If you want #NoChanges means you want Retail. If you want #SomeChanges means you want Classic to succeed

If nothing changes, we get retail.

If we are accepting, yet cautious, of potential new additions that path could change.

All WoW was once retail. You’re either fighting a forgone conclusion or raging against a potential branch away from retail.

#nochanges was never real, ever. Its a concept that doesn’t exist.

#somechanges is not unilaterally evil and is the reality of Wrath Classic currently.

H+ aren’t mythic dungeons. the only similarity is surface level and is still a reach. Claiming they are the same is entirely incorrect and shows a lack of understanding of the mythic dungeon system as a whole.

I wont stop you from being mad just to be mad, but at least be aware of the no-win situation you have set up here for yourself and for blizzard.

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No, you get the game as it was. Which, again, was the point of Classic.

And like I said with #somechanges you get this Mythic dungeon crap, because all the Classic Team is capable of is borrowing from Retail and giving slightly changed versions of their systems.


Which is still a direct path to retail. If nothing changes, nothing changes. We get retail. which you claim to not want to happen.

They aren’t mythic dungeons. Educate yourself on systems.

Honestly you just want to be mad at the game, you set yourself up to be able to shout about anything that happens.

RDF being removed? you supported and shouted down others then switched to wanting it included. Delmecius(sp) has the receipts.

Now any change is bad, because retail. However no changes also leads directly to retail design.
Pick a lane.


Nah, you get the game as it was. Wrath Classic should emulate Wrath. So and and so forth.

Vanilla Classic was the version Blizz messed with the least, and it was the most popular. The more changes the Classic team has made, the less people play the game. Seems people want to play a Classic server to experience the game as it was, not a bunch of Retail type systems shoved into the old game. Wrath Classic is just a game for whales and bots. So what have those changes accomplished? Buy your gold and buy your gear with GDKPs. Really captures the original Wrath experience!


He’s going to ignore anything that doesn’t fit in his argument. They all like to do that.


Zaalg has been trolling the forums for years, he doesn’t even play the game. He used to post about how much he disliked WoTLK and RDF and now he lies and pretends he always enjoyed WoTLK and RDF:

Here he is saying subs went up after RDF was added, and then in another post he implies that convenience systems like RDF led to subs deadlining and then plummeting:

Here he is talking favorably about the RDF polls:

Here he is saying the opposite:

Here he is saying RDF is terrible:

and now he’s RDF’s biggest fan. Blizzard decided to listen to players like him and when he got what he wanted (RDF removed) he immediately took the opposite position. Likely the most successful troll to ever grace these fine forums.


Howso? My argument is very simple: Classic exists to experience the game as it was. That’s…straight out of Blizzard’s mouth. Now, obviously they’ve since abandoned that after Vanilla Classic. But that was the original purpose.

Fifteen years from now if they get to Shadowlands Classic, it should be a faithful recreation of Shadowlands as it was back then. Who knows what Retail will look like at that point. But the worst thing they can do is take Retail systems 15 years from now and shove them into Shadowlands Classic. That defeats the purpose. Just like taking a Mythic Lite and shoving it into Wrath Classic defeats the purpose.

You guys act like Retail is some finish line. Like Classic is progressing, but Retail isn’t. It’s a game constantly changing and evolving and getting new expansions. Classic will never catch Retail.

Same faction BG’s were a huge change. Probably on par with adding H+ dungeons.

and wrath as it was leads to more of these retail design choices you rage against. I don’t see how this natural progression escapes you.

I believe that you believe this. If you want to show metrics or sourced data please do. I won’t hold my breath though.

And now we get into irrelevant opinions again. Kind of just solidifies my point that you don’t actually care about anything but being able to be upset online. Sounds exhausting.

Be better and have a nice day.

Thank you for popping in. Sorry if I butchered the spelling of your name.

Weird way to spell “Bloomsday”

They put in the WoW Token.

It’s already full retail.

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Same faction bgs weren’t in Vanilla Classic.

As far as the rest of your post, the fact remains the same: Classic should strive to recapture the game as it was during a specific time. The changes Blizz have created a much more Retail experience than Wrath one.


Totally correct

to most people it does. Dungeons are being run more than they were prior to RDF in original WoW. The content is kept alive. Which increases player engagement which keeps the game from dying.

Once again, stagnation is bad.

Define retail.

Pay 2 win. Esports wannabe. Gameified the soul out of it. Linear zone progression. Raid logging simulator. Optimized for “payer engagement”. Vindictus hub game.

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Thank you for your answer but my question was directed elsewhere.

The reason I ask is because the answers will differ from person to person. I am pointing out that claiming “retail design” essentially means nothing.

I’d change wannabe to washed up. They did have successful arena Esports during OG wrath and for a few years past as well. It’s just fallen off.

By players maybe, but not by any game design choice. All purchases besides the game and the sub are optional and not tied to player power.

No it doesn’t. Retail design is effectively turning a charming persistent open world with hidden secrets that you inhabit and explore and unique treasures to collect into an on rails linear level optimized gear treadmill where only the newest expansion zones are briefly relevant until LFD/LFR is all that remains.

I can’t recall the last time I’ve seen any anti-retail person point to any actual specific things to explain why they hate retail. It’s always extremely vague dismissals like “it’s retail therefor it’s bad”

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There’s only so much time in a day, we’re not going to waste it explaining the obvious, and the forum probably doesn’t support 30 page essays.

See what I mean? Just vague dismissals, every time

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Good lord lad, this was the most obvious “I don’t actually know why, but now I’m digging my head in the sand and screeching” done on these forums, ever.

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I think you haven’t seriously looked at retail recently if that is what you think it is. I’m not the biggest fan of DF but it has exactly those things you are claiming it doesn’t. The on rails aspect has even been watered down since it was implemented into the game.