How’s shaman doing

You don’t even main this class or any others but yet you go on each one just to troll and not contribute anything to the topic of discussion. You need to find a hobby other than going on random classes forums and trolling.

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Main what class? Shaman? The one were i have a +22 key done and 2k IO score? How exactly you know i don’t main a class?

Comeback to me when you don’t use internet buzzwords.

Yeah forgot not crying about how every class is completely useless how everyone does ain’t contributing.

You don’t tell me what to do.


I’m clearly talking about the hunter class cause for some reason you live on our forums blabbering about how all we do is complain on almost every post even though you’re complaining about how much we complain rofl. I hope you find a hobby other than being a nuisance on other classes forums instead of your own.

Now i see who you are, the one that didn’t even understand the nerf of Barbed shot yeah and everyone in the hunters forums made fun of you.

Here my hunter:

Come back to me when you can finish a +15 in time.

I pvp and raid more than push keys but we can gladly duel it out. Come back to me when you wanna go at it. Letting your weps talk > I.O that won’t matter in a month

Dang man, you highest achievment in Challenger while mine is Rival you mean ahead of you.

And i barely even PvP, must be hard to be bad.

I’m calling you out to duel and you still haven’t accepted but yet bring up rankings. For all we know you could of been carried so until then. Ill be waiting. Must suck being scared of a player that’s ranked below em. I’m sure you can relate though obviously.

Oh son, don’t we all get carried? Or buy the achievments?

Can tell what kind of player you are, go back to crying for no reason. Or keep chasing me a long the forum, couldn’t care less.

Rofl typical wannabe player elitist garbage. Quote my post first calling it “crying” but don’t want any smoke when you get called out back. I see exactly the type of player you are too. All bark no bite. Enjoy being scared of a low ranked

Wow. Just wow. Relax guys.


I’m on the fence with ele I’m torn between it and balance so here is my opinion as I’m still leveling



  • Rotation feels clunky you have to do twice the effort of other ranged classes to hit their damage.
  • Need specific traits and talents to be viable.
  • Lasso drops off quick of the target is under heavy fire(its not that great).


  • Quite a few mog options.
  • Spell animations are cooler.

Visually I like ele but as a spec starting to think… meh… it does good damage at 120 if all the requirements are met. Other classes like balance would require much less.

These are just my opinions.

What exactly is clunky?

Nah, not really.

Neither this, i mean you have 1 extremely good Azerite trait that is above everything that is Igneous Potential but without it you can still do pretty good way above viable.

And when it comes to talents, you have options depending on what you doing and how you doing it.

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Ele sham seems pretty strong! I’m only 94 on mine, but even in that bracket, I’m just decimating people and I don’t even have my full toolkit yet. Resto sham is also ridiculous in 2s if you just pillar hump constantly. I haven’t had much of an issue against enh shamans, except in 3s. They have some pretty chaotic and random burst that catches me off guard and kills me every now and then.

Also, we have no cd purges and our heals are outstanding, so it’s really nice when your healer needs help topping people off. I’m having more fun than I did on my MW monk when I just started him.

Clunky as in doesnt flow smoothly. You have to line up every right to do decent damage. I saw other people in the past saying this too and I didnt understand until I made a shaman.

It’s a fun class but you have to do the rotation just right. My shaman uses IF MOTE build i wish there was an easier way to watch for mote proc.

I guess what I was trying to say was as lock or mage I can deal similar damage without keeping the rotation perfect.

I get better with it the more I play. I’m hoping everything will line up right at 120 with correct gear.

i love that shamans have to label talents as builds…lol.i us the ki/cs build on my hunter…i use db/moc beast build on my hunter…lmao,

shamans the only community that labels a few talents as builds…lmao.

I love that this is such a frusterating topic for you that I have seen you post about it twice.

Personally I have no issues you calling the group of talents you use (ki/cs) to be a build. It might be a sub-optimal build but if it effectively communicates a certain set of talents/powers that you have chosen then I don’t see a problem.

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I feel like going through and posting all the white knights responses, because clearly the game is in the best state it’s in.

Oddly and this is worth mentioning, you’re playing a class that has been revamped 4 times to be fixed and tons of feedback because Lore. Also, do you think it’s weird you didn’t post a SV hunter or sub Rogue complaint? Why? Because nobody is playing them.

You must be new because shamans have been complaining about their spec since rockbiter was nerfed. You cite the people who are still playing and posting, the people who unsubscribe don’t. Maybe that’s why you don’t see more complaints from anyone, they just leave.

It’s just an ill informed observation but as I’ve seen you post, it’s a common theme.

yep putting 2 talents together and calling it a build is very “frusterating” as you put it…lmao.did you see my ki/cs build,my moc/db beast build you know since you just combine 2 talents and its a build.

since im the only hunter to do it these build are mine:)…lmao.

Sure. A build is a specific set of abilities, powers and talents. It doesn’t have to be popular. You can certainly make up your own build and come on here to talk about why you selected ki/cs along with the other talents/ abilities you have chosen.

And there is no reason to desparage others who want to do the same

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Is this class worth leveling and doing rated bgs with as ele? Or would I better off go boomkin or mage?