Returning Player Looking For A Guild To Join


The name is Chaelin but I am called Chae or Shay. I have been playing since Vanilla but took breaks during some expansions as some do. About two months ago I returned to wow because I miss what it brings and with the new patch and especially the new expansion coming out.
This is what I bring to the guild or the table:
I have played all classes some more then others and every spec some I do like and some I don’t lol
I enjoy tanking and DPSing but if needed to heal I am fine with it as well.
My experience with classes and specs as well to help anyway I can because that is how I always have been even if it is to run dungeons, farming for mats or just to be a sacrificing lamb toward a monster or boss so you can grab the item you are seeking and run lol.
Yeah I have a sense of humor as you can tell. I would even be the one that will help out a guildie if they need help bettering themselves with gear or talents or to be practiced on.

What I don’t care for:
Guilds that talk their talk and don’t walk the walk. Especially ones with cliques and elistists. Don’t get me wrong I won’t talk bad about guilds I just hate being told your not a number and to get geared but then turn around they ignore you and laugh but says your dps sucks but you do what you need to do or when you speak up to run something and you get overlooked.

So yeah so sum it up I enjoy this game and would like to actually find a good guild that actually likes to have fun in the game and even in real life like movie nights, other games as well not just sticking to just wow.

BTW the ones I like playing are these:
Tank: Pally, Warrior and Druid
Healers: Pally, priest or druid
Dps: (Range) Hunter go go my dino crew lol, warlock, shadow priest and shaman
(Melee) Warrior feel my steel lol, death knight and shaman and pally.

Also I like raiding, mythics and PVP as well.

So any questions or comments or anything feel free to comment here and i will try to get back with you but bear in mind it is around the holiday time so it might be a little time before i can lol…

Hello Chaelin, I am with the Fearless Ones Guild we are a really new guild we are on Mok’Nathal looking for all classes we are wanting to have a friendly guild. you can reach me on discord Rogue_112 or my battlenet rogueapache #1664

Say the Thing on Illidan is recruiting for 10.2. We formed midtier in 10.1.5 and got to 3/9 mythic after putting up a heck of a war with the roster boss. We are looking for a few players to round out roster so that we 1) do not have roster issues this tier and 2) we make sure we have the strongest team we can. We are a midcore guild with plans of pushing mid-mythic or higher every tier. We are not pushing undergeared progression. We are a guild that does not welcome toxicity of any kind. We are planning on raiding Friday and Saturday 8pm EST to 10:30pm EST.
Do you want to play the game with people who don’t just raid log? Do you want to make jokes while you play and enjoy your time in game? Do you want to play with people who are focused on progression and making each other better? If you answered yes to these questions we might be the place for you. If all of this sounds good to feel free to reach out Bnet: Kippo#1334 Discord: IamKippo

Hello Chaelin.

I am the main officer of Bier Roulette-Dalaran we are a casual but skilled raiding guild that pushes high end Mythic plus keys. We raid normal/heroic and always hit AOTC for the past 2 expansions. Our raid times are Tuesday/Sunday 8pm-11pm EST. Here is a link to our recruitment forum; (H/A) {US-Dalaran} Bier Roulette Tues/Sun AOTC Raid times-8pm-11pm EST .

If you have any questions or interested please message me Bnet: Upyers#1313 or in game HolyChad

Weekly No Leavers is a 4/9 Mythic lead guild recruiting all roles for our Monday/Tuesday off-night raid starting in 10.2

When: Monday and Tuesday 9:00PM Eastern to 11:30PM Eastern

Priority Needs:
Mistweaver Monk

What we can offer:
• Experienced raid lead and officer core.
• Low tolerance for toxicity.
• We do not have any specific requirement for you to be on our server/in the guild.
• Raid leadership will come prepared with strats/healing CD timers/In-Game-Leading for each encounter.
• AOTC focused with Mythic progress pending on roster health.
• Feasts provided.
• We will perform log review with anyone whose performance is not up to the level we need to progress. Happy to help people get better if they want to get better.
• Solid raid environment where we progress at a good pace, people are accountable for their performance, and we have fun.

• Come prepared with appropriate gems/enchants/flasks/runes for your class.
• Logs will be reviewed weekly and you may receive feedback on areas for improvement.
• Actively work on gearing your character outside of raid.
• We start pulling at 9:00PM Eastern please be on and ready to pull at that time.
• We are not an alt-farm. Specifically early into our progress we expect that you will pick a class and stick to it for the duration of our AOTC push. Alts who are at equivalent or higher gear score will be considered, though some items may be restricted until mains have obtained them (specifically high value trinkets and weapons)
• If you aren’t having fun, reach out and let me know. We play video games to have fun, and I want this raid to be a conduit to you achieving that.

