WrA Alliance RP guide

So I see the question a lot “how’s Alliance RP here” and as an Alliance WrA resident whos been here awhile and pretty much knows the in’s and outs of the server I thought I would make this sort of directory to help people get started.

Wyrmrest Community Project
The Wyrmrest Community Project is an absolutely fabulous way to connect with other RPers, find guilds, learn about upcoming RP events and more! I have been a member since its start and I have had nothing but positive interactions with this Discord. It’s exceptionally well managed, everyone’s very nice, and without a doubt a must-have if you are looking to learn the spirit of this server. This is THE place to make connections as well as find a guild that fits you.

[Year 40: Dragonscale]
Now here is a Discord I have had a lot of great interactions without in the world whenever I bump into them. Basically, its a coalition of players grouped up for campaigns that are related to the theme of the expansion (currently on Dragonflight). While I am usually too busy with my own guilds campaigns, I highly recommend this discord if you are interested in D&D style RP.

This zone is probably our most active RP hotspot and really kicks off later at night. Here you will find dedicated players who are regulars that make it feel really alive. Home to one of the most dedicated RPer’s and good friend Thomasbates who is easy to spot due to his ghostly appearance. Thomas regularly does patrols along the Duskwood road and is welcoming to any volunteers who wish to aid this spectral knight. Come by for both slice of life in the inn to spontaneous action in the dark forest.

Quilen & Cloud Teahouse
Slice of life and more relaxed cross faction environments your thing? Quilen & Cloud Teahouse run by a Pandaren RPer named Kunbo and friends is open every Sunday. Great way to have characters unwind and pass the time in a Pandaren-style tea house complete with a IC menu. Make sure to leave your troubles and weapons at the door!

Story Circle
Another weekly event is the Story Circle in Mulgore. This is another cross-faction event that takes place every Sunday where characters have a chance to tell an audience a story. I have sat in on many of these and it’s very interesting some of the creative ways players tell tales, sing, improve or even put on shows. While its mostly Horde regulars, everyone is very friendly IC and OOC.

Saturday tavern night
Hosted weekly by Ming at the Drunken Hozen in Dawns Blossom Pandaria, every Saturday nights at 4pm server. It is cross-faction friendly with a casual restaurant-themed atmosphere. I have seen this place grow a lot and it gets a pretty decent turn out every week I pop in.

Stormwind month guild fair
As the name suggests, we have a guild fair held on the last Friday of each month in the Cathedral District. This is a great place to find a guild or promote your own. I believe this is a fairly new event taking place so I would really like to help and get the ball rolling and get the word out to help this grow. We held events like this in the past but never scheduled so this is a great idea. More information can be found here [RP - A] Monthly Alliance Guild Fair! - #7 by Madarax-wyrmrest-accord

Here is what seems to trip everyone up who comes to this server Alliance side. They come to SW, see its empty and assume the server is dead. While Stormwind is for the most part no longer used on this server as a main hub, you can in fact spot people every now and then hanging out around various inn’s (I don’t recommend Trade district) and Lions rest. I would just not bank on being able to always find walk-ups here. Lately, however I have noticed more spontaneous events popping up here every now and then.

How are walk-ups Alliance side?
As mentioned above in the Stormwind section, walk-ups are rarer with the exception of Duskwood.

How are the guilds Alliance side?
All the RP guilds here are exceptional and honestly, I have not even heard of any guild drama from any of them in a pretty long time. The plus side to having a smaller population is everyone knows everyone there for people are more accountable. Give me a theme that fits your character and I can tell you a guild you might be interested in.

How are server events Alliance side?
Besides our weekly open events, joining the The Wyrmrest Community Project Discord really is the way to go for this. My favorite is the guild fair we hold, information on our last one we had here: [A] WCP Winter Alliance Guild Faire

How is the community Alliance side?
Friendly, tight-knit, creative, and minimal (if at all) drama. Quality vs quantity comes to mind as I have not see any cases of Godmoding, power gaming, metagaming, RP policing, events crashing, griefing, harassment, OOC gossiping, public ERPing or any other unfun/gross acts from the darker side of RP.

