spamming the same message over and over for months. And yes, I have screenshots. Oh and look at that. You were a 23 Tauren Death Knight and still are. So you are not even commenting on the character you are playing. And by your own admission you don’t play WOTLK any more.


Basically any fight you could cleave on, it was better. If you look at logs, you’ll see that all the top parses on P3 bosses use it. It was close even on single target fights, especially very short ones. But you may be thinking of the 38/33/0 spec that gets both AR and BF, can’t take mutilate and is really only used for a few trash pulls.

Which is part of why I’d like a Wrath era server.

I enjoyed making casters seethe that they weren’t top aoe anymore. The most fun I had in Naxx was bullying my MT to pull bigger so I could try to hit 6 digit dps.

I never did, got kinda close though :frowning:

So I took some extra time to look into the logs: go to Warcraft Logs, select ToGC in Phase 3, sort to Rogues only (forums won’t let me post a link).

Turns out you’re factually wrong, Mut/BF underperforms compared to straight Combat. Just looking at top 10, 8 are pure Combat, 2 are Mut/BF, with the highest Mut/BF ranked at #5.

If we expand that to top 20, it’s 17 Combat to 3 Mut/BF. If we expand that to top 30, it’s 23 to 7.

You hide behind a retail alt. I actually play every week trying to achieve better gear and DPS in Wrath Classic. I know that gear we get from lvling in Cata will be better, yet I do not care, as I am playing to do my best, something that I can actually achieve now that my computer isn’t screwing up.

The reality is, you just want something to complain about all the time. You won’t leave when prepatch hits, you won’t leave when Cata hits, and you won’t leave when other expansions inevitably hit, because you are addicted. Let’s be honest, we all are addicted to this game. The only difference between you and me is that I have other things to care about, while all you do is spam thing same thing over and over causing us all to be annoyed.

We were talking about mut, remember? I was comparing it to the normal mut spec with HfB and talking about mut parses proving that it was the meta spec for mut since you were under the impression that it was just the one meme trash spec going away in Cata. It’s the best of the hybrid type specs that become impossible with Cata talent changes, but not the only one. I’d say there are 3 or 4 besides the meme FoK build that come into play occasionally. I guess Warmane is the place to play with these builds :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Unironically yes, Warmane is a great place for meme specs.

The conversation wasn’t Mut/BF, the conversation was hybrid specs are meme specs, and your counterargument was Mut/BF. Turns out Mut/BF IS a meme spec, used sub-par for one phase on a select few bosses.

Watching you rage is comical. Glad you wasted all that time. Now bye.

And btw
 I was not taking to you at all in this thread. This is yet ANOTHER thread that you went out of your way to talk to me and to quote me jus tin order to start another argument between the two of us. You literally went out of your way to go off topic just in order to find any way at all to start antagonizing me on yet another thread. You always do that.

You talked to me first in this thread. You began the argument. Once again, it was you.

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Stop lying. Every source, EVERY single source that you search for about top and best games for 2010 does not even includes Cata on that list. CoD places top. I truly hate that game, but it was top for some reason for the 2010 games. I would be 100% okay with Cata coming out if we also had Wrath serers
Classic world exists in Wrath. Classic world does not exist in Cata. Therefore, Cata is not Classic.

And I’m 100% okay with Cata coming out and 200% ok there’s no Wrath servers.

When Cata comes out it will be called classic by blizzard. Most players will call it Cata Classic. The opinions of a fringe group of malcontents don’t matter.

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on beasts there is 12 in the top 100, Jaraxxus 4, champions 10, twins 7, and Anub with the most at 19, not what I would call all the top parsers using it, Icc no more than 7 in the top 100 on any fight, 0 on LK. its a meme spec, a viable meme spec but a meme spec non the less.

2008 top sellers list doesn’t include wrath so that means wrath sucked right, no reason for era servers for a game that wasn’t even one of the best-selling games when it came out. Who am I kidding, you don’t respond to statements that show your wrong.

Yes but want to know the irony of this all? The whole “Bring back Vanilla WoW” craze happened when Cata launched. Then they finally put in the level 60 versions of the servers. Blizzard calls them Classic servers. So yea now the whole reason why people began asking for level 60 servers in the first place was cuz of Cata coming out. Back in the day, you could simply chose not to upgrade your account during Wrath or TBC and would still be able to play those versions. Then Cata came out and changed that option. I used to have a level 60 twink in Wrath that had TBC trial so it got TBC gear for the level 60 twinking, then I RAF leveled as well. And had it as a level 60 account while Wrath was active and could play in level 60 version of WoW using a level 60 capped account. But you could not do that this time around.

And I had TCG stuff last time for it too. Couldn’t this time around in Classic. Classic is NOT the same as Vanilla. I wanted original version to come back EXACTLY the way that it was before. This version has way better graphics and better lighting. Why Nintendo is still thought of as a major success? They have never sold out, they never try to have super modern realistic graphics. You actually have sense. I can have a conversation with you. Not with the other one who comes by from time to time and will likely call this a schizo rambling. Cata Classic will NOT be the same as original Cata.

Why I liked SoM, like SoD so much and now like HC so much? Because Blizzard SAID those are different versions of the game. They didn’t say “Oh hey come play the game the way it was”
but no
 not really.

You will not relive Cata with this Classic version.

I hated all of them. See how every one has a different opinion of what is fun for them in a game? Do you care about what I find fun? I don’t care what you find fun. Just as I don’t care what your favorite music is. I like jazz and classical music. Do you care?

I don’t get why this is an issue for you. Wrath and wrath era did not and would not relive wrath. But you still want it. No version of “classic” relived the original. But it’s close enough for me to have fun replaying them.

No, not at all. I don’t care a bit what your opinions are. I don’t care at all about your little stories of how you felt about the changes. There’s one simple fact that Blizzard and the whole gaming world has discovered. The vast majority of players will complete the content of their game and then quit or play the next expansion. A tiny fraction will claim they want to play the same game forever. And that tiny faction is never enough for a subscription based game to make a profit. That’s why there was no BC era and no wrath era. And since I’m not one of the tiny fraction of players that claims they will pay a subscription every month to play the same game forever, I don’t care at all there’s no wrath era.