What I need from you:
• Reach out on Discord for a chat any time: _vanillagodzilla or in game: Debt#1988
• Let me know what class you want to play. We are actively recruiting all roles.
• Be prepared to share current logs. Does not need to be for the class you intend to play, but it will help us determine your current skill level.

Thanks for considering! We look forward to chatting with you.

Big Sad is a fresh guild on Dalaran aiming for AotC and Mythic prog in Amirdrassil, with the aim to go CE come War Within and beyond.

Our Goals
We know that building a fresh guild from the bottom up is a tough proposition, but we’re open to recruiting any returning (refugees) players who have aspirations to raid and push progression, as well as those who have raided prior at varying levels but now want to really experience the endgame more seriously. We’ll be aiming to push AotC ASAP in Amirdrassil as we field a roster, and then move into Mythic.

We’re not aiming for anything lofty like top 500, but we would like to comfortably clear the raid before the next one releases. We don’t intend to be a stressful environment or make raiding feel like a second job, but we do want to take it seriously and push for progression when it’s time to raid.

As a raider, we’re expecting you to be comfortable with your chosen class and keeping up with your rotation and talent trees. Know which talents and skills are needed for each boss and how best to go into the encounter.

Being that we’re a fresh guild, we’re effectively looking to recruit DPS and a few more healers. The aim is to put together a competitive roster while still allowing people to play the classes/specs they enjoy most.

Primarily, we still need to fill out classes with raid utility, and of course the big bois themselves, Aug Evokers.

Our raid days/times are currently set as Tues/Wednesday from 8pm to 11pm EST.

Contact Info
If you’re interested in being on the ground floor of this guild and helping us build bigger and greener pastures, please feel free to contact me or my officer Curt about joining.

GM: ilovetsunderes (Discord) - Dramamine#1818 (Bnet) - IGN: Vayr
Officer: curtwright (Discord) - Curtwright#1584 (Bnet)

I am currently recruiting for group 2 of my guild. Never Raid Sober
We raid Monday/Tuesday 9pm Est till midnight est.

Tanks: closed (confident dps with tank offspec would be enjoyed)
Healers: pres evoker with confidence as augment or dev. Or resto shaman with confidence as enhance.
DPS: huge need of enhance shaman and any other ranged.

Chill atmosphere with the goal to push CE but have a fun time doing so.
We like to hang out, shoot the crap and learn from our mistakes.
Any questions let me know, contact me!

Discord: tanatithe
Bnet: tanatithe#1976

Thanks, hope to hear from new recruits!

Ps. Will jeed to xfer to area 52 for mythic prog.

Greetings Chaelin!

Welcome back! If I understood correctly, you love to play nearly everything and don’t want to be lied to. Seems reasonable to me!

Here is the honesty: We are rebuilding, and that is mostly because I stupidly stopped recruiting (the raid was full), a clique formed, and then one of them got into a tiff with the GM, left, and the others followed, basically taking 2/3 of the raid team with them. That means that progression is going to be slow until the new team gets acclimated with each other.

If getting in on a mostly fresh raid team appeals to you, check us out!

Guild information:

WARCRAFT is a highly active, raiding guild on the merged realms of Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh, and we are recruiting!

AOTC focused Guild established in March of 2015. We have nearly every AOTC since Highmaul and usually dip our toes into mythic.

We are rebuilding! Core spots available. We are looking for reliable players to push progression and end game content.

The raid schedule:
Tuesday 8:30p-11:30p EST
Thursday 8:30p-11:30p EST

You are expected to be on time with flasks, pots, enchants, gems, and smiles. If you need something, just ask! We are a TEAMWORK-oriented guild.

The atmosphere:

We offer a highly active, social, teamwork oriented, adult environment. We believe in player development, including gearing and training players without elitism or cliques. We do not have any ilvl requirements to join our guild. Gear can be easily obtained, but good people are priceless. :slight_smile:

“Special snowflake” accommodations, safe spaces, and “preferred pronouns” not available. Must understand the difference between helping and having control issues. If ex-military leadership causes triggers or meltdowns, this is probably not the guild for you.

Guild Discord server available for your voice chatting needs.

Contact information:
Zoobee-Khadgar (First Officer) (zoobee#1855)

Hey Chea :slight_smile:

<The Eternal Guardians, Proudmoore-US> is a new guild recruiting members of all levels of game play, If you’re new to it or even someone who pushes into high M+ all are welcome. we are recruiting all roles for Amidrassil. So if you’re looking for a place to call home please give us a shot :slightly_smiling_face:
DM me here for more info :slightly_smiling_face:
or contact me on discord or bnet