Welcome to the Clown Show

And there is still no name for me to whisper for when I log in.

Who logs H+?

It’s so painfully obvious that this is a lie. Like, it’s almost insulting how low effort this is, but, it’s all that should be expected from a low impact player who writes fanfics of his character’s head canon while hiding on a level 12 sock puppet.

I don’t even know where you got this from. I started my raiding career in TOGC, which is the nail in the coffin as to why I quit LKC, because I’ve already done it and don’t care to do it again.

But, whatever, fanfics and what not. Who needs reality when you have schizo delusions of grandeur to keep you company.

:point_down: I’ll answer that for Glinda with a quote.

My brother in Christ you have not seen rage. All you’ve seen is me roast you for being an idiot, and your response to that is to continue being an idiot.

And somehow I’m at fault for that.

Outside of being literally not at my PC, I have not. It is impossible for you to even quote me on dodging you, because I never did. I even posted on my HC toon at your request, which, is supposedly too hard for you to figure out.

Oh you’re an idiot idiot. Even after I posted on Distractgodx huh.

Because you’re here. You are my pretty lil lolcow. You entertain me. Every mongoloid and mouth breather on here has, since I started coming here, been my entertainment. I physically can not get enough of low impact players pretending like they’re good at a game they’ve dedicated their life to. It’s positively pathetic and I crave it. You are the type of person that I make into victims in game, and you’re the person to then complain about it, which only fuels it more.

I’m a forum parasite. I only come here to feed off of people like you. You are why.

And yet you won’t post on it. Crazy.

Almost like you don’t have it.

No, it isn’t trolling. How about you don’t try to flex as a low impact player. Know your place, trash.


It is.

As would anyone with warm brain cells. If I said I was a pro wow player by the name of Cdew, you’d want me to post on that character, as proof of who I say I am. This is how it works.

Only troglodytes like yourself make fanfics of their characters as cope for their inability to play a 20 year old game.

If you read the entire thread and came to that conclusion, then yikes my brother, but, you do you.

Look Ao, I only go away on Blizzard mandated vacations, and those have been nothing but temp. I still got Frosty the Grey logs for when he rears back up. All you have to do to prove me wrong, is just that. Prove me wrong. Post on any toon with any accolade of merit.

The fact that the bar is too high for you only proves one thing, and that’s that you’re nothing but a low impact trash can, which is fine, players like me need players like you to fill the bottom % of the leaderboards.

This is what I forgot. No, trogg, I just skim your schizo ramblings, and most of what you say deserves no real comment. No one cares to pay attention to the waste of space sitting in the corner until they want entertainment from said waste of space. That’s what’s currently happening.

Sorry that Occam’s Razor is too hard for you to understand, and your elaborate schizo ramblings are supposed to be cope or whatever, but that’s not reality. This is. You being ridiculed for trying to flex.

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