No to cataclysm

Wow really? I’m the one with a lack of knowledge about the game here? Aren’t YOU the one who got mad and spam posted about how Wrath needed RDF and you kept spammng it over and over again and kept claiming that Wrath Classic is going to fail because it should have launched with RDF right off the bat…but then the rest of the forums had to tell you that no…Wrath did not launch with RDF and that it came out near to the very last patch…Yea that’s you. Saying I don’t know much about the game when you honestly thought that Wrath was supposed to come out with RDF on its first patch and were even asking for it during the prelaunch event…

Quit saying I’m the one who knows nothing when it is very clearly you who are way out of your league here. And also…you keep saying that I am wrong…okay. Wrong about what? You cant say, can you. You dont even play on this region. You are from Europe and you even lied and said that you would go back to the EU forums and leave these as soon as RDF came out…it came out and you are still here failing.

People with low IQs cant read a big post very easily. It makes both you and Apathy mad when I do long posts…and notice how I mainly only do to you two mostly.

My lack of knowledge. Give some examples of how ms “RDF should be in first patch just like it was last time”…yea…that’s you. And your EU profile kinda shows that…you weren’t really even around in original Wrath either so no wonder you don’t know how it works.

Give some examples where someone actually said that. Many people asked that rdf be added at launch because it was added with the patch wrath classic started with. People asked it be added early just like dual spec was added early. This isn’t the first time you’ve told this lie or the first time it’s been pointed out to you. But lying is what you do so it’s to be expected.


The person I talked to said it back to back. They literally spammed these forums for months on end saying how Wrath was unplayable because it did not come out with RDF.

They spammed it so much that Blizz began to delete the threads that they made within minutes of them coming up. And they also once said Dragon Soul is a raid made specifically for Deathwing when it infact isn’t. Dragon Soul is not the name of the raid first off and secondly, the raids within it dont all have to do with Deathwing.

The vast majority of Cata has to do with the elementals going wild and the Twilight Cult. Deahtwing is barely even in Cata much at all as part of the main focus. He was a side character in original WarCraft RTS that had very little to do with the lore.

All you people who keep spam asking for Cata dont really seem to even know what the expac is or what it is about.

Cata was more an interlude expac anyways. His wings flapped so hard and fierce that it blew away the mists that hid Pandaria. That is in the canon lore. That is what happened.

And Cata has the super forced linear questing system that was so bad that Blizzard never did it again ever. Cata and BFA are the two worst expacs for sure.

And Stormwind…yea get used to that eyesore in Cata.

That’s a lie. No one claimed that rdf was added at launch in the original game. Of course you’re just going to continue to tell that lie because that’s what you do. I also asked for rdf to be added at launch. Dual spec was added at launch when it came out about half way through in original wrath. So why not add rdf early too. I’d guess that one reason you failed in your fight against rdf and why you’re failing at getting a wrath era server is because people discount your post because of your lies. Or simply prove you’re not a liar. Find one post where people said rdf was added at launch of original wrath.

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Yes they did and we argued nonstop about it and I kept saying I don’t want RDF to come in until ICC and S8 both come out. Those back to back RDF arguments really happened. You dont know anything, you’re the liar here. You are wasting my time I know what happened. I spammed the forums back to back to back nonstop saying RDF should not come out right as Wrath came out. I told when it came out the first time. And hey look at this. You people go out of your way to START arguments with me…then you ask me to link stuff and don’t even click on the links. You’re a forum troll yourself so no need to fall into this agreement with you. Searching out forum threads that were up right as TBC was ending and Wrath first lacuned…yea. look for them yourself then.

I was never ever against RDF. Not once, not ever. I said I did not want it to come out BEFORE when it was originally supposed to. I kept saying DONT PUT RDF IN. And I kept saying it and saying it. I said put it in when it is supposed to go in. Thats that.

And it is the same person who used to slam Cata back to back in the day and say how terrible it was. Now they try to praise how good it is now that it is coming out.

Only to you. You make it too easy when you blatantly schizo post.

Go on and quote me calling anyone else’s posts “schizo ramblings” or “schizo”. I know you can’t.

Like I scrolled down to see your replies to others and it’s just more schizo ramblings. You’re trying so painfully hard to get people to agree with you about your bad takes for cata, when you could just go enjoy your HC 60 paladins and rogues and your era toons. It’s pathetic seeing a video game live this rent free in your head.

“Deathwing isn’t actually the focus it’s the elements guys” like, who asked lmao

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Yeah this is kinda the problem with your arguments.

