What's going on with Shaman's these days?

This may be observer bias but recently in raids and 5’s I’m seeing some shamans come out of no where and absolutely destroy on the meters.

iLvl to iLvl, just really tearing things up.

Just curious because until recently I don’t recall them being all that competitive as DPS.

Since 8.1 ele sham have been in a really good place. And while the tool kit isnt as good as the “super meta”. It has earned ele sham some legit recognition.

It honestly all comes down to the buff to the Igneous Potential azerite trait, and the domino effect of it suddenly making the Echo/MotE/Icefury build amazing.


Yeah - fortunately (and unfortunately) our strength comes from Igneous Potential azerite trait. If we were to lose that…well, you’d see a lot less of us “tearing up the dps meters”. Dps shamans in general are just in a weird place. Enh is pretty crappy (in all but maybe 1 or 2 fights, with perfect gear) and while ele is in a good place overall, one easy nerf to our trait and we’re back in the dumpster. It’s a scary place to be honestly


As others have said the Ele stool is standing on a single leg… the stacking of 3 IP on Azerite pieces .

If it ever gets nerfed in any way the stool is gonna come crashing down and it won’t be pretty


Except this is false, PE/SE is only slightly behind IF/MOTE build even with the nerf to echo, if IP gets gutted we’ll simply turn back into burst lightning mages rather than keeping the strong sustain we have now.

Net loss wouldn’t drop us that hard at all.


So much this. People seem to forget very quickly.

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Echo is not a viable trait at all . There is a bug on how it works and I am not sure if it was ever fixed .

I think you mean MotE. EotE is and has been fine. If you swap talents onto MotE you need to test it to make sure you get the proc. If not asimple swap out and back into fixes this issue.

No I meant Echo… see Storm , earth and lava website . There is a blog by Blood Mallet about the Echo trait.

Ya I am aware of the MoTE bug too… super annoying.

ah the azerite trait. Yeah that has been bugged for awhile though there is suppose to be a fix for it.

As I stated in my original reply, “even with the nerf to echo” that PE/SE is only slightly behind. I say this in case others thought that trait was the only reason the build was viable. Well aware that the trait is garbage.

I feel like it would drop us a bit. IF/MotE allows me a ton of mobility and to cast while moving. I feel like that would be a larger factor in why my DPS would drop. Especially with how focused they have been on making movement intensive fights.

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Poor movement planning during encounters does not speak anything of the viability/DPS potential of the build.


ele is strong right now thats about it.

Elemental, yeah. Igneous Potential stacking.

Even restoration in elemental gear does pretty amazing dps. If I don’t have to stop to heal I can do 17k single target sustained dps.

Even when I do heal I can do like 12k sustained dps, although my healing is usually below other healer by 10k. Still on fights like opulence resto can pump (saw heroic parses at 22k parses today on heroic without being beneath dps) and on farm content resto can be a very good security blanket rather than just go down a dps entirely as their dps is competitive and elastic.

ele shaman for dps in any end game avoid enhancement they are really bad and resto is good for pvp healing.

enhance is fine lmao

squishy for a melee spec but the damage is good

Like i always say when the op gets denied when he gets asked if he is ele and says no he can come back and yell at you.

This is the meta m+ has created.

you can’t judge a class’s worth/viability off of pugs

is ele better than enhance in most situations? yeah, just like balance is better than feral, bm is better than marks, frost mage is better than fire mage, outlaw better than sub, yadda yadda

enhance can still perform, people make it work all the time. if someone enjoys a lesser played spec don’t turn them off it by claiming it’s not viable when almost everything in this game is viable up to a certain point

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