Blizzard daily reminder that the VAST majority of players want LFD in WoTLK

He could have mentioned we can also find the LFD experience in FFXIV. I’m downloading it now but it’s a huge file and will take hours. I won’t get to try it out until tomorrow. There’s a free trial to level 60 too.

What about it turned YOU specifically off? Don’t talk about “us.” What turned you off about other people queuing for dungeons in LFD?

Why would I go to retail when they are making Wrath as I want it to be? No LFD is exactly what I asked for.

Sure, but LFD didn’t help the game. The game stopped growing after it was released.

Can you quote where I made such a claim? I’ll wait.

Let’s see… LFD is released at the end of Wrath. The game sees little growth and takes big sub number hits from Cata - WoD, after LFD is released.

Do you know how to read the graph?

Yeah, that game also has LFD if you’re looking for it. Enjoy!

Agreed there is no reasonable argument anyone can make against LFD. It was in wrath it should stay in wrath just as the features people wanted to stay in classic vanilla stayed. If they don’t like it they have vanilla and tbc they can play instead or just simply no use it. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean the rest of us shouldn’t enjoy it if we do.

You’re doing it now. You’re trying to imply that sub numbers only fell after LFD release. That’s twice now.

Just fyi Bloomsday is a huge dip who has been trolling for a while so either ignore it or don’t take it seriously. Just tell it to go back to retail like it spammed all year.

That still doesn’t equate to it being RDF’s fault. (Pssst… the chart shows it growing in the last quarter of wotlk and stops growing in cata where it begins to sink)

Right, and the reason you can’t quote me saying that is because I never said it.

It doesn’t equate to it not being LFD’s fault either. That’s all I’m saying. The game lost subscribers after LFD was added. That’s what the data says. You can’t refute it. It’s a fact, you disliking it does not change that.

Lol, right? They game literally only grew after 3.3.0 all the way until cata pre-patch. It only dropped subs after cata launch. Troll no trolling.

Wrath is released. The game sees no growth for 4 quarters. LfD is released the game either sees no growth or increases subscriptions for 6 quarters. In the second quarter of cata subs start to decline.

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I think you’re right, I seem to remember something about not feeding forum trolls. They wither up and turn into goblins if you ignore them, right?


By that same stance I could say it lost subscribers after monday. While factually true, its irrelevant because it doesn’t explain why. The game was constantly gaining new subscribers while losing others. Even in Vanilla, and in TBC, and in Wotlk, and cata, and wod, and every single xpack. A blanket statement with no substance. I see you are just wasting time trying to trigger people and troll so I bid you goodnight.

You are right but I will say that dude is so consistent…he actually started a year ago in the arena forums and now trolls here too…was funny a month ago he started a thread in the arena forums and it instantly just turned into everyone flaming him including a guy saying the highlight of his season 2 was his three day ban for insulting Bloomsday LOL

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Dog. Its literally all a farce to sell boosts and keep botting offices in business. There is no need for rational argument this is a money move at the cost of any longevity.

Average Q&A from players to devs in regards to group content and RDF:

Q: Will I be able to run a dungeon

  • When my friends are offline
  • When my guildmates are offline
  • When it’s 3AM and there’s nobody else online
  • When it’s peak hours and most guilds are in a raid
  • When it’s a few months into stale content and no tank/healer wants to run the heroic you need


  • No, **** you. Buy a realm transfer to a mega-pop realm.

I think you meant “Dont you guys have guilds?”
We should be thankful.

LOL. These polls mean nothing. Look who you’re asking.

It’s like going to a gun show and asking those people about harsher gun regulation. The results are going to be skewed.

im fine with it not being in at launch as it wasnt back in the day. but perhaps add it sooner

Everyone should just take their money to private servers if Blizz continues to ignore players and focus on micro-transactions.

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