You just make them up and claim they’re true.

Pity that’s not how reality works.

I never once said RDF was in the original Wrath, I’ve said plenty of times it should’ve been in Wrath Classic being on the last patch and all.

But go on, live in your imaginary world.


Because Deathwing erupted out of Deepholme as shown on the Cataclysm trailer, he’s the person who invoked the elements to run wild, he’s the one who recruited Ragnaros to come back. Just because Deathwing isn’t in the forefront, showing up every now and then doesn’t mean that he’s not in it much, his presense is felt as much as the world changed. The Twilight cultists worship Deathwing because Deathwing is a commander of the Old Gods, I could go on.

Well the expansion is about the Cataclysm, hence the name and it’s about Deathwing causing it.


That right there proves how truly out of touch and confused that you are.

I never said that you did not say RDF was not in original Wrath. I said you got the time period for it wrong and kept wanting it to come out too early and I kept telling you no, it comes out later in Wrath.

And also…this is just comical right here.

You actually did say that…that is true to say that it is. RDF was in original Wrath.

And um no…

I said that, not you. I was the one who told you that there was no patch 3.4 in original Wrath so you could not go off of Classic patch numbers to say what content was supposed to be released.

Oh and btw…you are from Europe. You said you were going back there as soon as you got your RDF… Which you had NOTHING to do with coming in btw. RDF came in on its own. You accomplished nothing other than making nonstop RDF forum spam and you like to post over here cuz everyone over on EU threads dont give you the time of day over there. You got your post count boosted up over here now.

You said you were going back to Europe as soon as you got your RDF…so go back… kinda odd how you made an account on American servers, made a retail toon, then post about Wrath Classic on a region you dont even play on. You are not banned on EU and your sub there is active. So go post over there. You dont even play here.

Yea you know. Most people don’t. And Blizz did a lot of retcon with Deathwing too. They tried to turn things around and say that he actually didn’t cause anything, It was just the Old Gods whispering to him that drove him mad and that it was all their fault.

It came out later in Wrath yes, with a patch.

Wrath Classic has been on the last patch since day 1.

Phases have never been tied to features but to content.

Thus RDF should’ve been in from day 1.


No, I didn’t.

OK? I don’t care, it came at least despite their claims of it never coming.

It’s the only chance European players have of ever catching a dev comment, our own forum just get copy/pastes and nothing more.

Sounds like you’re just scared of being called out honestly.

You’re gonna have to quote me for saying all of the crap you’re claiming I said btw, absolutely no one believes a word you’re saying.

Which again, is a you problem and I’m not getting dragged into another of your mudslinging contests cause you’re simply not worth listening to.

If it happened that often it should be easy for you to find one post. But your proof is “just trust me bro.”


We can’t miss you until you leave.

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Thry are shutting servers down. They arent wasting time on wrath servers.


I do wish cata players would stop being such naysayers. As if permanent wrath classic realms would affect them that much.

I don’t hate cata. But I hate wrath classic getting taken away. That is stupid.

If you think I’ve said nay to era servers, you are incorrect.
I have stated many times, I am neither for nor against. I won’t be using them, but if you get them great.

I see no reason people the need to announce their departure like an airline. Ask for what you want but threating to stop playing, cancel subscription, “go to a private server”, I am leaving and taking all of my 15 subs with me, or my entire guild is unsubbing, etc - no one cares.

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@Fevox I am super sorry bub. It does stink that progression leaves so much in its’ wake. There are a ton of us who feel the same, but will be moving into Cata as well. Come join us :slight_smile:

Yah I agree with that to. I remember asking for them. I probably won’t end up unsubbing over it. Although, I will admit. We tend to say some dumb things over anxiety and frustration. And with wrath classic going away soon, I have been pretty annoyed. I know I have stated I would quit to but I know I don’t really mean it 100 percent. We say stupid things when we are annoyed.

I mean, it ties back into game preservation to. I mean, I get it. 3rd parties exist who host wrath of the lich king. Just because blizzard is deleting wrath classic because it won’t make billions of dollars. That doesn’t make it right. But I will probably research private servers a little more if blizzard doesn’t do it. They just seem really complicated at the same time. You gotta download a torrent. You gotta do this. Gotta change realmlist in the notepad. Have to create some wierd account. It isn’t like you can just log in and click a few buttons and you are in the game.

I just hope they do it. Tensions are high with the people who are mad that wrath is being deleted to. I am downright broken because of it.

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They took TBC away too :slight_smile:

TBC had it’s time, it was great while it lasted.