[H/A] [Hyjal] From Nothing - AOTC - Life First - Tues 6-9PM PST - we're recruiting!

< From Nothing > - Hyjal - US - is recruiting and looking for members!

Hey everyone! From Nothing is a guild that was founded right here on these very forums over 3 years ago and we’re still going strong! We started as a fully horde guild, but are completely open to both factions on Hyjal!

We are a guild that has worked our way up to and now have achieved AOTC the past few patches, but we do take a little bit different approach to our raiding and schedule. We are looking for people that fit into our approach in regard to what they want from a guild, raids and mythic plus!

We are what I like to call a life first guild - as in we fully understand that people have lives outside of the game - and as much as we love WoW, it’s not our first priority. We’re understanding of people schedules, commitments, and overall passions. We include everyone who wants to come with us in our normal raids, and may make changes to that structure as we move to heroic. We strive to be as inclusive as possible with our raids. With that, here is some important information about how we raid:

  • We love to have fun! We bring silliness and shenanigans to our raid nights, with lots laughs and groans. We also know and understand when to focus on what we’re doing.
  • We achieved AOTC in the past three tiers (Aberus, Incarnates, and SoFo).
  • We raid one night a week, Tuesdays 6PM - 9PM PST (server time)
  • We clear normal raid first and then move to heroic, we don’t skip normal.
  • Because of the above and the one night a week schedule, we typically do not achieve AOTC early in the tier. It is something we work toward throughout the tier, and while we do achieve it, its the “life first” pace that is different than many others.
  • We are not a guild that regularly “re-clears” heroic. We may do so a couple times, or may do the skip a couple times once we have it to kill the end boss to help those who maybe didn’t get AOTC with us on the first kill, but we often are not doing full reclears on any regular basis due to our one-night a week schedule. We do continue reclearing what we can in our parameters after we get AOTC, as most of our folks just like to raid that night, regardless!

We are looking for like minded individuals who understand and respect the meaning of a life first guild. We are an accepting and open guild for all, and expect others to respect each other as such. We’re a group of professional adults with families and life commitments, and we like to come together to play WoW.

We also run a lot of M+! With numerous groups of people enjoying the content and playing regularly. While we don’t have a scheduled mythic plus night, you can often find people available to play with.

Our discord is active and where the majority of our chatter and communication exists!

Due to the above with being a life first guild, with professional adults, our overall peak playtimes are Mondays-Thursdays between 5p-9p PST (server). Friday evenings and weekends are always up in the air with how busy and active they may be, given the nature of our guild.

We are looking for all folks who feel they may fit in with the way we do things as described above. Regardless of if you raid or not. If you think that’s you, please reach out, we’d love to talk to you!

With the above said, since parameters exist for roles with raiding, if you are looking to raid with us we are looking for the following roles:

DPS/Healer Flex (you probably would be more often DPS)

If you made it this far, I hope you may consider joining us and giving us a try! Please contact one of us below:

Guild Master: Discord - _kawi : In-game - Kawii/Jaxsi/Awizzle
Officer: Discord - mooid : In-game - Moöid
Officer: Discord - malachite9142 : In-game - Mâl/Mâlaise

We look forward to hearing from you and joining our fun!


We enjoy playing the game together, having fun, and making bad jokes. If play to the best of our abilities, and have fun while doing it! Come check us out :slight_smile:

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Join the shenanigans! Push content in a low stress environment with a focus on fun!

Still looking for folks to join our fun times! :slight_smile:

If you’re looking for fun times, call 1-800-Join-uss. Our Hallow’s End costume contest starts this weekend!

We’re still looking for some folks to join our fun! Hallow’s end costume contest is ON! :smiley:

I had to bring my kid to the hospital for peekaboo…they were admitted to the ICU.

Come raid with us for serious cutting edge comedy like that!

Yes come join us for amazing comedy such as this!! :flushed:

In honor of Hallow’s End it’s “Posts that go Bump in the Night!”

There’s a guild rumor that someone is going to be acquiring Forsaken Heritage Armor. Come join us to find out if it ever happens! :upside_down_face:

This is just brutal… who could it be?! Come join us for the mystery and silliness!

Come join the union!

Come check us out, chat, have fun and join us! :smiley:

Join us for the fun, stay for the friends!

We’re still looking for a few more - come join the shenanigans and fun! If you read this post and this far, I think you may be a good fit! :slight_smile:

First raid last night was awesome! Don’t miss out on the next one!

Still looking for a couple more with a “life first” mentality like ours! Reach out and talk to us, we’ll have fun! :smiley:

Hello Everyone, I have been trying to contact someone from the guild to talk more about joining you guys, but im having issues contacting people.

discord ; ki11switchxt