How’s shaman doing

Just like the title said…I’m a returning player but reading these forums it looks like shamans aren’t the best. I always loved enchancement it made the game so fun for me how is that spec doing


leave it to the shaman community to label talents as builds…lmao.thats like me saying since i have killer instinct and chimaera shot and calling it the ki/cs build…lol

i got another good build for hunter the murder of crows and dire beast and call it the moc/db beast build…LMAO.anyone with have a brain can look at wows talents and see the build and respecing is free…lmao.

this community kills me…lmao.


Shaman is a lot of fun. I exclusively play elemental, so I can’t really comment on enhancement from a personal standpoint. However, I have seen some enhancement shamans do some incredible damage and they look cool. Also, you can transmog your weapons into two dead fish. Who doesn’t want to slay things with dead fish?

Enhancement needs help.

Elemental and Resto are in good spots.

And that’s the issue, feel free to go to any other class forum and you will see the same. All people do here is complain, here let me give you some examples:

DK Forum:

Hunters Forum Holy cow how they cry in that one specially.

Paladins Forum

Priest Forum

Mage Forum

Warlock Forum


Enhance is 1100 dps away from the top melee spec…

What are you even talking about?


Because single target sim dps isn’t the issue.

These are not sims. It’s the dps of everyone in BOD.

That’s how enhance performs over all of BOD.

Why do people always think anyone cares about sims. I’m linking actual data.


You are linking some actual data. Data that ignores why enhance isn’t in a good spot.

DPS isn’t defining factor on why a class is or isn’t in a good spot.

See what they do. Now it’s not the “DPS” problem anymore. It’s something else magical lol. Non stop complaining no matter what.


Shamans are great at the moment m8, don’t read into wow forums that hard, you’ll start losing brain cells.


I know…

This is what it is random forum enhance shaman goes into mythic. He parses a 9 on 3 bosses in mythic,the lock purple parsed so he comes here to complain about a problem that is his.

People do bad for a number of reasons but assume e it CANT be them, it HAS to be another factor.

Take the blame, it’s not the class or spec it’s you. Good news, you can all still improve!! Get that rotation down, learn the fight mechanics so you can predict them and not just react, learn when to pop CDs on said fights, line the CDs up. Go look at logs of good performing enhances, see their logs and break them down it’s all on the site.

You can literally go into that shaman’s fight and see what he Casts every second of the fight. See how many CDs hea getting vs you, see how many times he uses his abilities vs you.


in pvp shaman is not the very best right now w any spec, but rsham and ele are both viable, enh tho i dont think is. in comparison to top tier classes like fire mage and assasin rogue or uh dk. enh ele and resto are all lacking in their own regards. Activision needs to seek to make the game viable throughout instead of repeating blizzards biggest mistake, nerfing everything and making mage rogue and a few others the only viable things every season.

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I thought Resto was doing pretty well in PvP? Like not at the tippity top but within the top 10

Go watch Cdew sit in ghostsolf form while the other team tries to destroy him and he stands up goes to his kitchen and grab a water, comes back and then starts to play.


Like where do you even get this information. Ele is AMAZING rn. Enhance RULED season 1 and resto shams are probably 3rd behind rdruid and monk.

These are the people spreading the stigma. But why though? Weird.

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ele is amazing but the lasso lord part is super annoying if theyd put our damage to our abilities and remove lassos damage aspect i think we would be a more skill-required class and not so sloppy/lasso-reliant. rsham is not too bad right now but enh is super bad “lacking in their own regards” was not meant to imply they are not viable. itwas more-so meant to show that a rework would be stellar each in their own regard, just like many things like sub rogue and marks hunter, and aff lock etc.

“needs rework in their own regards” is now even more of a legitimate statement. spirit wolf and pack spirit are rlly silly

yea its up there but its needing reworkjust as disc is, in comparison to rdruid and hpal. thats why cdew isnt top top tier rn imo, #36 is great dont get me wrong, rsham IS viable but a rework would be nice for a lot of classes lacking right now. cdew being behind several people, i think is only becasue rsham isnt the best viable healer atm (as cdew even states). not saying to buff rsham over say disc priest but i do think they both need rework just as rdruid and hpal do in another sense