Why is mage trash dps now?

Boomkin, spriest, warlock anything etc. All other caster dps seem to do about almost double mage dps now. Looking at the rankings seem to confirm this. What the hell happened???


What happened was , it started several years ago but it was after Ghost Crawler stopped working for blizzard. The rest is pretty much easy to figure out :joy:


Bad class design, bad stat scaling, pruning of abilities, other classes just working better with their talents/azerite/stats.

Sucks a ton. I really do love my mage but it feels like such a pain atm.


My theory is nerfing the damage of our primary spell (fireball, frostbolt). Coupled with increased RNG has resulted in the suck. And finally some scaling issues.

Certainly inconsistent with my class fantasy. Wizards/Magi work tirelessly for years to master their art. Meaning they know what will happen with their spells. So all this RNG fishing for procs is contrary to the mastery that we have worked to achieve.


Mage is still fine.


Forgot to mention ele sham even does uber dps now and they got a huge amount of survivability compared to a mage. Literally every other caster is superior. Sure carry one mage for int buff. But that’s about it. Sad.


Becuase devs think this is coooooooooooooooool!

It’s really not though.

Is it still playable? Yes. Can it still work in raids and m+? yes. It’s FAR from being “fine” though.


Almost every fight in the new raid caters to spread cleave so the dot classes are doing pretty well compared to us.

You guys aren’t even last…only 1 of your specs is even close to last.

Still not last.

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Mage is the weakest Ranged class in a Ranged favored raid. That doesn’t bode well going into next tier. If the best you can say about your class is that you “aren’t last,” that’s a yikes.


I love my mage. I’m in the middle of the pack for most of my raids.

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Shaman survivabilty better? Just wondering how it is.

It isn’t… don’t feed the troll.

You’re talking to a BM hunter who has been last on logs for literally all of Legion and most of BFA. We were viable when we were last, it sucked we were so bad, but we were way worse than what mages have it.

Fire and frost are 4th and 5th from bottom while arcane is middle of the pack.

Infact if you take logs from mythic rankings and turn it into per second amounts your under 2k dps away from top caster specs not counting the DOT classes as this raid favors them heavily.

Your class is really not that bad …


Do you often come to other classes forums to proclaim how much harder you have it and argue how wrong their opinions are?


Wasn’t trying to say how bad I have it, was saying I sympathize with your situation and gave my experience of the situation as an example.

I was also trying to point out with data like I did that it really isn’t that bad, trying to talk the mages off the ledge. When you put it in dps perspective being behind 1600 dps really isn’t that bad…

But since I guess I presented actual data to the arguments held in this forum post I’m the bad guy… Sorry mages are trash, how dare they be behind by 1600 dps…they should be on top!!! Buff them, not the others farther below them!!


Mages are not in a good spot right now and no amount of “but there’s always one worse spec” is going to change that. Idk why there’s always a BM hunter on the mage forums saying “we’re worse!!!” but that’s not the point.

If this thread was titled “Why are mages the 3 worst dps specs?” then it would be appropriate to comment. But mages are in one of their worst spots ever at the moment. Zero reason for a pure dps class to have 3 mediocre-at-best specs in the current raid.

Another symptom that’s overlooked when talking about rankings for dps is ease of spec. None of the specs in WOW is “hard” to play, but mages take considerably more work to set up and pull off with much less to show for it than say, pretty much any melee spec. If you screw up your mana usage or God-forbid your cds get interrupted as arcane, you’re done. Same with your combustion phase for fire. Frost is much more forgiving, but still leaves you fishing for procs and your dps can tank rapidly if you run dry for a while.

TLDR You can lament about BM being worse, but when all 3 specs are meh to bad at once, it’s a terrible situation.


This right here. I sim my warlock who’s about 4 IL less than my mage and one secondary point is like 3+ dps. With mage it’s often 2 dps. Doesn’t sound like much until you factor in that it’s PER POINT and so a 15 level upgrade (like heroic to mythic) is doing drastically more for a lock than for us. It’s also atrocious that mages seem to be the most trait-dependent class for dps. Arcane, for example, without 3 equipoise is pretty much trash.


I was never comparing our hardships I was sympathizing with your situation and saying BM was bad but it got better.

You could argue any spec not #1 is garbage with this mentality. BM is middle of the pack should I make posts that 12 or so other specs beat a “pure” dps class??? Also saying “pure” dps class shows how little you understand how balancing should be. If you’re dps you’re dps. Shouldn’t matter if you can switch to a tank or a healer and blizzard does NOT balance around that, so I’m not sure why you you even said it.

Mages are not hard, no spec is. Again more stuff that the classes are not balances around. You’re basically saying buff mages because we aren’t #1 and we should be!

Sorry to inform you that your class is fine, suggesting that you “trash” dps when you’re around 1600 dps lower is insane. I could see being 4k lower, but 1600!?!?!?! That’s actually pretty balanced.

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