Welcome to the Clown Show

You’re not functioning well at all. You rage at me nonstop, always losing your temper, back to back insults. Then keep asking for proof of what I am saying, I keep offering to give it, you keep making excuses for why you cant go and see. So you’re just here to troll me, that’s all. I’ll let you keep thinking that this level 12 is my best and highest level toon. You dont even play HC, so why are you spamming these forums nonstop and then not even once talking about a single thing that has to do with HC.

It isn’t, actually. No one says it is. No one who does it truly thinks that. It is easy enough for me and some other people. You know how many in HC do it naked? Quite a few. I do it on one toon naked. Lots of 60s in SW right now.

I am a shaman and versed in aiding in the good vibes.
Somebody needs more powerful stuff though.

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If Asma, Glinda and Äpathy could just leave me and all the others alone that they troll back to back, then yes.

And the poster Äpathy doesn’t even know what their name means…cuz they behave the polar opposite of what their name implies. They probably heard the word spoken, thought it sounded cool, tried to make a toon with it… but the name was taken, so they had to use an umlaut code for it to make a non existent word. They don’t even understand that the etymology of the word is broken down to say someone suffering of severe mental disease in the case of the pathological affliction of adynamia, which I firmly believe that this person actually has. The unwillingness to follow through with anything they request proof for. It causes you to constantly want things, but never be able to get them as it causes extreme neurofatigue. That is why the will constantly request proof of things, but are unable to follow through when an opportunity to get proof presents itself.

They need proof given to them, directly, they are not capable of getting it themselves. It would also describe their lack of effort put into their toon in Wrath that they seem to care so much about. And as is usually the case with apathic people, they become verbally aggressive when faced with any form of disagreement or come across something or someone they do not understand.

So yes that is the condition that this person has very clearly, hence why they chose the name…it came to them subconsciously I am 100% willing to bet as a comforting word to them to help them with the condition that they have. You can find more proof of their adynamia due to the fact that the name they wanted was taken and so they chose the next best version of it without doing the research to find out that the umlaut causes it to not have the same sound. They would need to pull from a Dutch dialect to do that and get an accent over their name if indeed the one they wanted was taken.
Long posts are super difficult for people with adynamia to read and fully comprehend…
So, this blocky post here is a test to further confirm my theory.

It basically advances the same old thing you’ve been going on about - you’re a victim.
But at the same time you’ve also billed yourself as some sort of weird Azerothian Übermensch which has been kinda creepy to watch.

We’ve all attempted to discuss different issues with you for example I’ve not once asked you to prove your outlandish claims by posting on a “main” or one of the characters you’ve bragged on. I have, however, put forth the idea that you used to post on another character in the forum and have an axe to grind with myself and other posters based on perceived slights from prior interactions.

And there is still no name for me to whisper for when I log in.

Who logs H+?

It’s so painfully obvious that this is a lie. Like, it’s almost insulting how low effort this is, but, it’s all that should be expected from a low impact player who writes fanfics of his character’s head canon while hiding on a level 12 sock puppet.

I don’t even know where you got this from. I started my raiding career in TOGC, which is the nail in the coffin as to why I quit LKC, because I’ve already done it and don’t care to do it again.

But, whatever, fanfics and what not. Who needs reality when you have schizo delusions of grandeur to keep you company.

:point_down: I’ll answer that for Glinda with a quote.

My brother in Christ you have not seen rage. All you’ve seen is me roast you for being an idiot, and your response to that is to continue being an idiot.

And somehow I’m at fault for that.

Outside of being literally not at my PC, I have not. It is impossible for you to even quote me on dodging you, because I never did. I even posted on my HC toon at your request, which, is supposedly too hard for you to figure out.

Oh you’re an idiot idiot. Even after I posted on Distractgodx huh.

Because you’re here. You are my pretty lil lolcow. You entertain me. Every mongoloid and mouth breather on here has, since I started coming here, been my entertainment. I physically can not get enough of low impact players pretending like they’re good at a game they’ve dedicated their life to. It’s positively pathetic and I crave it. You are the type of person that I make into victims in game, and you’re the person to then complain about it, which only fuels it more.

