My solution for Wrath Era servers

Most of those lists are editor’s choices and have little to do with profits. And even when they are concerned with profits they don’t include the sub profits over the 2 year life of an expansion. Most games only make money on the sale of their game. In Cata, as well as wrath and the other expansions, Blizzard made the equivalent profits they made selling the game every 4 months. If Wrath and Cata sold 12 million copies, the first 4 months of subs was the equivalent of 10 million more copies. The second four months 10 million more. Both wrath and Cata had revenue roughly equal to selling 72 million copies of a non subscription game.

Fixed that for you

I also find it funny how you keep ranting about how all these other games were way more popular and successful even after multiple people have picked apart your own personal list and explained how you’re just flat out wrong. The absolute best out of your examples barely even matched Cata’s active subs at their lowest. Nevermind how much more money Blizz is getting from those subs each month vs the other games’ one time sale

No. I am right that CoD was #1 game for 2010 and not Cata.

And also, no. No one said bring back Vanilla when TBC came out. The Classic world still existed back in TBC. You could play the level 60 version if you didnt upgraded to TBC and could do so up until Wrath. No one was asking for Vanilla servers back in TBC as those servers still existed.

You mentioned profits before. So then… Google… type this in exactly. Most profitable game of 2010. Since none of you click on anything that I link anyways.

I said it was Call of Duty. You keep saying it was Cata. Prove me wrong. now’s your chance.

When you type it in, this is the EXACT result that you get for most profitable game of 2010.

Call of Duty reigns supreme.Activision’s Call of Duty: Black Ops topped U.S. video game sales for 2010. The title sold more than 12 million units in the United States across all platforms, twice as many as the second best-selling title of the year, Madden NFL 11.

2008 top sellers list doesn’t include wrath so that means wrath sucked right, no reason for era servers for a game that wasn’t even one of the best-selling games when it came out. Who am I kidding, you don’t respond to statements that show your wrong.

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I’m not saying Cata sucked. I have simply stated that I do not like Cata as much as I like Wrath. I also never once claimed Wrath to be a top seller as this person keeps falsely claiming with Cata. You did not prove me wrong.

Ok, You can’t just look at something posted on the internet. You have to actually think about it. That quote must be incorrect since Cata sold at least 12 million copies and must have more sales than Madden NFL 11. So they must not be including MMO’s. Your quote claims Call of Duty sold more than 12 million. How much more? I’ll be excessive and use 8 million more than 12 million. So Cata sold 12 million and Call of Duty 20 million. I don’t know the exact cost of the game in 2010 so let’s say $60. Every 4 months the sub cost for Cata was the equivalent of more than 10 million copies of the game. With the added sub revenue Cata’s revenue for 2010 was the equivalent of 42 million copies of the game.

Those numbers are quite conservative. I don’t know the exact cost of each game in 2010, but no matter what numbers you use over just one year the sub revenue from Cata exceeds the revenue from the sales of CoD: BO

Listen moron, this is a public forum. You made a public post. I critized it. You then went into another schizo rage.

I then addressed your schizo rage and you deflected it instantly because you’re a coward caught in a lie, AGAIN.

I’ll give you this, you mastered schizo posting. Congrats, you should be proud, schizo.

How is the best spec for mut rogues a meme spec? It’s just not. I played rogue this whole expansion (and I have 99 parses on almost every boss before swapping mains in ICC) and I’m guessing you didn’t, so maybe trust me on this?? It was also strong in Ulduar and Naxx where mut was clearly the best rogue spec over combat on a majority of encounters.

And the conversation when I entered it was actually about Cata playing just like Wrath, but better. I said all the cool rogue hybrid specs are going away, you demonstrated your ignorance on the subject by saying it was just one meme spec going away. Objectively incorrect. Mut/BF is the best spec for mut rogues on any fight with cleave. It’s not remotely a meme.

Any mut rogue interested in parsing was using mut/BF, but ok. It is true that at very high percentiles, combat had surpassed mut in P3. But there were still a lot of mut rogues as combat was not clearly better yet, and it was the meta spec. Not a meme spec.

Mut is just a dead spec in ICC. But for 2 phases it was the dominant rogue spec, and it was quite strong in P3 as well, and any cleave fight would see mut rogues using the mut/BF spec.

That’s fair. I’m a fundamentally distrustful person, and hearing the equivalent of “just trust me bro” really sets me off. Mut/BF looks like it did pretty good in Phase 1 and 2.

