At <Metric>, our goal is simple: kill bosses and have fun. We’re a semi-casual guild with a focus on AOTC (while leaving the door open for mythic raiding as a fun bonus for those that are interested), and we want to expand our roster with players who want to help us get that every raid.
- Nerub-ar: AOTC + 3/8M
- Liberation: 8/8N 3/8H
Raid Information:
- Friday 9pm-12am EST (6-9pm PST)
- Sunday 4-7pm EST (1-4pm PST)
Alt/Event (Optional)
- Saturday 8-11pm EST (5-8pm PST)
We’re looking for:
For those who don’t to raid, we are also accepting those who want to just hang out or do M+!
You may be a good fit if:
- You want focus and progression, but are not looking to make this into a full-time job
- You want an atmosphere that’s chill but knows that when it’s time to kill a boss, you gotta buckle down
- You have a solid handle on your class, and you do what you can to help the raid out.
- You fit into a group of mature folks who understand there is no room for any form of harassment or toxicity.
Please reach out with character links/logs.
- Corraine#1978
- Discord: cloe.nd
We got Slugefist and Generals down yesterday, bringing us to 9/10H! Also adding a new learning normal raid night on Saturdays, 8-11pm EST for all you returning/new players 
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Still looking for all (with strong emphasis on healers and tanks!)
Still looking for any and all roles 
morning bump! (something something early bird?)
Heyo, I’m currently in a guild that’s progressing slowly through normal on the weekends, but been wanting to start heroic progression (it seems decided that they don’t want to go beyond normal for now). If it’s required I be in your guild, I can do that, so long as it’s fine I still help out my current group! The schedules don’t conflict at all.
If this sounds okay (and I totally understand if you don’t want someone split between two groups!), I’m a Shadow Priest that’s fully cleared normal and am trying my best to pug out heroic with little luck. Feel free to contact me on discord: Maid Butler#0801 or on bnet as Wolf#112151
Added you on discord! We can discuss more there 
Still looking for the highly elusive tanks and healers. DPS get bonus points for being flex (though warning! you’d probably be in the other role for a time)
Updated recruitment requirements — now only seeking non-BDK tanks (especially VDH!) and non-paladin, non-priest healers.
If you’re returning/haven’t raided this tier, don’t worry! We have a learning normal raid to fix that 
Looking for one ranged dps now! Mages preferred
Expanding the search to also include hunters, dhs, enh shaman, and rogues!
evening/late afternoon bump (depending on where you are)
Bump for the best M+ Holy Paladin that BoPs in record speed bad melee who pull aggro.
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Just keeping me on my toes