(H/A) {US-Dalaran} Bier Roulette Tues/Sun AOTC Raid times-8pm-11pm EST

Bier Roulette (US-Dalaran) is a casual but skilled raiding guild. We are looking for dps to fill spots for 10.2 who are interested in raiding/High end M+.

Raid Times:

Tuesday/Sunday 8-11pm EST.


Since it is a new season requirements are not as insane we like to see at least 430 ilvl with 4 set.

What We Need:

As of right now we have all raid buffs taken care of and all major roles we are looking for any and all DPS to help fill our spots. We expect you to have raid experience and willingness to learn fights and work with others.

Overall we are a guild that starts on Normal then progress through Heroic for the last 2 expansions since this guild has been formed we have hit AOTC quickly and easily.

If you are interested please reach out to Upyers#1313 on battle.net or just message in game.

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Hi man, I just send you a request, ferchohunter, I want to join the guild