If you want #NoChanges means you want Retail. If you want #SomeChanges means you want Classic to succeed

Plain & Simple.

If you want NO CHANGES whatsoever, and you want 2005 game designs in 2023, then you, essentially, want the game to head in Retail’s direction.

If you are like me, and you actually want to play the game, then you want #SomeChanges.

What are key problems with expansions?

  1. Poor & experimental balancing (a’la massive disparity between S-tier and D-tier specs)
  2. System’s gated content (Like Weekly Choregast and/or Cov restrictions in SL)
  3. Content droughts (a’la 12 months of ICC in OG Wrath and 9 months of DS)

So, if you want #NoChanges, it means you want all those BAD things to stay in every patch and expansion.
I know for a fact that I don’t want that. I want to take those lessons from the past and apply them to “Classic” products.

If it weren’t for #SomeChanges & modern technology, then:

  • Wrath Dungeons would be dead content since week 2 of Wrath.
  • There’d be less tanks & healers for already dead dungeons.
  • There’d be never any Wintergrasps.
  • PvP wouldn’t exist, but same faction BGs and cross-realm arena fixed that
  • (Minor) but GENDER swap would have been a paid feature.
  • Meta would NEVER SHIFT and UDKs would be double the damage of Affic lock. And also means that all D-tier specs would remain D-tier)
  • 80 boosts would have been a thing for all bots.
  • All bosses/content would have been nerfed into the ground (Naxx10/25 in OG Wrath is even easier)
  • Even less of you would have Valanyrs. And are still asking for 10m drops.

So yes, #Changes are good for the game.
This isn’t 2010 anymore.
Not all old-time philosophies are good. Some of those things exists because Devs themselves were new to all this and inexperienced.

Not all QOL features we know of today even existed back in the day. Same as people couldn’t even imagine cell phones & internet and now everyone can’t imagine life without those things.

We know what’s bad. We knows what’s good.
#SomeChanges allows to get rid of those bad things.

So yes, if you want Wrath to turn into retail, then ask for no changes.
But if you actually want “Classic” to succeed, then support #SomeChanges.


This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.


I think the ‘gender makeover’ at the barbershops was a fun addition.


BM Hunter has a place in my heart, even if it doesn’t have a place on the raid team.


Which part doesn’t make sense to you?

If something follows exact same steps as it’s predecessor, it will repeat history.
If you take different steps, you will end up somewhere else.

I hope this, already simple enough concept, makes a little bit more sense to you!


You know what #nochanges gets you? The game as it was back then. How is that Retail? It’s not…it’s the game as it was back then. Which was the entire point of Classic.

You know what #somechanges gets you? A game much closer to Retail. The answer is very simple: the Classic team is incompetent. They’re not developers. They’re not designers. All they can do is take systems from Retail and say, ‘How can we slightly change this and shove it into Classic?’


and that’s what leads you to Retail. Playing the game “as it was” in 2010. Then you will play the game as it was in 2012. Then as it was in 2014. Then in 2016. And then “as it was” in 2020.

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No changes means stagnation, changes mean movement.

People claim to want a time capsule game, unchanging from what they remember entirely through rose colored glasses. However when the reality of change being required is brought up they are the first to scream out against it to protect that tinted nostalgia.

You aren’t entirely wrong, if we didn’t change anything and classic kept on going as it, we would eventually become retail WoW. Its not a surprise, it’s not unfounded. However “retail” means nothing anymore. It’s a vague concept to handwave at when people can’t articulate their views past “Its bad”.


I like the idea of meta not shifting, RDF, and level 80 boosts.

No, it leads you to the game as it was at any given time. Which, again, is the point in a Classic server.

What you want is the game crafted for you. Every person has their own definition of the path the game should have taken. That is doomed to fail. And Blizzard is not the company to even make an attempt. Just look at what they’ve done to Wrath. It’s much more similar to Retail than original Wrath from just the few (though significant) changes they’ve made.

If someone wants to play Retail, play Retail. If you want to play Vanilla, there’s Classic Era. If you want to play Wrath, that should have been Wrath Classic. Cata Classic should emulate Cata. And so on and so forth.


/10 char

It’s a false dichotomy.

The player base aren’t split into hard no changes versus gun ho for all changes.

We generally want good changes that make the game more fun and more fair, and don’t like bad or random and pointless changes.

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If no changes are made you end up right with the thing you are foaming at the mouth hating, retail. Either way here, by your reasoning and basic reasoning, we get retail.

No changes - Retail end point for classic.
Zaalgs claims about changes - Retail end point, game death.
Possible future with changes in reality - Potentially
good/bad, but still different.

Calling each and every change a “step towards retail” is a self-fulfilling prophecy. There should be changes, acting like Era/tbc/wrath are perfectly made games is foolish. They all have glaring flaws but are still fun despite of it.

Wanting changes that honor the game (good changes) and create a potential different pathway should be cautiously encouraged, not outright shouted down because of some irrational fear of retail.

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Who has said this? No one. Thinking you can turn it into some perfectly made game is foolish. And the Classic team have already proven themselves not up to the task. So who are you going to ask? The players? The players who love buying gold and buying gear with that gold? Who love gatekeeping Mythic dungeons that were shoved into Wrath? Who cheered at the Token? The Classic audience has mostly been driven from the game already anyway. These are Retail players Blizz has lured over and are now crafting Classic for.


That is an answer that does not engage with anything I said and just gives you more of a platform to go off on tangents unrelated to having an actual conversation.

You clearly just want to be indignant in a public space.

My guild is mostly people who played back in the day, I know several other guilds with similar make up. You can push this narrative all you want but it doesn’t make it true.
INB4 “you’re wrong”

This means nothing, this is unrelated entirely. how do you spot a retail player? how do you spot a classic only player? how are you able to discern with 100% certainty that its these people pushing for changes and not people who played way back? (most people play both)

You pull it out of thin air to give yourself a boogeyman to scapegoat. Which you have overcommitted to and due to that are unable to have a real conversation on the subject.


This makes sense to me. I think some people are just being intentionally obstinate.


Hot damn, you killed him, and 90% of the people who live on the forums and don’t actually play the game :rofl:


Nobody agrees on these things…


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Because its really all subjective, to an extent. I think both sides take pushing their ideas on others too far.


Alright but stop buffing other classes to be better than me after I got insane nurfs for half a year