DK= worst class in the game

Frost and Uh are both supar melee specs that none wants for raiding or M+. None will take A DK over a rogue or DH.

Blood is only useful in raids for grip and is mediocre when stuff can’t be death gripped. is outclassed by prot war for M+ who does far more dmg and is harder to kill.

DK is probably the worst PVE class in the game RN


@blizzard, ^ this mage says we need buffs


Frost is simply designed bad, and will be until obliterate scales off mastery. BoS is also clunky and weak.

Unholy is almost there but the fact 50% of our damage and all our burst comes from Army of the dead makes us crap. Really it just proves our sustained dps is garbage and needs buffed.


40% of our damage is autoattack :grimacing:


Make DK’s great again in PVE. While you’re at it, make disc great again in PVP!



Felt like I was four years old typing that out.

If you’re in a position of mythic progression, or pushing 15+ keys - maybe there’s merit to what you’re saying. For the majority of guilds who have been bleeding members all expansion, you can get into a raiding guild if you’re consistent regardless of what you play. In the heroic groups I’ve been in, both pugs and with a buddy and his guild, I’ve lead in overall damage done consistently (and don’t see bravado in this, I’m wanting to portray that in casual environments - we can pull ahead, carry even).

If you cannot get into a mythic+ group, start one of your own. Fury, Arms, Hunts, WW, etc - they’re in the same spot as you - it’s your responsibility to stand out. Get the addon to check iO, or just search their iO online. You start it. If you find someone decent in whatever key level it is, add them to your real I.D and do your best to establish a community.

I do consider myself casual. I’m not driven to be a progression environment, so admittedly I cannot comment on this. But according to logs, there’s at least three DK’s I can pull up who are leading in overall dmg done on several fights in the mythic scene. Are they outliers? Probably so. Nevertheless, it can be done.

I do think you’re being hyperbolic saying we’re the worst in PvE environments. You start out saying that we’re sub-par, then going on to conclude we’re “probably the worst”. How do you even begin to measure and dissect that? In my circle of people I play with, I do just fine.

Would you be willing to post on your DK? Maybe there’s gear / traits / talents that the community can aid you with to improve? Maybe the rotation is off. Who knows - it could be a mixture of several different things.


I mean, we’re pretty much god awful in raiding right now, in Battle for Dazar’alor, every other class has at least one DPS spec that’s doing better than us. And as far as M+ is concerned we’re also the least utilized DPS as a class.

It does suck pretty bad right now. Heck, my team even benched me last week on M Grong progression just due to my class. As much as that sucked, I can’t even really blame them. We’re literally the 2nd and 3rd worst DPS specs for the fight, like leaps and bounds worse than everyone else.

We’re in serious need of retuning and it’s getting pretty ridiculous it’s taking so long to get it.


im just going to leave this here

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Those self-heals tho

Why play a dk when you could do way better dps with a quarter of the effort as any other class.

Plus dk mobility woof.


Because I can.


It’s not that bad. Plus it’s still the most fun class to play.
DK for life!


Frost feels bad as dual wield.
Obliterate not being frost dmg, or at least partial frost dmg is dumb.
BoS is clunky AF and feels really bad when you mess it up.
Damage needs to be boosted across the board.

Unholys playstyle is mostly fine, the damage isn’t.
Deathcoil needs a major damage boost.
Bring back desecration.
Army CD needs to be reduced.

Blood needs a baseline short CD defensive, maybe a better version of Rune Tap.
Blood should also have a different version of Bonestorm.
Having access to Chains of Ice would be great too.
Better RP generation would be nice.



How do you measure a quarter of the effort? The bulk of our damage comes from an auto attack, a DoT that spreads itself, and a pet. Sure, there are intricacies to the rotations with Runes and timing, but the same can be said with any other class.

DK mobility in a PvE situation? What scenarios are you referring to?

i would look at factors you are managing rather than damage sources.


Pulling purple parses consistently and still being the 5th or worse dps in a raid is sad.

With that said, this raid overall has been pretty bad for melee dps, but for DK’s it’s especially bad.

Both DK DPS specs are heavily focused on short periods of high burst damage, and we need to be able to sit on targets for this burst damage as well. Even in a cleave fight where we should excel (Jadefire Masters), the shortcomings of having to sit on our targets to be able to pour on our burst phase is blatantly apparent as we are at the bottom of the pack statistically.

There are of course other shortcomings of our DPS specs, ramp up time, poor mobility and even less utility…

Honestly, the class designs for this expansion are the poorest I’ve ever seen them in the game…


Does a twirl There’s a reason why Im a glowing space goat now. UH and frost just aren’t fun to play.

Should come over to the pvp side of things. Unholy dks been running the show for a while now.


Unholy has very good sustained damage and pretty decent burst potential. I would say some if not the best in the game without being OP. (There are higher options but those specs are broken)

The problem DK has that is always has, is that it has limited good comps. The only comp I know that is very good in this meta is Dk/Dh. Yes its an amazing comp but its mainly because of how good Dh is right now.

Agree! If I have a mythic+15 or more , list it on the premade group. Right most of people just inv rogue and dh. What is this means? Dk is not a strong class and no buff for the group what ever rank space or dps, people always want to completed the keys on time. If you say we have Br for mythic, lol that’s not strong than a damage buff or like a shadows priest they have defence buff and good damage in mythic. Give a buff to the dk or make it strong enough, like port warrior, he’s doing double or trouble damage as a blood; like rogue is doing good aoe damage in reaping and around the mythic+ environment. If dks are not playing with friends that’s hard to get a job in a premade group bro.

At the end , this class need more love and hug, he’s not alice race to choose.