Welcome to the Clown Show

Sure buddy. It’s literally a couple of clicks away.

Doesn’t change anything of what I said. :nerd_face:

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I already did post on one of mine, and you’re still on a level 11 non HC character putting folks down for their character’s levels and the mode they play. You’re trying to invalidate them for these things on a character that’s no better than the ones you’re discrediting.
Put up or shut up already man. :-1:t4:

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Ivanka has no shame.
Or self-awareness.


My favorite right there. :smiling_imp:

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You forgot “coherence”

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Is that toon a level 60 in HC? Oh… no it isn’t? K. Thats what I thought. You all can keep trolling me and keep saying that this is my highest level toon that I have in Classic. Doesnt matter much. Funny… takes half a dozen of you just to team up against me. Cant come at me 1 on 1. Have to get all your friends to gang up on me too… then you are the exact same group of people who complain nonstop on these forums that the HC playerbase is so mean to you and you cant handle it… yea.

Kinda sad how it takes well over half a dozen of you to team up just to troll me nonstop. Not a single one of you is capable of coming at me one person at a time. Got to do it as a group… And… post on your HC 60 then. You’re all legends. Don’t each and everyone of you have a level 60 in HC of every class in full epics?

And definitely no lvl 60 pallie in Hardcorpse.


Hey buddy, hey, yeah you. Snaps fingers pay attention please. I’m not in your little “But my HC character…” I don’t care. I could not care less about it.

You just sound obnoxious and I want to laugh at you for it. That’s it. It’s not that deep.


I know you can’t. Project elsewhere.

So what is it about? You start off about HC, keep going on about HC, but want to then go off about your classic era rogues like it’s relevant, or even remarkable. Wow, you suffered through the wow questing slog twice? JFC it’s Jason Bourne.

Literally just you and me baby girl.

Only Asma but it’s because I keep that circle tight.

But Asma also hasn’t said anything in this thread until minutes ago.

Of course I know him. He’s me. I’m the one being mean. I’m the Rogue in your party who’s hitting Vanish and leaving you to die, then roasting you for dying, and this is days after taking your node from you 10 levels ago.

You’re on public forums with dog opinions my guy lmao

This is why I come to the forums. You. You are my lolcow. Post on those 60 rogues though, I got WCL pulled up and out of the dust. I want to see those KT kills.

You know why more than half a dozen of you have to gang up on me all the time back to back to back? Jealousy. Because each and everyone of you knows that you cannot measure up and that’s why you have to do it as a group. Incapable of coming at me 1v1. Gotta be 7 v1 most often.

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And not a one of us believes anything you have to say.

Give it up, duder.

No one is buying what you’re selling.

And here we go again. Do you even remember what I mentioned about glass houses and throwing stones?
It’s hypocritical to attempt to invalidate a person about their HC status and level on a non HC low level character.
Get on your level 60 HC character, or knock it off.


I chortled.


Glinda like always, Koki, Gathers, Botnik, Zaalg,

Me vs all you… As I said before… the whole lot of you are known forum abusers here who are rude to everyone and have to gang up on people… incapable of coming at me 1v1.

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Used to be based, on a weird trip rn and saying cringe, wish for a speedy recovery for the homie.

What are you even saying to me.

Edit: Oh you’re a lil sneaky sneak making edits after I post. Very sneaky.

I mean, I have had like 6 vacations, probably going to be 7 soon. Maybe even 8. Idk, I get a lil wild.

Of course I know him. He’s me.

Then put your horse blinders on and focus. It can just be us. Only us. You, me, and those nerd glasses for your nerd emoji fursona mr “I have two 60 rogues on normal classic era since 2019. Fact.”

Well I would have to imagine this must be exhilarating for you to play Wrath Classic. Get it all easy mode with tokens and nonstop micro transactions with server exfers always up. Cuz you weren’t capable of playing Wrath last time around… Gotta try your luck this time around I see.

The fact that me saying that riles you up so much shows how insecure you are. I kinda don’t want to pull them out now and post on one of them… I would hate to see you crumble.

Oh… cuz you dont have any 60s in Classic reg. Only that level 80 toon you got there. Your one and only level 80 with 0 other 60s to show for.

My rogue from Classic, havent logged into it for so long that the name is half random numbers. 2 60 pallies in it too. Ret and a holy. That must burn you to know that too. And you got any good toons in retail even? Doubt it. You’re a one trick pony. Only capable of barely playing one single outdated version of WoW that Blizzard is getting rid of in a few months anyways. 5.7k achieves and Wrath is almost over… so many of us had the [It’s Over Nine Thousand!] achieve this far in. I had it on two separate toons by this point and did it on my first one well over a year before Wrath ended…yet here you sit at a measly 5.7k near Wraths end.

I have not touched LKC in a minute but sure buddy.

What does this have to do with anything?

Huh? I mean, wrong, and what? Even if this is my first, how is that relevant? You’re lost in the sauce buddy.

No, idiot, it’s because it’s a laughably braindead task to accomplish with no negatives ever applied to a character and nothing but positive forward progression no matter how long it takes one to achieve. You’re strutting around dropping this like it’s some god tier feat when in reality all you did was spend 50% of your time standing and hitting, and another 50% of your time traveling for the full 5-10 day real time journey.

No, it’s because you’re afraid. You’re under a microscope from the “Big bad bullies on the wow forums”.

Yeah, this game is dog water past raid logging. HC has been legit fun since it’s the first time there has been Blizzard implemented negative progression that can be applied to a character.

Like, what, you can quest and you’re supposed to be good? Literally post on any toon, any era. Give me your best logs, literally best foot forward. The peak of your raiding achievements.

Or give me those rank 1 glad toons. Who cares about raiding when no mortal is your equal in the ring. I’ll take that too.

I literally just want to see anything more than “level 12” bragging about their checks notes ability to level to 60 two total times.

Yet you parade it around so much, and it goes unloved.

Then post on them.

Used to mythic raid and push keystones before classic era dropped in BFA, but sure.

Holy Jesus. Post on one of them. Show us the actual accolade over whatever cope this is.

I can’t breathe.

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If you used to do it but don’t do it anymore that just means you’re a washed up has been. Should inspect my DK in retail. I had well over double your achieves this far into OG Wrath. I still do keys on 20s and have 3x KSH. All you got to do is long in and see… but you wont.

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Retired* I quit the game mouth breather. Can’t continue to do a game mode in a game if I’m no longer a player in the game. Kinda how this goes. I play video games. New games come out. I go play new games.

Sorry if that’s too much for you.

Post on him.

Then give me your name. I’ll log in lmao, like what? “YOU WONT LOG IN (haha got him)” like what did you think my response was going to be?

Literally any toon. Any era. I do not care. Give me any toon you want.

trust me bro

ivanka there is no battle here
you’re unarmed