How are relations between Horde and Alliance side?
IC seems to for the most part follow the story of the armistice with a lot of emphasis on cross-faction RP. There are of course a few players who prefer the rivalry/conflict of the factions to be found if that’s more your thing.

Thank you for reading, I hoped this helped. If you have any questions for me I would be more than happy to answer and help.


A bit humbling to be included in the list with the larger, well-established events.

As to walk-up hubs … you could say the teahouse as well as many other events are designed to be such. There are enough opportunities for RP that someone could be busy meeting new people every night of the week I think.

I hope to see more posters here, extending the list Mo has started.


Thats a really good idea! This list is pretty much only from my experience and the RP events and locations I frequent. Would love to see people add to this because I am sure there is more then what I know.


Giving a bump for the weekend players. Happy Friday!


I mean. I COULD be there when you log in, if someone was willing to pay me a full time wage to roleplay. Unfortunately I need a thing called food so, day job it is.

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I’d advised against it. the bigots are rioting in the streets over there

We should probably stop sending Ally rpers over to MG if we want WRA to become balanced


Exactly, MG is so big that they’ve hit a critical mass of people that enable the server to have roleplayers at all times of the day. The real question is do you want to roleplay with those people? Maybe you’ll find good rp partners in the ocean, but personally I get overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. I’d rather not have to rely on Listener to do normal walk up rp, but that’s my personal opinion on the matter.

But I don’t want to be too negative and take away from Mo’s highlighting of our community, so I’ll end my rant on a very positive note! Duskwood has been bustling every evening for quite a while now, to the point of there being multiple personal character arcs going at the same time and seeing the Duskwood trp scan lit up in spots all over the map. Makes me a proud ghost dad.


I think the reason why many on the forums try to downplay this is that over the last couple of years, a lot of other people played it up so much that it became a lot more true than it had to be. A combination of creating RP opportunities, emphasizing the places and contexts in which WrA RP can be found, and not focusing on the places where it’s sparse is the only way WrA’s walk-up scene is ever going to regrow.

This list seems really helpful, and I hope people do add to it over time. I think someone has been doing some sporadic bar nights in Stormwind taverns; hopefully that becomes regular!


I will say one thing and one thing only about the state of MG for people who think its the place to be and are heading over:

You’ll find out :slightly_smiling_face:

In all honestly, I want as many people as possible to try both servers. I have played on every major RP server for a pretty long time on each. I am a very ‘see for yourself’ kind of person as experience beats word of mouth any day. If you like MG play on MG if you like WrA play on WrA, if you ask me whats better I will tell you to try both.

(And if you ask me for any warnings/heads up/red flags, well…that’s another story that I would rather not talk about in public)

I was hoping to kind of temper expectations for returning players while encouraging them that it was worth it to use the above resources, but clearly didn’t get that point across.

So I deleted the post and am now backing out of this thread, sorry for the misunderstanding.


Happy Sunday everyone

dont come to MG its a trap! unless you like RPing with growth pot dragons that enjoy swallowing people whole or that person with content in their profile that would put them on a list that bars them from living 5 miles from a school or shirtless alpha worgen that want to aggressively epic role play with people.


Been awhile, I feel like its a good time to give this a bump.


Me when someone asks why I stay on WrA Alliance

WrA Alliance is definitely small, but it adds to the sense of community that it has. Come to Duskwood.


Saaaaaaame! This 100% <3

Aw. This made me miss WRA so hard. :disappointed_relieved:

Hey Mö am I allowed to shout about the Guild Faire we are host every last friday of the month here?

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Of course! Send me the details!

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Updated OP with the guild fair included ^.^

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Another filthy moonguardian peeking in. FYI: ZHII IS BEST PANDAREN AAAAA

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