No MDI MM Hunters

lol. Why wouldn’t there be at least one MM, I mean, they bring no utility, lackluster AOE, average single target. I’m shocked… >.> Going to keep bringing the player and not the class; am I right?

Yes, because hunter is the only class not represented… This post is pure idiocy.


What i’m getting from watching the mdi is their pve balancing is just as terrible as pvp balancing. There really is no excuse for it.


the problem is shroud is too good, or rather dungeon packs are so overtuned that not bringing a rogue is literally crippling yourself, hell they even bring 2, which shows how something needs to change. either the dungeons or shroud.
and prot warriors do way too much damage to not be taken, resto druids have the most healing and useful utility. thus killing diversity


If the problem was only isolated to MDI. Raider io for 15+ keys also reflects the same problem. Your response is pure idiocy and the fact you want to ignore that fact to post on your alt is kind of proving that point.

It’s not that, invis pots are just as good if not better. It’s about the insane amount of AOE damage they generate as well.

Kind of the point right? If you’re a developer and wanting “balance” and all you see is pretty much the same comps really doing the same keys, isn’t that a problem?


BREAKING NEWS: the top .02% of players use the same classes when min/maxing to full potential.

Clearly this means that any class not represented in this extremely small sample size is garbage tier and is incapable of performing well in m+

OP has the mental scope of a garden snail. What a joke of a post.


Are you new to WoW? Cause otherwise the amount of stupid here is staggering… World first and now MDI has always, ALWAYS, been about stacking the current “best” performing classes. The game is fairly balanced for what the overwhelming majority of players do. Does it need tweeks, sure, like every other mmo that has ever existed…


This is a very important point to consider when making posts like this. It does not matter if Hunters are among the best of the best. They only have to be viable in all content.

This is completely untrue in the current moment. There are several spec that have zero, or very nearly zero representation in one or more of the major areas of gameplay. MM is one of those specs, and complaints/discussions on the specs issues are not only warranted, but necessary.


MDI isn’t indicative of overall spec performance: some specs are just better at dungeons than others, but that doesn’t mean they’ll also excel at raiding, RBGs, or arenas.

However, given the pattern of OP’s posts, he has something of a point: MM hunters were not represented in the MDI or Arena Championships because they aren’t optimal, but I cannot say for sure that they would be sub-optimal - or God forbid, a liability - in those settings at that level. (Though given how fast that one MM player at the Arena championships was chewed to pieces after a near-flawless opener, I’m inclined to believe the prognosis would not be good.) I don’t know how they fare in RBGs or Mythic raiding, but it seems to me that the spec as a whole has many shortcomings that have been repeatedly pointed out to the devs.

This isn’t to say that the design of MM is awful, but let’s just say I won’t be at all surprised when I have to completely relearn the spec for the third time in five years when the next expansion comes out.


If you’re trying to insinuate that running higher keys is a major area of gameplay… ROFL ROFL ROFL. The vast majority of players don’t run keys above 10… most don’t even do that.

Mind-numbing… Does blizzard balance the game at majority of average or do the balance the game off top end?

If mediocrity is acceptable to you, I’m not insulting you; but, why would you bother to post?

I posted in the hunter forums, I could talk about a number of other classes that won’t be represented; but, that’s the point. There is no diversity because there is a obvious tilt in a single classes favor. It’s also not isolated to “the best of the best”, you can check that out for yourself on raider io. It’s also not the ONLY problem where if we looked at the classes as a whole, PVP and PVE hunters have been in a bad place. I mean, if I was an avid SV hunter I’d loose my mind right now. At least if you’re a rogue, you have two other specs that are completely viable. Can hunters perform average to good in an average setting? Sure, is that how the game is balanced though? No.

It’s also worth mentioning that if the reward was capped at a mythic 10, then there would less emphasis on the necessity to higher and higher keys. If mediocrity and average was going to be the basis then everyone would be happy with LFR gear. I fail to see your point.


Since you seemed to somehow miss it… there has never been diversity and will never be diversity at the upper end, unless every class is made homogeneous. This isn’t hard to grasp.

Been here since vanilla, WOTLK, CATA and MOP were all pretty well balanced. Not sure how long you’ve been around. Since Ghostcrawler’s left, the classes and communication has been a dumpster fire WOD and on.


Now you’re just lying… trying to pretend there was true balance, and world first’ers didn’t class stack if just a straight up lie.

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Ya? You think there were all rogues and locks in 40 man’s? lol You’re just trolling.

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At this point I can only assume you aren’t too bright.

Don’t worry, I wasn’t putting too much merit in your assessments anyway to take a personal attack. I won’t lose much sleep over your assumption.


That was not my implication. I certainly didn’t “insinuate” anything. I was straight forward. There are areas of gameplay in which MM is not represented. You won’t find but a handful of MM above 1800 in arena for example. Those that are there are carried by Ret’s hand of freedom and other CD’s. They have insufficient tools to be represented there.

They are similarly underrepresented in RBG’s for similar reasons. Insufficient survival/control tools.

That is just one area example of one spec.


It isn’t. I haven’t gone above a ten myself, but I will say this. Every class does well at heroic and normal raiding, no problem there, but once a certain threshold of difficulty is reached, you tend to notice certain classes dropping off the rosters while other specs and classes are squeezing out just a little bit more out of their toolboxes to deal with the content.

To me, this is problematic. It means that the design and math behind a spec has reached its zenith of effectiveness; the tools that worked so well before are no longer sufficient to meet the demands of the challenges that lie before you. It is limited. (BTW, I am fine with limits. No class should have everything with no weaknesses - which is why I am opposed to certain concepts - and a lot of the challenge in raid encounters are working around your spec’s limitations in order to get the payoff at the end. What I am opposed to is deliberately bad design that is intended to fall apart under certain conditions.)

I tend to think of it like the n00b tube in COD4 (I’m sure there are more COD games, but this is the one that’s seared into my head): so everyone can use it effectively, but there comes a point when the competition is savvy and smart enough to find ways around it, which is when you find that there are limitations to the tool that you cannot get around. Once that point is hit and other alternatives are forced upon you (hello, M-16 and P-90), you find that the grenade launcher is pretty danged useless going forward.

This is how I feel with MM sometimes. I’m not the best player, but I tend to run encounters that seem deliberately designed to screw it over in the harshest way possible (cough Rastakhan cough) which makes me wonder just how sufficient the spec will be in more difficult content. And this is just PVE - I can’t even imagine what must be running through the heads of PVP players who run MM.

Not really. I don’t sub anymore but its funny for the once of whenever I watch wow on twitch and you don’t see entire classes. How many months into the expac are we and they still haven’t balanced classes?

Of courses for people that main hunter, they are going to gripe about it on the hunter forums so its silly to post on here hunters aren’t special… its the hunter forums… where else are they going to post it. Burt posts on the dev. forum everyday and they ignore him so of course hunters are frustrated.

MM hunter is bottom of the barrel and subpar in multiple areas of the game. Rogues are the poster child for a class that has always been good at everything (Damage, Feint/Vanish/Cloak, and Shroud).

There isn’t a moment in this game where you think “we really need a hunter.” Rogues bring mechanics to skip mobs and mass aoe? That’s ridiculous and a good example of how the design philosophy has shifted to “haves” and “have nots.”

If you added mechanics to dungeons (not hard) and added utility unique to every class (previous expacs?) you would see more that world of roguecraft.

Rogues could literally keep everything they have now if the devs. imported some version of cata/mop/wod hunter but they refuse so the only thing youll see on here is animosity and unsubbed players.