Cata Already Dead


I just refuse to entertain your dribble.

How can I logic you out of illogical lies?

I can’t. You’re too stupid.

So, calling your posts schizo ramblings is what I’ll do, and I’ll continue to do.

Which again, you just posted a schizo novel. Maybe say anything based in reality and I’ll actually sit down and read it in full again. Until then, no, you’re just as damaging as alcohol but without any of the fun.


I just refuse to read your posts in full word for word. I can start at the beginning which will always be cope based, half way through you’ll talk about this RETIRED toon’s item level as an insult, talk about my character name and use that as the basis for your theory that I have schizophrenia, and half the time delve into a rant about how much you hate cata.

Why should I read your novel when I already have the synopsis of your schizo ramblings?

That’s crazy how you went and talked about the character name again.

You’re a pop up book. I know what you’re going to say before you say it. It’s cope filled lies to make yourself feel good.

Post another schizo rambling please.