[H/A/N-Rp] Event] Story Circle

In times of war and strife, it is important to still take the time to enjoy the quiet moments, to remember your history, and to learn of other cultures. And there is no better place to do as such than at Story Circle: A tradition that Wyrmrest Accord has seen for years!

Though the concept Story Circle is certainly not a unique one, and there have been many done through the years both on other servers and on Wyrmrest Accord, this Story Circle has gone on without fail for years upon years, near the formation of the server itself! First hosted by Earthspear, and now by the Wolfmane Tribe, the history of Story Circle could be a story itself! So come, join us in this tradition, and listen to some stories or even tell one of your own!

What is this?

This is the weekly Story Circle!

When is this?

Story Circle is every single week on Sunday, at 6:30 PST/ST!

Where is this?

Story Circle takes place in Bloodhoof Village always, unless otherwise stated! Specifically, up the hill from the bonfire near the graveyard!

Who is it for?

Since Story Circle takes place in Bloodhoof Village, NPCs are typically not going to be too friendly toward Alliance and as such we do advertise this as a Horde event. That said, if some friendly Alliance do happen to drop in and sit with the group, we certainly won’t turn them away! Though be aware you probably aren’t really going to understand the stories being told.


To carry on tradition!

Rules of Story Circle

We’re pretty laid back at Story Circle, but we still do ask for attendees to follow certain guidelines in order to show respect for storytellers!

  1. Stories MUST be PG-13. Follow Blizzard TOS and don’t be telling any naughty stories!

  2. No PVP at Story Circle! Even if there’s an Alliance that’s running around murdering all nearby NPCs, we request you don’t fight them as it can be highly disruptive to the speaker!

  3. I think it goes without saying, just don’t troll in general! It can be extremely upsetting when you finally work up the courage to tell a story and somebody starts dropping toys on you!

  4. While people are more than welcome to talk and emote during stories, please try not to overdo it and do avoid having an in-depth conversation about your wife and kids in /say while there is a story going on! Take such conversation to /party, please!

  5. Really, overall, just be respectful to the speaker!

  6. If you do not follow these rules, depending on what it is you’re doing, you may be blocked and reported.

  7. And to any onlookers that see someone behaving inappropriately during Story Circle, do not respond to them! It only encourages. If it is worthy of such, just report and ignore!

  8. Enjoy the stories! <3


Are only tauren welcome?

Nope! While the Circle is intended to expose more folks to tauren culture, anyone is welcome to show up and listen, or tell a story! We’ve had orcs tell stories of battles, trolls tell stories about their loa, pandaren tell old fables from their homeland, and more!

How long can stories be?

It is highly recommended to keep your story roughly 15 minutes or less! Though we understand if it goes a little over.

My story is way longer than 15 minutes! What do I do?

You can break it up into parts! Tell part 1 one week, and part 2 the next!

How many stories are told each week? How long do you accept storytellers?

Depends on how many volunteers we get, and we can have anywhere from 1 storyteller a week to 20 or even more! We go for as long as there are stories to tell! Or until the host passes out from exhaustion. So if you come in late, don’t hesitate to ask the host to tell a story!

Who is the host again?

The Wolfmane Tribe hosts Story Circle each week!

Do I have to tell a story?

Not at all! You can just sit and listen. Nothing wrong with that!

I want to tell a story but I have to go in half an hour, and I don’t know if the host will get to me before then!

Let the host know and they can bump you up a spot! We try to be flexible and if you need to go soon we can make you the next storyteller, or if you’re still making dinner we can move you back!

Also the new Story Circle Rotation is as follows…

Lorekeeper Baoshii June 9th
Elder Huwah June 16th
Brutus June 23rd
Head Brave Breutex June 30th

Lorekeper Baoshii July 7th
Elder Huwah July 14th
Brutus July 21st
Head Brave Breutex July 28th

Lorekeper Baoshii August 4th

Hope to see you all at Story Circle!


With a brand new post we get the announcement that Story Circle will be on hiatus on December 25th and January 1st due to the holidays!

The event will return on January 8th!

Another thing I found was a post about Story Circle from 2009 when Earthspear Tribe hosted it. This weekly event has been going on a long time!


Giving this a bump!

The last Story Circle before the holidays is tomorrow! The event will return in January!

Story Circle will be in over an hour!

Story Circle will be on hiatus for the holidays! See you all in January!

When we return I will be telling the story “The Eyes of the Earthmother” part 1 for our Dracthyr friends! As the story is rather long, there will be four parts which will be told in the following weeks! Hope to see you all there!

Love Story Circle.

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And we love you, Lyastei!

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I made a very brief appearance. So glad to see it’s still going on.


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Your appearance did not go unnoticed! We were very happy to see you make an appearance.

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I give Story Circle 10/10, very good

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Hey Karanga!

And totally agreed, Story Circle is the best!


The holiday hiatus is over! Story Circle returns this Sunday! Bring a story! Or don’t, I’m not your dad!

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First Story of the year! Look at all those beautiful characters!

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Im the big pink one :smiley:

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It’s that day again!

Story Circle has come to a close this evening!

It’s that time again! Breutex is not able to host but Baoshii will make sure the event takes place!