Separate issue, but raised up during the conversation - Wrath has already killed this spec, not Cataclysm. If a Wrath server is left running, it’s guaranteedly not a progression server, but left as-is. Meaning the spec is still dead. So why use an already-dead spec, killed by Wrath, as the premier example?

Good point. While it’s a spec that’s only possible in Wrath, a Wrath era server would pretty much be all combat rogues in raiding just like it is now. It’s a bit of a shame that combat is best on every fight in ICC (and that rogue just sucks now). It was pretty cool having several viable specs for different encounters in P3. Standard mut spec, rupture mut, mut/BF, and combat were all good on Beasts, for example.

Unrelated to the thread topic, but I agree concerning P3. My recollection of original ToGC, people didn’t seem to care for it much, but I think it was much more appreciated in Wrath Classic.

Not overly time consuming, no trash, interesting mechanics, and a less fully-solved meta that allowed some cool experimentation for some classes.

I’m hoping that Cataclysm will be a similarly less-solved meta, either from lack of documentation, more complexity, or class tweaks such as we saw in Wrath Classic. But I’m not sure if it’s possible with the current age of WoW. Documentation and sims seem to fly out before the public can even try something new.

No. You trolled me and called me a schizo like you always do. And this is yet another thread that you have gone out of your way to make it all about you trying to get everyone to team up against me while you sit here and call me nonstop names with a list of never ending insults. You literally came at me first, yet again. And the fact that you have not yet been permabanned from these forums just goes to show that the mods suck and will literally let anyone say anything to anyone. All you do is nonstop harass me and follow me around and insult.

The mods only look at the posts that receive a certain amount of flags. What’s happening is that not enough people think that he’s crossed a line to flag so the mods never look at it.

So why have us sign the new EULA if they never enforce if ever. They literally say that you cannot do exactly what that person is doing. Nonstop harassing, name calling, stalking, getting others to team up on me, derailing threads just to get the subject aimed at insulting me and starting an agreement. This just goes to show that the EULA is a sham, no one needs to follow it ever and they straight up lied when they said this was not allowed.

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The eula is only enforced based on community standards. I get a few suspensions every year so it is enforced. But since posts must be flagged before the eula kicks in some of my posts that break the eula don’t get removed nor do I get suspended for them. I like the system particularly since I dance on the knife’s edge of the eula so often. The community is more lax than the eula which gives me more freedom when posting.

eta: The eula is so uptight that if you’re not as sweet and nice as Polly Purebred you’re going to break it. It’s a simple fact that not only does Apathy break the eula but you also break the eula quite often. So you really shouldn’t complain that he’s getting away with something when you often do too.


The topic of this thread is My solution for Wrath Era Servers. It is not a discussion on the EULA. Please take your conversation elsewhere.

It’s too easy man. :point_down:

I’m critizing you here. You are trying to glaze Wrath private servers, following it up by saying you don’t play on them, know nothing about it, but it’s supposedly a really good server.

What you stated makes no sense. You don’t play on it and self admit to knowing nothing about it, but feel educated enough about it to still say it’s “really good”.

You then go onto rant about RDF. That’s when I called you a schizo.

It’s really not hard to follow the timeline.

There are multiple times where you come out of left field and project ramblings onto me unprompted.

Who did what first is quite literally an elementary school cope. You’re coping. Stop coping.

I could tell Ao that I’ve gotten multiple throughout my forum time, but he’ll just call me a liar and tell me that I’m supposedly working for Blizzard.

How do I know this? He’s done it before.

There is another thread up, his first response to me since his little break between the 12th and a few days ago where, 8 days after my post, goes back and starts off with “You’re a retar…” I’m not finishing the word, but, he’s no stranger to it at all. He does want to play the victim though. I think he has tiny heart syndrome.

Edit: The post has been deleted, by him or a mod, I don’t know.

Yes. It is advertised as being…EXACTLY like the old, original Wrath. That is the verson I thought I was getting this time.

Original Wrath:

Arena Teams
No WoW tokens
No character boosts
More crappy graphics
No custom 3.4 patch that never existed in original Wrath
No glitch to the Wintergrasp and SoTA vehicles and cannons to make them sometimes stop firing,
No glitch where the shamy bars would auto disappear and would sometimes not even come back after you type /reload, and then come back with spells and abilities on them that aren’t even totems,