I’m a forum parasite. I only come here to feed off of people like you. You are why.

And yet you won’t post on it. Crazy.

Almost like you don’t have it.

No, it isn’t trolling. How about you don’t try to flex as a low impact player. Know your place, trash.


It is.

As would anyone with warm brain cells. If I said I was a pro wow player by the name of Cdew, you’d want me to post on that character, as proof of who I say I am. This is how it works.

Only troglodytes like yourself make fanfics of their characters as cope for their inability to play a 20 year old game.

If you read the entire thread and came to that conclusion, then yikes my brother, but, you do you.

Look Ao, I only go away on Blizzard mandated vacations, and those have been nothing but temp. I still got Frosty the Grey logs for when he rears back up. All you have to do to prove me wrong, is just that. Prove me wrong. Post on any toon with any accolade of merit.

The fact that the bar is too high for you only proves one thing, and that’s that you’re nothing but a low impact trash can, which is fine, players like me need players like you to fill the bottom % of the leaderboards.

This is what I forgot. No, trogg, I just skim your schizo ramblings, and most of what you say deserves no real comment. No one cares to pay attention to the waste of space sitting in the corner until they want entertainment from said waste of space. That’s what’s currently happening.

Sorry that Occam’s Razor is too hard for you to understand, and your elaborate schizo ramblings are supposed to be cope or whatever, but that’s not reality. This is. You being ridiculed for trying to flex.

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I am cringing for Ivanka but I will offer them a lifeline.


Any version.

You don’t seem to have one.

I mean, you claimed to have a lvl 60 pallie in Hardcorpse, but apparently it’s only lvl 15 now.

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What I actually said was this…

“I have 0 60s who have died. I feel fragile at level 60 in HC. When leveling to 60, you have everything to gain. When you are 60, you have everything to lose, nothing to lose. Unless you play with friends who can get your back during a d/c. I have made a lot of paladins. Hard to follow for you? I had one that died while pocket healing a friend to murlocs, one that died at Princess while I was afk, one that made it, two that are currently leveling.”

Then in another post I said that my level 15 one died, not my 60.

You and I both talked in game on our original server on my 60 pally. I have posted on that toon plenty on these forums. You know I have it. I actually now have 2 level 60s in Classic that are pallies. In Wrath, 2 60 pallies, a 70 pally, an 80 pally. In HC got one, in retail, only 1 level 70 now…give you just one little guess what class that one is. That pally in retail that is 70 is my one and only max level toon in DF.

DF UI is like… titles don’t show the way they used to, guild names don’t, /groster no longer works. If Classic did not exist I would have unsbbed from WoW cuz retail is total crap right now. And oh OF COURSE they removed arena teams for the Classic versions… that way you are not locked in to who you can play with and now can buy a boost…using the WoW tokens. Only reason why the arena teams were removed from Classic WoW.

Never happened.

So, what I hear is that you’re unable to post on a max level toon.


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So many paladins.
Next, Ivanka will claim to be Cauchy.


Oh, my God!

Cauchy’s trolling us all!


By the way…

What server was that, exactly?

I’m not asking your toon’s name.

Just the server name.

You can try to search the forums, but it won’t do you any good.

lol I’m betting she says Vendorstrike

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The fact that I am able to describe your in game manersions perfectly, where you were, what you were doing, the fact that I called you a purple haired warlock female gnome, the fact that I told you that you used to always come to the throne room to look at the PvPers and would back to back spam WSG on your toon with a couple ABs done, the fact that I said that you never hit 60 until way late into Classic because you kept alt hopping and couldn’t decide on a toon, the fact that I said how you kept guild swapping and I assumed you kept getting kicked…very clearly points to the fact that were on the same server together. I know exactly who you are. You know me too. We have talked in game some.

I read all of that and all I could hear was the nerd emoji.

“The fact that I” :nerd_face: goofy ahhh self

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Which server?

The funny part, aside from not being able to name the server, is her description of me ingame.

Ivanka’s never been on the same server, let alone awed me with her 1337 toon.

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What if it’s a sparkle pony?

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